Gimme chocolate

Chapter 2

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Lisa got up from her dark sheeted bed after 8 hours of sleep feeling sluggish still. She was wearing her black night gown as she slowly got up to the edge of the bed. The Goth gazed at her pudgy belly pooch bulging against her night gown a bit as the girl sighed that she still wasn't losing weight. In fact, as she got up stepping on the scale, she learned she had gained 6 more pounds from last month putting her at 166 pounds now. She noticed her E cup breasts and pot belly were looking large on her 5 ft 5 in frame. Lisa's arms were looking meaty along with her thighs appearing plumper. Her bigger butt felt jigglier as she walked along with her wide hips as she had more sway in her stride. She even felt a second chin beginning to appear if she looked down as the girl grimaced at her chubby figure.

She just wasn't having luck exercising or keeping her hands off her own creations. She hoped she wasn't addicted to them like Heather was lately. She took off her night gown and put on her black skirt with only her bra on. The skirt was giving her a hard time lately when she got dressed, but today it was a struggle. She did a dance getting her skirt up her flabby cheeks as she pulled her waist band over her supple hips. Then she looked down and saw a pale sizable pot belly between her undone flabs as she sighed. Lisa began tugging her flabs grunting to reach past her tummy as she wondered if Heather had similar issues with her wardrobe.

"Come on fit, I'm not that fat," Lisa sighed.


"Come on fit you dumb skirt," Heather wined as she tugged on her pencil skirts flabs hard panting a bit.

The blonde grunted as her belly pooch got in her way. Heather laid back on her bed as she pulled her flabs more sweating a bit. Then after some tugging, she got it buttoned catching her breath after all the girls struggling. When she sat up the blonde had a sizable muffin top proofing over her waist as she grimaced holding one of her love handles sighing poking her tummy.

"I need to get larger clothes soon. I'm starting to outgrow everything."

Heather then got her blouse on which was looking tight with the bottom buttons having some decent gaps reaching over her budding paunch that peaked over her belt slightly. Heather stepped on her scale to see 186 pounds past her pooch. Another 11 pounds added to her thickening 5ft 9in figure. She grimaced fondling the bottom of her growing pot belly like a stress ball. Her hourglass was also growing too as she got wider in the hips, butt, and larger boobs. Her chunkier thighs were also touching up top now making her blush.

"Gosh, I'm getting so fat so quickly, I'm looking so flabby now. I need to control myself better," Heather frowned as her belly loudly growled for breakfast making her blush.


Soon Heather came into work wearing her glasses and tight outfit walking in her heels feeling like a sausage in casing almost. She sat in her armchair on her softer butt spreading a bit with a decent amount of wiggle room starting her day. Lisa came in with her black outfit on with her heeled boots towards the end of the day. She smirked seeing her accountant wearing very tight clothes. To think she was a bit loose in that outfit 3 months ago when she started and now it was looking strained a bit on her pudgier body.

"Hey Heather, I think you need new clothes soon, those are looking really tight," Lisa grinned poking the accountant's belly.
"Yeah, I'm growing so fast I didn't notice how bad it was till today. I had a fight with my skirt trying to get it closed this morning," Heahter blushed.
"Did you win?" Lisa giggled.
"Barely," Heather sighed.
"I know, we can go to the mall after and get new clothes together. I need a bigger outfit too, my skirt was giving me problems as well," Lisa sighed patting her own chubby pooch sighing.
"Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the one getting fat here," Heather giggled poking Lisa's tummy bulge making the goth blush.
"I just can't say no to my own sweets lately. I need to work out, maybe we can exercise together one day," Lisa smiled.
"Sure, I'm down," Heather smiled as she took the bag of chocolate bars Lisa had for her as she started eating them.
"By the way I noticed how much more profit my business was making these last few months and I wanted to thank you, I should be able to start expanding the factory soon," Lisa smiled.
"Your, burp welcome," Heather beamed.

Heather continued eating the chocolate bars as she licked her lips moaning as she rubbed her belly. When she finished them all she was surprisingly not full. In fact, she was hungry for more. To think when she first started the job she was getting bloated from the same portions. Heather then dropped a pen by accident as she went to pick it up for her to hear a popping sound. Lisa smirked as she saw Heathers 2 bottom buttons on her blouse had come off revealing her pale belly bulge peaking over her belt as the blonde blushed.

"Oh my, you can borrow one of my skirts for now, you should fit into one of my larger shirts. Looks like your buttons were holding on for dear life," Lisa giggled.
"Yeah, that sounds good, Gosh, this is embarrassing," Heather said quietly getting up for Lisa to see a rip on the back of her skirt as well.
"Ripped your skirt too?" Lisa smirked.
"I did," Heather said turning red covering her face in shame.
"It's ok, let's go to the mall to get you bigger clothes," Lisa smiled patting the blonde's head.


A couple days after their visit for new clothes the girls went to the gym in their recently bought gym outfits. They were working out together on treadmills running. Heather was wearing blue shorts that showed off her juicier thighs and a white shirt that her belly bulged against. The blonde noticed as each month went by that she was getting more out of shape and sluggish as she did her exercises. She saw her muscles were nowhere to be seen, covered and eroded by the sugar she was eating. It was like she was growing weaker and more tired as she consumed more chocolate. All her exercising was delaying the inevitable at this rate.

As she jogged on the treadmill she felt and saw her breasts and belly jiggling up and down as she made her steps. It was slowing her down and weighing on her a bit. Heather noticed she got out of breath a lot faster now. Looking at Lisa in her black shorts and red top, she wasn't doing any better than Heather. The goth girl was gasping for air after running 5 minutes. Clearly Lisa never really used the gym before not used to sweating so much. After the girls got off the treadmills gasping for air, they giggled at each other's winded condition. The girl's poked each other's bellies calling each other out of shape fatties as they decided to call it a night when they heard their tummies growl. This made Lisa suggest dinner at her place as Heather agreed nodding. Heather stared at Lisa's smile and blushed glad to be spending time with her.

"Heather is that you?"

Heather turned around and sighed seeing one of her old cheerleaders she knew in college walking towards her smirking. The girl's name was Gabby and she had red hair going down her shoulders framing a pretty face. She was wearing a pink shirt and white shorts as her outfit showed off her nice hourglass figure. Heather saw she hadn't changed much from college besides the new starter belly peaking over her shorts that wasn't there back then.

"Hi Gabby, what have you been up too?" Heather asked.
"Oh, I'm a secretary now and I've got a boyfriend, what about you," Gabby smiled looking at her old head captains sizable pot belly.
"I'm an accountant for a chocolate factory," Heather said.
"I see, it certainly shows, you've been having too many samples or something. You look like you've gained quite a bit of weight since college," Gabby giggled patting the blondes belly making her turn red.
"Yeah, I've been putting on the pounds thanks to all the chocolate I'm eating. I must look like such a pig," Heather sighed.
"Yeah, you've really let yourself go. Your so frumpy now, you've really fallen from grace since college. You better be careful or you're going to get really fat," Gabby smirked.

Then Gabby gasped when she felt someone grab her belly pooch. She looked up to see Lisa smiling next to her.

"You better watch out too, you probably got this belly from eating at your desk too much no," Lisa giggled.
"Rude, gosh, this is just some love chub probably. At least I'm not a bunch of porkers like you two, bye," Gabby said looking annoyed as she walked away with a stride.
"Thanks for that, Lisa, she used to be on my cheerleader team and always talked behind my back," Heather stated.
"I see, why are some girls like that. Don't listen to her though, your beautiful even with the new weight," Lisa grinned.
"Thanks," Heather smiled blushing.
"Alright, now let's get some food, I'm starving," Lisa beamed.


As the weeks passed, Heather was 4 months into the year as she was a third of the way done but was now already 42 pounds heavier from when she started. Heather was sitting in her office as she grabbed her now full-fledged pot belly and fondled it sighing. After her clothing incident she had upgraded to a bigger size that fit on her loosely. But now that she was 12 pounds heavier her outfit was beginning to feel a tad snug at 197 pounds. It was official, but she was now definitely looking like a chubby girl like her gothic friend. She saw her belly was now touching her upper soft thighs a bit now. She felt her boobs too as they had grown to D cup recently making her feel like a cow with udders giving her some nice cleavage in some of her shirts. The girl's hips were continuing to widen as her butt filled out more behind her giving her a thick booty to sit on now. She also felt a slight double chin if she looked down below her slightly filled in face with grimace.

Lisa came in with her black hair in pigtails smiling as she had some new chocolate egg candies. Heather's belly growled as she took the basket of sweets from Lisa as she began chowing down fast like a slobby pig. While hanging around Lisa more was nice, she was consuming more chocolate thanks to her friend's habit's rubbing off on her. She would get caught up in their time together and end up eating a lot of chocolate until she felt heavy with a bloated tummy.

"You must be hungry. You're eating so fast," Lisa smirked.
"Yeah, I was starving," Heather sighed.
"So, you told me your approaching 200 pounds," Lisa giggled.
"Yeah, I'm already so burp, overweight," Heather said turning red as she ate more out of the basket getting chocolate on her lips.
"How are you doing mentally though?" Lisa asked taking notes.
"Well, I've noticed some changes in my routine, I'm cutting back on exercising. It's just getting more tiring to do after work. I don't have the same energy as I used to and I'm feeling more sluggish. I think I'm getting lazier," Heather stated as she let out a fart.
"Anything else?" Lisa asked giggling.
"Yeah, my cravings for chocolate are getting very strong lately. I eat it often now, but I still don't at home. Though sometimes my belly wakes me up and growls craving the stuff. It's getting hard to resist it's demands. It's bigger now, so it wants to be fed more often. Also, it takes more to fill up my tummy now. My willpower is starting to wane," Heather sighed.
"You make it sound like your belly has a mind of its own or something, like it's taking control. Well, you're coming along nicely my cute blossoming fat girl," Lisa giggled.
"Yeah, I'm going to probably have a lot of weight to lose after this year is up, but I'll have a million dollars burp," Heather smiled as she ate more candy.

Soon Heather finished the basket of chocolate eggs and then Heather did something that Lisa didn't expect. She asked for more as she held her growling belly still hungry for sweets. Lisa smiled as she took Heather to the place that would quell her appetite. Heather smiled as she stepped into the candy room licking her lips. Soon Heather was eating a huge chocolate mushroom to herself as Lisa nibbled a bit on some vines of chocolate. She watched as the blonde begin to loosen her belt as her belly began to bulge out tight. Soon Heather was full as she undid her belt and skirt. The girl rubbed her very bloated belly belching with Lisa giggling at her friend's gluttony. She laid back on the grass sighing not wanting to get up with her stuffed tummy rising up and down from her breathing. Lisa laid next to her as she talked to her friend till the blonde took a nap, sleeping off her indulgence.


Later the girls went to Heather's house for a change as they watched a movie. Heather was in jeans and a white shirt while Lisa was in a black dress with stockings. Lisa smirked as she saw her friend mindlessly eating more chocolate while watching the movie even after her binge in the chocolate room. The accountant ex cheerleader was certainly getting comfortable in her new life for sure. To think this girl used to diet and exercise all the time outside of work. Now that was all falling apart slowly, but surely as she grew lazier.

Lisa looked at her friend's pot belly as she smirked and then she looked at her own comparing it to her friends sighing as she realized they were both chubby now. The goth girl had gained 7 pounds as she weighed 173 pounds now. She really needed to cut back on the tasting somehow or stop eating so much with her friend all the time. Lisa thought Heather looked very attractive when they met. She thought over the months though that she would start to not be interested when the blonde girl began putting on the weight. But instead, she thought Heather was even cuter all pudgy somehow. She of course loved Heather more as she got to know her, but she wondered if she was attracted to fat girls or something. She remembered the Willy Wonka movie and recalled the blueberry girl expanding. The goth blushed looking at Heather as she imagined her fatter for some reason.

"What are you thinking about," Heather grinned catching her friend looking at her.
"Um, Blueberries," Lisa blushed.
"Well, that's random. You're probably thinking about how fat I look lately right. I saw you looking at my chunky belly. To think I was the head cheerleader. Gabby was right how fat I've gotten. Imagine if I tried to fit in that uniform now," Heather giggled.
"Maybe you could try, just for kicks," Lisa grinned.
"I don't think so. I'm probably too fat now to fit," Heather blushed.
"If you try it on, I'll give you double the chocolate you usually get tomorrow, please," Lisa pleaded giving her puppy dog eyes as she saw Heather giggle.
"How can I say no to that face, and I get more chocolate. Ok, deal," Heather smirked as she got up grunting.

Lisa was amazed she changed her friends mind so easily with the promise of more chocolate as she giggled. Heather went into the bathroom after finding her old uniform and then Lisa began hearing grunting and a struggle going on. The blonde came out looking a bit sweaty as Lisa gasped seeing her panting friend red in the face in her college uniform. Her red skirt was a bit tight on her as her butt looked packed in there. Her blue shirt looked silly on the blonde girl as the hem didn't reach her waist as the bottom half of her belly peeked out with her hefty pale spare tire exposed. Lisa got up giggling as she poked the bottom of Heather's belly.

"Aw you look so cute in that uniform," Lisa giggled.
"You mean fat," Heather blushed poking her own belly making it jiggle.
"I know, you should do some dancing, like you did in college. You want that chocolate right," Lisa grinned.
"You're lucky your cute," Heather stated as she began doing her old routine for Lisa.

The goth was amused as she saw the blonde's belly and boobs jiggling with every movement she made. Then soon the girl was beginning to get out of breath as she panted. She got more winded until she had enough collapsed on the couch with the goth as they both heard a ripping sound. Heather blushed as the side of her skirt had ripped. Lisa began laughing as Heather giggled too.

"Welp, I guess I got too fat for cheerleading," Heather smiled.
"Yep, imagine if more of your old team members could see you now, they would probably burst out laughing calling you a piggy. Alright, you get more chocolate tomorrow for being a good sport. See you tomorrow," Lisa smirked as she grunted getting up making her exit.

Heather sighed as she heard her belly growling again as she smirked patting her pooch. Heather then got her phone looking at an old photo of herself in her cheerleading outfit looking slim. Then she looked down at herself wearing the same uniform now with it looking tight with her pale belly sticking out over her skirt.

"God, I'm getting fat."


Later on, Lisa went to her apartment after taking the elevator since the stairs to the second floor were beginning to tire her out more lately. Lisa went into her room and stripped down to her underwear with her butt eating her black laced panties and her bra barely containing her breasts. Her belly pooch sagged over her waistline resting on her thick thighs as she played with it. Then she remembered the blueberry girl she was thinking about before while looking at her belly. She typed in the scene from Willy Wonka as she began watching it. Lisa began feeling hot as she saw the girl in the movie expand to such lengths. Then she googled can fat be attractive and then she saw pictures of fat girls as she began down a rabbit hole of wonder. She saw websites that celebrated fat girls and gaining weight.

Lisa couldn't believe her eyes looking at all obese girls while touching her own flabby belly panting a bit as she nibbled on some chocolate. As Lisa kept looking at the websites, she began squirming her thick legs moaning a bit. The girls all looked so sexy to her. She could feel her belly beginning to feel full as she filled it up with sweets while getting lost in her new discovery. She continued looking as she fondled her bloated belly and put her hand on her jiggly plump thigh panting as she ate faster belching.

Then she thought of Heather as the goth imagined her fatter again like before as she panted. The goth gasped as she looked down past her belly to see a slight dark spot on her panties. Lisa realized she really was attracted to fat girls and most importantly she realized she really had a crush on Heather. She liked her from the beginning thanks to how much they had in common, and how smart she was with money, and how cute she looked, especially with the added pounds. But Lisa didn't know how to approach the blonde about this or if she should at all. She nibbled on more chocolate as she thought about it till, she was stuffed belching.

There's no way she would be interested in me like that right, Lisa thought rubbing her bloated tummy.
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?