Gimme chocolate

Chapter 11

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"Dodge this Lisa," Heather smiled mashing the buttons on her controller.

"Stop spamming," Lisa laughed.

Then Heather tickled Lisa's large belly as she paused the game giggling.

"Stop, ha, thats cheating," Lisa giggled tickling Heathers huge belly back as the girls giggled.

"I give," Heather smiled as Lisa kissed her cheek.

The girls were playing the fighting game again as they sat on the couch taking up a lot of space with their wide hips. The game continued on until Heather beat Lisa as she smiled.

"Ha, I won finally," Heather stated throwing her controller raising her thick arms in the air as her red shirt rode up her belly a bit.

"Beginners luck," Lisa smirked.

"Best two out of three," Heather smiled.

"You're on," Lisa grinned.

It had been two months since the experiment had ended for Heather as she continued her role as an accountant, but now she didn't have to eat candy anymore after her shifts. She was also trying to get back in the gym again. Not that it mattered since the blonde still ate a lot of chocolate regardless. Also exercising was now very hard on her as she had so much extra weight to carry now along with her muscles having been almost completely atrophied away. Her weight was still climbing up just as fast sitting at 346 pounds. She had signed up for therapy to help control her addiction. Though Heather knew deep down she was going to have an addiction for a while, but she could try to keep it in check. But a year of eating tons of chocolate everyday had made her brain conditioned and hardwired to want it. If Heather didn't know better, she could have sworn her cravings were actually getting stronger thanks to her greedy belly wanting to be filled.

For Lisa she was sitting at 265 pounds putting on over 100 pounds since she met Heather. When Lisa had truly stuffed herself with the chocolate river, she had begun to start eating more. Heather was beginning to see a bloated Lisa more often lately. Her lover was definitely starting to love chocolate almost as much as the chocoholic blonde. Then the girls heard their bellies growling for food as they giggled grunting to stand for lunch.


Gabb y and Carmen heard their bellies growl as they smiled with Carmen beginning to cook lunch for Gabby. The lazy red head watched TV on her side with a yellow shirt on with red shorts as they felt tight on her 223-pound figure. Just like the other girls Gabby was continuing to put on weight as she nibbled on too many sweets at her job while eating big meals with her lover. The girl had a gut that was sagging on the cushion in front of her as she laid like a model. Gabby's thighs were full with her hips looking wide on her side with her butt looking packed in her trunk. The red heads breasts looked like full melons lately as she had a lot of cleavage. The girl's face was also rounding as a double chin rested on her jaw. Gabby was looking like the out of shape ex cheerleader she was, feeling lazy and lethargic.

Then she sat up with her belly resting on her lap as she saw Carmen come in with a pot of chocolate sauce along with chicken. She took off her apron wearing a blue shirt that clung to her curves and a flowy skirt. Carmen was also gaining more pounds as she weighed 189 pounds gaining 38 pounds since she started at the factory. The Latino girl was chubby and overweight from her lover's habits rubbing off on her. Carmen's face was starting to look filled in slightly along with her breasts competing in size with Gabby's with her ass looking juicy as heck. The girl's hourglass with her wide hips were prominent, along with her now full-fledged pot belly peeking out in front of her jiggling with her steps. Her thighs also looked delicious as they began to touch up top.

"What's that love? smells good," Gabby asked.

"It's called Mole, it's food from where I come from. I made a chocolate one for you cutie," Carmen smiled.

She grabbed some chicken and dipped it in the mole sauce as she brought it to Gabby's lips. The red head opened her mouth as the chocolate goodness went past her lips as she smiled moaning.

"Thats dam good, wow. I never thought chocolate and chicken could go together," Gabby smiled.

"Glad to hear, now here comes more," Carmen smiled as she fed more to the red head.

Soon the girl was feeling a bit stuffed as her gut felt bloated. Her shirt rose up a bit as she felt her shorts were feeling tight giving her a big, bloated muffin top. The red head looked so helpless and cute with her lips covered in chocolate. Carmen herself had some bites too with her belly a bit bloated as she grinned. She kissed Gabby getting on top of her soft lap as their big boobs and soft bellies touched as they held each other. Carmen could taste the sauce on their kiss getting some on her own. Then Carmen grabbed Gabby's belly patting it a bit smiling.

"My, your belly sure is growing large lately. I wonder how this all ended up on your middle," Carmen grinned kissing her belly making Gabby blush.

"I got greedy with sweets. Also, you didn't help feeding me all the time. I know you like me all fat," Gabby said embarrassed.

"I do cutie, but you had a belly even before I came into your life. It seems you can't help yourself around food. Didn't you used to be a cheerleader. Gosh, you've let yourself go girl. If the other girls from the team could see how fat you've gotten, they'd call you flabby Gabby," Carmen smiled poking her belly and hips making Gabby turn very red.

"Gosh you love making fun of how fat I've gotten don't you. You've gotten chunky too over the last few months," Gabby panted poking Carmen's belly pooch.

"I know you're a bad influence on me, were both making each other fat and it's so hot," Carmen smiled.

She grabbed the cooled down sauce pot of mole as she brought it to Gabby's lips.

"If you eat the rest of this, I'll reward you piggy," Carmen grinned.

Then Gabby grabbed the pot on her own as she began gulping down the sauce. The girl's belly began to get to full and tight as her shorts undid themselves from the pressure. Carmen licked the girl's belly button as Gabby moaned drinking faster. Then Carmen heard a loud moaning of pleasure coming from Gabby as she knew she had made her lover very happy. Soon Gabby put the pot down almost finishing the rest as she held her bloated belly burping like crazy.

"Burp, oh god, I can't believe you made me eat all that. Are you trying to make me fat?" Gabby sighed giggling as she let out a fart.

"Maybe, what do you think piggy?" Carmen smirked slapping the red heads belly making her moan all over again.


Lisa and Heather were waddling out of their room panting from their exercise after a large lunch when one of the workers came up to the goth owner.

"Lisa, someone's looking for Heather."

"Who's looking for me?" Heather stated.

"She said she was your mom."

Heather was shocked her mom was here to see her and for what?

"I'll go see her," Heather stated.

"You want me to come?" Lisa sighed.

"It's better if I talk to her alone," Heather explained.

"Good luck," Lisa nodded kissing her lover's cheek.

Soon Heather came out to see her mother in the lobby of the factory looking for her daughter when they made eye contact. Heather began waddling over sighing.

"Hey mom, I never thought you'd come here to see me. What's up, besides my weight of course," Heather stated pouting.

"Heather, I came here today because I wanted to apologize to you about your birthday party."

"You are, really?" Heather asked shocked.

"Yes, I said somethings I shouldn't have about you and your girlfriend. I was just so surprised when you walked in twice your weight, and I was a bit on edge. I'm sorry," Anna stated frowning.

Heather was shocked as she couldn't recall any other time her mom had apologized to her like this.

"Well, I didn't expect this at all. But I wanted to apologize too for yelling at you and telling you off. That wasn't called for ether. I should have told you I was getting fat a while ago," Heather sighed.

"No, we deserved it. It was a wakeup call for us. I had no idea you felt we were too controlling, but when your grandma explained it in detail after you left, it made more sense," Anna sighed.

"I mean I know you were both just looking out for me wanting the best for me," Heather stated.

"Yeah, but we could have listened and supported what you wanted more, and we could have given you some space. Look what I'm trying to say is being a parent is hard. You can't be too relaxed or too strict. You have to find a balance, but we were strict when we raised you because I didn't want you to end up like me when I was younger," Anna explained.

"What do you mean?" Heather wondered.

Anna took out a photo from her purse and showed Heather a picture of a fat blonde in a dress with a guy in a leather jacket.

"Thats your dad in the jacket and that girl was me when I was 18," Anna blushed.

"Mom, thats you. You were fat? Also, dad looks so cool," Heather said speechless.

"Yep, I was a chunky blonde who liked to eat your grandma's cooking too much. I was the laughingstock of the school and bullied for my weight, Anna sighed.

"How come I never knew?" Heather asked.

"You think I would let anyone tell you this. No way. Even when I was fat back then your father still loved me. After a couple months I was pregnant with you. When you were born, I felt like I needed to grow up and be good role model for you. So, I dropped the weight, became a doctor to support you and your dad supported my decision and loved me fat or skinny. I was so hard on you because I didn't want you to go through what I did in school when I was bullied. I wanted you to have a better time growing up than I did. I also owe you an apology for judging Lisa without getting to know her, even if she dresses a bit out extravagant," Anna sighed.

"Heh, yeah she does, but thats one of the reasons I love her. Don't worry. She's the sweetest cinnamon bun you'll ever meet," Heather smiled.

"I see, thats good. Sorry again. I guess over time I got carried away and without realizing I turned into the thing I used to hate years ago. A controlling parent. Gosh when did I start caring what those other moms and my coworkers thought. So, Heather I just want to say I'm very proud of you for how far you've come as a person, and I love you," Anna smiled hugging Heather with the blonde hugging back.

"Thanks mom, it must have been hard for you to tell me all that. Oh yeah you want to see the factory while your here. I want to show you around," Heather beamed.

"Um, I guess so, that sounds fun," Anna smiled.

Soon Heather began giving her mom a tour of every room in the factory and Lisa ran into them smiling as Heather told Lisa everything they talked about.

"Here try some of my chocolate and let me know what you think," Lisa smiled handing Anna a chocolate bar.

"Um, I guess one wouldn't hurt," Anna smiled as she opened the wrapping and ate a piece.

When the taste hit her tongue, she moaned from the flavor as she took more bites smiling.

"Thats some good chocolate. I don't have it often, but this is the best I've ever had," Anna smiled.

"Thanks, glad you like it," Lisa beamed.

Then Gabby and Carmen came over smiling as they made their way towards the girls.

"Wait you look familiar," Anna stated.

"You don't recognize me, though I don't blame you. I've gotten pretty fat since school," Gabby blushed.

"Mom, thats Gabby from cheerleading," Heather giggled.

"No way, you got so big," Anna said shocked poking Gabby's belly making the red head blush.

"I know I like sweets a bit too much. I really let myself go recently. Well, see you later," Gabby smiled as she waddled off with Carmen giggling poking her lover's belly.

"Gosh, what is that girl eating," Anna giggled.

"I know, she's going to be as big as me one day. Oh, wait till you see this last room," Heather smiled.

The girls walked into the candy room as Anna awed at the wonderland of candy.

"This is amazing, incredible," Anna said wowed.

"And the best part this was all thanks to your daughter," Lisa smiled.

"Here mom try some of the candy," Heather smirked giving her mom a flower made of chocolate.

"No, I couldn't possibly have more. I'm watching my weight," Anna blushed.

"Mom, you've been holding yourself back all this time, live a little," Heather suggested.

Anna slowly brought the flower to her lips as she took a bite as she moaned from the flavor. Not too long after she took a second bite until eating the flower completely licking her lips.

"Oh, so good," Anna smiled.

"Try this too," Heather smiled handing her mom a big fruit.

Anna looked hesitant at first, but then her stomach growled as she gave in biting into the chocolate fruit as she ate another bite moaning. Soon the fruit was gone all inside Anna's belly as the short haired blonde burped rubbing her bloated middle.

"Oh, I feel so full," Anna smiled.

"I knew you'd like it," Heather smiled.

"Yeah, where do you think you get it from, I used to eat this stuff all the time. Oh, shoot I have to go to an appointment," Anna stated.

Soon the girls walked Anna out as Lisa handed her a bag of goodies.

"Here since you like my chocolate so much take some home for you to snack on," Lisa smiled.

"I shouldn't but I guess some sweets once in a while wouldn't hurt. Bye Heather love you," Anna smiled hugging her daughter as Heather hugged her back.

"Love you too mom," Heather beamed.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?