Gimme chocolate

Chapter 12

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Later that night Lisa was setting up the computer as she smiled at Heather in a tight black dress wearing heels and her glasses as well. Today Heather was going to live stream as a bbw model for the first time. She had posted some pictures online of herself, including some old slim photos of herself to show just how much she's gained with many people giving her positive comments. Heather had chosen the name Princess Coco for her status as a chocolate addict. Heather was a bit nervous twirling her blonde locks as she was going to be live showing her fat body to many people, but Lisa was there for her.

Lisa herself was in her purple underwear with her cute gut sticking out too. The goth's double K cups were looking so tight in that bra as they sagged a bit. Her hips were getting very wide as she packed more fat in her butt lately. She remembered when that round face used to be slimmer, and those thighs of hers used to not be as fat laden.

"Wow today was awesome so far and now I'm going to be live as a bbw model," Heather beamed.

"I know, are you ready Heather? Today your dream comes true You're going to be a model that everyone has their eyes on," Lisa grinned.

"I'm a bit nervous but go ahead. Let's do this," Heather smiled.

"Alright action," Lisa smiled.

Heather saw herself on the screen as she saw a chat start with many people complimenting her on the large computer screen they were using.

"Hi everyone, can you see me well," Heather smiled.

There were some comments saying yes with one saying can't miss you.

"Yeah, it's hard to miss me these days considering how big I've gotten."

Then she saw someone asked why she chose her name.

"The reason I chose Princess Coco was that I let my sweet tooth get the better of me and started eating chocolate too much. Basically, I got addicted to chocolate and now I'm a chocoholic."

Then some people in chat asked how much she had gained.

"Oh, I weigh 346 pounds from 155 pounds when I started. Come to think of it thats almost 200 pounds more of me since I started getting fat," Heather laughed patting her gut making it jiggle.

Everyone in chat was going nuts saying fatty, sexy piggy, extra thick!!!

"Yeah, look at this old picture of me, I used to be so slim and now I'm a large, cute corpulent fatty."

Heather showed a photo on her phone for the chat to see in her cheerleading outfit looking so thin.

"To think I used to be the head cheerleader. I still have my old uniform see," Heather smirked showing how one of her thighs almost filled the waistband out completly and now I've gotten so out of shape and big. Now I've got this huge belly that's sagging in front of me," Heather said lifting her belly and letting it fall.

"My large thick fat ass," Heather said slapping her butt making it jiggle.

"My boobs have gotten so large there sagging. Gosh look at these flabby arms, no muscle left here, my fat legs aren't doing any better. I must look really silly in these heels right. Even my calves are thickening up. Then there's my face, gosh I almost look like a different person thanks to my bloated cheeks and double chin," Heather smirked.

The chat was going crazy commenting fast giving all kinds of complements and saying how sexy she was. One person said step on me with your heavy weight. Lisa could relate as she was nibbling on chocolate watching her lover be a star getting horny with the rest of the audience.

"Let me try doing my old rotine for cheerleading pratice," Heather smirked getting on the ground trying to reach her toes for her belly to get in her way completely.

"Gosh I used to reach no problem, what happened to my flexible body."

Then she got up doing some jumping jacks with her belly jiggling for her to do only 10 before getting tired.

"I used to do more than 50, gez I'm out of shape."

Then she got on the floor trying to do a push up for her to raise herself up for her to fall on her belly tired.

"Huh, hah, gosh I can barely do a push up, I think there's a reason I'm not a cheerleader anymore. I'm just going to do what I'm best at now and stuff my face."

Lisa was very horny watching her lover try to exercise and fail as she saw Heather grab the containers of creamy liquid putting them on a table.

"Alright to end the stream I'm going to be drinking these root beer floats for you guys. Its root beer with vanilla ice cream. Yum, alright time to fill my belly up," Heather smiled as she brought the container to her lips.

The blonde began gulping down the soda slowly as she got some fuz on her lips she giggled. Soon she had drunk about a quart as she belched loudly as the chat was loving it. Then she also ate truffles smiling licking her lips making the chat go nuts. Her belly was very pleased getting filled like this growling saying "yes give in".

"Buurrp, oh god, I'm supposed to be a princess, but clearly I'm more of a buurp, pig right, Oink, oink, I need more," Heather drooled as she drank more while stuffing more truffles into her mouth getting some on her lips.

Some in chat said never let the princess go hungry, piggy princess, slob hottie, all hail princess Coco.

"Burrrp, your all right, I'm a slobby, piggy, princess that let herself go burrp," Heather grinned as she drank more until she was feeling bloated from the soda letting out a fart.

Then when Heather bent over to get more root beer her dress ripped on her side making her blush as the chat went wild.

"Oh, burp, I guess my dress was a bit tight. Oh well, I'm a growing girl," Heather smiled.

Soon she took off the dress leaving her in her underwear with the chat loving it. Her bare stretch marked belly came poking out along with the rest of her wobbling body on full display. Heather smirked slapping her belly again as she drank more letting out a large belch going for more chocolate. She couldn't stop eating more chocolate with the root beer helping it go down.

"So, good, I need more chocolate," Heather smiled with her tongue out drooling a bit,

After a while she felt full as she had drunk 3 and a half quarts of the soda rubbing her gut and a lot of truffles. It looked so large and round filled with all that soda and chocolate.

"Ok chat I think will end it there for today burrp. Gosh I feel like I'm going to pop. Ok, see you next time," Heather smiled as Lisa cut the stream.

Heather was about to ask how she did when Lisa waddled over and kissed the blonde on the lips embracing her as their bellies touched.

"You did great, so hot, you made me horny just like everyone else," Lisa smirked.

"Nice," Heather smiled grinning.

The girls were making out as Lisa landed on the couch with Heather on top as they made out with their boobs and belly smushing into each other. They caressed each other's curves as they kissed giggling.

"I think the chocolates making us horny burp again love. Maybe you should be a bbw model too Lisa I think you've gotten fat enough, you're getting pretty burrp big yourself," Heather smirked poking Lisa's belly.

"Maybe, I could probably do it with how big I am now. Gosh, to think I was just chubby when we met. What happened here, I thought you were supposed to be the one getting fat. How come I ended up a fat girl too?" Lisa blushed.

"Because you can't help yourself around your own sweets. I think my burp chocolate addiction must have rubbed off on you," Heather smirked poking Lisa's gut.

"Feed me the rest of that root beer and chocolate love, I want my belly to be bloated too," Lisa smiled.

Heather grinned as she brought a full glass to Lisa's lips. She also fed Lisa some chocolates and soon the goth finished 2 quarts of the float along with the truffles as she rubbed her full belly.

"Burrp, Gosh I'm bloated. I'm getting just as bad as you. Remember that comment that said step on me, I can relate piggy princess," Lisa smirked.

Heather smirked as she got up on the couch slowly feeling sluggish holding the back for balance as Lisa still laid there. Heather rose her thick leg up alomst losing her balance thanks to her bloated belly landing her heel on Lisa's fat belly making Lisa moan. The goth gasped as she grew wet with all the weight on her. She looked at the bottom of her fat lover's packed belly hanging above her smiling. Heather grinned as she stepped on her more with her heels making Lisa moan more seeing a wet spot grow on her chunky goth lover.

"Happy," Heather smiled.

"Buuuurrrrppppp, yeah," Lisa panted moaning loudly.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?