It’s for your own good preview

Chapter 3

He was groaning on the couch. She said nothing but went up to him and started playing with his fat belly. Then she started undoing his belt and buttons.
“What are you?”
She kissed him to get him to shut up. She made her way down to the underside of his belly.
“Ooooojhhh fuck!”
She fucked him hard grinding into his fat belly. She grabbed at it and slapped it and jiggled it.
“You are so huge.”
“You are so tight.”
She started to lose it. Her last thought was of her own belly growing.
“Holy shit that was amazing!”
“Well I need you to have more of an appetite.”
It was the last stuffing:
“Oh my god look at this belly. You are so fucking flabby.”
“Urrrrp it’s not my fault.”
“Hmmm well I guess this part isn’t your fault. But you could have said no.”
“Wait mhhhhgggh.”
“Yeah that’s right piggy you didn’t have to go through with this. You could have just said no and then worked out on your own.”
“But urrrrp ugh oh god it hurts.”
She poked his mushy tummy that was bulging out everywhere. It was about to press into the table.
“Of course it hurts. You have been eating non stop.”
“That’s cause mhhhggghh.”
“Cause you have no self control. You just can’t stop eating and eating. And your big belly is a bulging mass of dough now. You are so out of shape you are getting out of breathe eating.”
“Fuck. It’s too much.”
“Come on the punishment will be over soon.”
I burped loudly and my gut burst out of my jeans and far into my lap.
She shoved more in my mouth.
“That’s it keep going. Let’s see how much you can hold.”
Three hours later:
“Fuck oh my god!”
“Yeah fat boy that’s it give to me!”
“Fuck I’m getting tired.”
She flipped me on my back. My gut jiggled endlessly. She slapped it.
“God you are such a pig. Such an out of shape pile of lard. You are getting tired from fucking your girlfriend.”
“I’m so full.”
“I know. You are so fat. There isn’t any more muscle here. You are a pure fat piggy.”
She was holding my thick doughy sides.
“I’m so fat.”
“I know but you are gonna lose it all.”

Two weeks in:
“What is this crap?”
I sighed.
“It’s my flabby belly.”
“Okay but what is it stuffed with?”
“It doesn’t feel like nothing.”
To be honest I had stuffed myself to the point of feeling sick during my lunch break. I hit up every fast food restaurant.
“Chill out.”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 6 months
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GrowingLoveH... 6 months
I always adore your stories!

I'm glad there are a few free ones on here. Thank you.