Gimme chocolate

Chapter 13

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3 years later

"Wow, look at how big the factory is," a blonde fat girl named Rachel smiled dressed in sweats and a t shirt.

"Yeah, its huge, amazing," a slim black-haired girl named Marrisa wearing her dress as she awed looking up at the giant structure.

"To think we were lucky enough to get invited on a tour, now I can see how my favorite chocolate is made," Rachel smirked.

"You should really lay off the chocolate girl, you've gained 50 pounds since you started college last year," Marrisa smiled poking her friend's belly.

"I know but I can't stop eating it, it's so good, so addicting," She smiled patting her belly laughing taking a bite of her chocolate bar.

The two college friends were taking a tour of Lisa's chocolate factory. One of the greatest, biggest factories in the world. The 2 were waiting with 4 other people here for the tour as well. Marrisa didn't like the sweets much but came since her friend dragged her here. The girl was slim, but she was growing in a slight little belly hidden under her dress thanks to her greedy friend rubbing off on her a bit. Rachel was a huge fan of the chocolate though and her newly grown in gut was proof on her thick frame.

"You know people like you are the reason this factory is making so much money right," Marrisa smiled poking her friend's belly again.

"Probably, I know I'm getting so fat. Oh, I see someone coming out," Rachel grinned eating the rest of her bar.

Soon everyone saw a girl with black hair waddling out slowly coming out of the double door entree smiling with a walking stick. The 1st thing everyone noticed was this girl loved black and the 2nd was that she was huge.

"Hi there. I'm Lisa and welcome to my chocolate factory. I hope you're ready for a fun time today," Lisa smirked standing with a purple cane in hand.

The girls were shocked by the factory owner's appearance wearing a black shirt that failed to cover her dropping huge belly. She wore a very large red skirt that showed off her corpulent saddle bag like thighs in her stretched ripped fishnet stockings with her wearing flip flops on her bloated feet. She also wore a hat on her head with her black hair in pig tails framing her bloated cherubic face along with her 3 chins. Lisa over the years had gained weight thanks to her developing chocolate addiction and was 554 pounds now. One look at the huge goth and you could tell the girl loved to eat her own stuff.

"Follow me and will begin the tour," the goth smiled as she waddled slowly inside with everyone following her in. Then the goth tried to get through with one door closed in the double door entree as she got wedged for a moment thanks to her huge girthy size.

Opps I did it again. I can't go through with only one open anymore like the old days, I need both open to fit my fat ass, Lisa thought as she wedged herself out by opening the other door making the tourists sigh.

Once inside Lisa went over to Gabby who was working on the computer wearing a green dress. The huge red head smiled looking up with her bloated 3 chinned face. Just like Lisa Gabby had been snacking on the sweets too much over time weighing in at 576 pounds now larger than Lisa. This was also thanks to her lover feeding her all the time making the once thin cheerleader a flabby blimp. She used to have so much space behind the desk, but now she was running out of it thanks to her large figure. The girl's butt also sat in a very large chair that her butt spilled over a bit growing too fat for her old one years ago. Her breasts were also huge sagging melons that looked perky less now. Gabby's belly was pretty large too as it touched the desk from her chair at the moment looking very bean bag like with how much it sagged in front of her.

"Hey welcome Lisa, ok, I just need you all to sign this contract agreeing to the terms of the factory," Gabby smiled handing the group a contract to sign.

"So, how's your shift going?" Lisa asked.

"Cramped, can I get more space back here soon. I'm running out of room back here," Gabby blushed.

"Sure, or you could lose some of the weight you've put on," Lisa smirked poking Gabby's belly paunch.

"Your funny Lisa, you and I both know that's not happening right. I'm beyond help these days," Gabby smirked patting her gut making it wobble.

"Your right about that hottie," Carmen smiled waddling over with a basket of pastries.

Carmen was in the girls that gained weight club weighing 345 pounds. The Latino girl dressed in her blouse and skirt looking tight on her. Carmen had gone from her curvy past self to morbidly obese jiggling as she walked in heels. Her belly was large sagging in front of her but looked small next to Lisa's and Gabby's bean bag paunch's. Her ass was also very large packed with tons of fat giving her a bit of a pear-shaped figure with her wide hips and booty. Her breasts were also dropping a bit from their great heft that looked bigger than her head. The brown-haired girl also had very thick thunder thighs that looked packed with adipose. Her face like the others was looking bloated with her thick second chin making her look so corpulent.

"Gosh, is everyone who works in this factory fat?" Marrisa smirked giggling at the rotund girls.

"I don't blame them with all the good sweets around," Rachel smiled eating another bar.

Carmen came up to Gabby's seat and gave her a kiss putting one of the pastries in her lover's mouth.

"Eat up cutie, don't want you to be malnourished," Carmen smirked poking Gabby's rolls.

"Do I look malnourished to you. I'm rounding out," Gabby blushed eating more pastries.

"Yeah, that skinny little cheerleader isn't coming back that's for sure," Carmen giggled kissing her lover's fat cheek.

"Yeah, she's buried for good," Gabby smirked.


So on Lisa began the tour around the factory showing everyone the different rooms where the sweets were made from the bakers cooking pastries, the machines making chocolate, to huge cakes being put together. Lisa was getting exsausted at times having to take breaks to rest her knees. She really needed an easier way to get around soon as these tours were getting harder for her as she grew heavier and more corpulent. None the less the factory was all mind blowing to the tourists, but then Lisa saved the best for last. The door to the candy room automatically opened as everyone was in awe. The room over the years had gotten vast now looking like the Willy Wonka movies room, waterfall and everything. She also put a village made of chocolate inside for fun expanding on the one house she had years ago. She had also put some hard candy crystals around the village as well.

"Alright, I'm going to leave you here to have fun for the rest of the tour. You can stick around if you like. You can eat everything in here except the river, and the houses. Also, you can take pictures. Enjoy," Lisa smiled leaving the guests inside with some security guards at the door.

"Oh my gosh, this place is like a sweet lovers heaven," Rachel smiled eating a vine.

"This is incredible. I guess I could try some of this stuff. I'm getting kind of hungry now," Marissa sighed holding her growling belly.

"Well, I'm digging right in," Rachel smiled eating more sweets.

Marissa grabbed some of the chocolate flowers from the ground eating one moaning.

"So good," she said eating more smiling.


Lisa waddled to her room as she caught her breath from all the walking, she did feeling winded. Lisa opened the door to Heather's room seeing the girl sitting on the bed. Her blonde hair was in view as she was streaming playing a game. Lisa smiled giving a look over at her huge lover. Heather was still fighting her chocolate addiction, but thankfully she was just starting to get it under control. She was trying to eat more dark chocolate that was healthier along with some vegetables. Not only did it slow down her weight gain a bit, but it helped her not develop serious health issues. Of course, Heather would never truly get rid of her addiction, as with any you need to want to stop doing it, but Heather wasn't willing to give up her sweets anytime soon weighing 652 pounds.

She sat on the bed with a large shirt on with her sagging bean bag belly peeking out the bottom of her hem. Her massive legs also looked bigger than her old slim waistline. The girl was smiling with her very bloated face covering her green eyes a bit along with big jowl cheeks. Her 4 chins were also making her neck look thick as she held the controller on her belly with her fat fingers pressing the buttons. Her fat ass was huge packed with fat as the blonde wore granny panties. Her butt spread wide all over the mattress taking up a lot of space under the girl.

In fact, Lisa needed to look into a bigger bed with how much they were both growing. Her arms were also looking fat with large bingo wings hanging off them looking difficult to lift. Her huge, deflated breasts were sagging to the sides of her large paunch as they lost the battle of gravity a while ago. Lisa looked to a slim picture of the accountant on the table next to the massive blob. The goth giggled at how much she had grown becoming more than 4 times the weight and mass of the girl she used to be.

Gosh that slim girl had no idea what that experiment was going to do to her, though I need to lose weight too, Lisa thought giggling.

"Hey, love your done with the tour?" Heather asked.

"Almost, are you ready for our 2nd wedding anniversary," Lisa smiled.

"Of course, sweetie," Heather smiled as they kissed.

The two girls had gotten married years ago with Lisa asking Heather to marry her in the bedroom with her saying yes crying. The wedding itself was wonderful with them getting married at the factory with a lot of chocolate filled bellies at the end of the day. As Lisa reminisced Heather's belly began to growl as it demanded chocolate.

"Um honey, I need chocolate, it's been an hour since I've had some," Heather sighed rubbing her jelly belly.

"Of course, I've got it," Lisa smiled as she brought over a large bag of cookies.

The stream was still on as Lisa began feeding her lover on camera with the chat loving their princess Coco getting pampered. Lisa herself had become a bbw model too choosing the name Goth Kandy as she fed Heather often on stream. Lisa's large apron gut was covering Heathers potato bag belly as Lisa filled it with cookies. Soon Heather was satisfied, but not full. Getting the girl full these days took a lot now as her belly was just so massive. Lisa's belly growled too as the goth nimbled on some cookies as well. The chat was still going crazy as Lisa came up to the camera smirking.

"Sorry parties over perverts, till next time, it's time for our wedding anniversary, bye," Lisa smiled turning the stream off.

Since Heather was getting so big the blonde was having a harder time moving around and getting up on her own, so she relied on Lisa to help her. Though with Lisa's climbing weight it was only a matter of time till they both needed help. Then Lisa smirked as she got on the bed kissing Heather again feeding her more cookies. Lisa got on Heathers belly more putting her own massive gut on top smirking. Then Heather smiled as she felt Lisa beginning to hump on her belly as the bottom of the blonde's belly hit her own sweet spot. Heather moaned as she felt herself getting wet.

"Oh my god, look at how big you've gotten. This belly alone is huge, so massive I can pleasure myself with it," Lisa smiled kissing her lover more as she fed her more sweets while nibbling herself.

"I know, our normal fun isn't possible thanks to our large bellies getting in the way. Ah, remember when I was skinny and fit, now I'm a blob," Heather smirked.

"You look like that blueberry girl Violet, except instead of blueberries your filled with fat," Lisa panted.

"You got pretty big yourself my cute factory owner," Heather smiled grabbing Lisa's belly shaking it.

"I guess I grew along with my factory in size huh. But remember your cheerleading days sweetheart, now the only exercise you get is with me," Lisa blushed as she slapped Heathers belly hard making Heather moan loudly as she gasped.

Lisa smirked as she knew she had pleased her lover under her belly from just her gut getting hit hard. Gosh had the chocolate made them horny. Lisa moaned in pleasure too as she felt her wet panties on her lover's massive belly. Soon Lisa slowly helped the blonde to her feet as she grunted getting her up. When Heather stood her large belly sagged to her knees touching Lisa's large paunch as the girls giggled.

"Gosh, it gets harder and harder to lift you off your fat butt," Lisa panted.

"Ether you've getting more out of shape or I'm getting heavier," Heather giggled.

"All of the above," Lisa smirked.

Watching Heather take her slow waddling footsteps was so amusing to watch now as she shook the tables with her weighty steps gasping. Lisa helped her get dressed in some large shorts and then Heather put on flip flops giving up on heels long ago. Heather waddled out with her hips brushing against the walls of the entrance even though they had made it wider a year ago. Lisa smirked as her own hips were getting close to brushing the sides too.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?