Gimme chocolate

Chapter 3

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Heather had just finished her shower as she had put on her bra and panties as she looked in her bathroom mirror sighing. She put on her glasses to get a better view at how much bigger she looked. The blonde had another month under her belt that was struggling to wrap around her now that she was getting larger in mass. Heather got close to the sink and rested her sizable tummy on the sink with the bottom of her pooch covering a decent amount of surface as she smacked it with grimace.

Heather began studying herself in the mirror seeing her breasts were looking bigger in her tight bra that she would probably need to size up soon. Her hips were starting to flare out past her shoulder's length giving her some width. She also saw her fuller butt sticking out behind her lately. She also noticed how thick her thighs looked as they touched fighting for space. She even noticed she had the beginning of a waddle instead of her sexy stride making her embarrassed. Her arms were also looking hefty too, and on top of that Heather's face was starting to round slightly as she now had a slight double chin on her jaw.

"Gosh, I'm starting to get big, I've got a mom bod," Heather sighed.

The blonde then walked over to the scale with her belly jiggling with every step. She looked over her round tummy as she read 209 pounds. Heather was embarrassed when she crossed over 200 pounds. She was tall, so she was still considered chubby, but for how long. Infact she was getting to be as chunky as Lisa. Heather blushed as she thought about the cute goth and her big boobs, then she shook her head trying to focus as she went to get dressed.

Heather was concerned how frumpy she was looking. She knew it was temporary till the year was up. But what kind of concerned her though was how addicted to chocolate she was getting. The minute she thought about chocolate her belly immediately growled giving her hunger pains. Her belly was getting bigger as it demanded food. The times she stuffed herself with chocolate had stretched her stomach making it crave more.

Now her cravings were getting strong now to the point where she had to bring chocolate in her apartment just to quell her tummy sometimes. Heather was definitely going to need not just a gym, but therapy as well. Even her gym habits weren't great ether lately as she had almost stopped going completely only showing up once in a while now. She just didn't feel like working out and instead wanted to play video games or watch a show sitting on her butt being lazy. Heather reached for her skirt on the floor as she began tugging them up for them to get stuck on her butt cheeks.

"Ah shit, here we go again," Heather sighed.


Soon the accountant was in her usual blouse and skirt, she had bought 2 months ago and was beginning to outgrow them like her last pair. She needed to get bigger clothes soon before she had problems like last time. Heather sat down at her desk in her armchair as she noticed she didn't have as much wiggle room anymore. It was thanks to her widening hips and ass that was spreading on her seat. The girl also noticed she sat a bit higher thanks to the added padding.

They say desk jobs are fattening, but this is ridiculous, Heather thought sighing as she began her work.

Soon 8 hours had passed, and Lisa waddled in dressed in a purple shirt and skirt that looked tight on the goth. She wore her hair down and also wore fishnet stockings on her plump legs with heels. Lisa blushed looking at the sexy blonde accountant sitting at the desk with her belly straining her blouse along with those thick juicy thighs touching with heels on her feet. Lisa was trying to keep her dirty thoughts about Heather in the back of her mind. But there were times when an image of fat Heather stepping on her belly with those heels making Lisa a bit aroused at times.

Heather blushed looking at the goth girl that was a bit chunkier as well. She theorized that she might not be the only one addicted to sweets as Lisa was putting on the pounds too. The goth told her she was 180 pounds and now she was considered fat now for her height. For some reason Heather began to feel jittery in her chest looking at how adorable and plump her boss was getting lately. Lisa's big boobs were now double E cup along with wide hips like Heather with a plump ass. Her belly that was once a pot was beginning to grow into a gut as it sagged a bit over her belt now. It also made her shirt ride up a bit revealing the bottom of her pale tummy bulge. She also had a rounder face and a double chin making itself known that made her even cuter. The first time she saw Lisa she thought she was cute and now she was beginning to have a crush on her chunky boss.

"Hey Heather, I brought some chocolate milkshake for you to try."

Lisa was carrying jugs with 2 quarts of chocolate goodness as Heather licked her lips.

"Sounds good, load my belly up, it won't stop growling," Heather sighed.

Lisa smiled placing the jug in front of the eager blonde as she put a straw made of cookie inside. Then Lisa sat on Heather's desk as it creaked under her heavy wide butt. The goth began drinking her own milkshake wiggling her creamy fishnet thighs back and forth smiling with delight as she gulped her own shake down. Heather began drinking from her own glass moaning at the flavor as the cold liquid passed her red lips. The blonde gulped the chocolate milkshake down fast as it went into her belly filling it. Her skirt and belt had begun to feel tight against her expanding tummy as she filled with the thick substance as she gasped coming up for air.

"Brain freeze, burp, eep," Heather wined rubbing her belly and head.
"It's ok take your time," Lisa smirked looking at the blondes almost 8-month pregnant looking tummy.

Heather after a few minutes was ready for more as she undid her belt making more room for her stomach. Lisa grinned as the blonde's belly pressed against the girl's skirt and blouse as both looked strained as her pooch filled up with the fattening liquid. It was like watching the blueberry scene all over again almost as Lisa giggled. Heather was starting to feel full, but for some reason the girl wanted to keep doing this till she downed the whole glass. Then Heather was really starting to feel stuffed a couple minutes later, but she kept drinking. What Heather didn't realize was that she was getting so addicted to chocolate now that her stomach was really not satisfied with her being full and wanted more.

Then Heather heard a popping sound as her skirt's button popped off making her blush, much to Lisa's amusement poking her belly, but she didn't pay any mind. Heather was so in the zone, so she didn't notice. In fact, she couldn't stop gulping more down into her gullet. Then finally 2 quarts of the drink was gone into Heather's pooch as the girl was starting to feel like she was going to pop if she drank more.

The accountant laid back feeling a lot of pain in her midsection as she burped moaning rubbing her bloated bulge. Lisa giggled at the food baby Heather had as she drank some of her own milkshake jug as the goth felt a bit bloated herself. The blonde smiled as she let out a loud wet fart making her blush. Lisa still couldn't believe her accountant had eaten 2 quarts of milkshake. So fattening, and so many calories. Lisa was giggling as she drank more for herself as she saw Heather tried to get up for her to wince in pain and fall back down again. The girl undid her blouse with her bare belly peeking out laying on her lap as she panted rubbing her full paunch.

"I burp, can't move, too full, actually burp I think I'm more than full," Heather smiled.
"You really do love chocolate now, gez. Hey, do you want me to rub your belly with you. That might help you soothe it a bit," Lisa smiled.
"I mean sure, that sounds good," Heather nodded as Lisa got to work on her friend's tight food baby bump.

Lisa blushed touching Heathers belly as it was so electric for her. The girl's tummy was so bloated and cute on the sexy blonde as Lisa slowly rubbed around her stomach everywhere. Then she began to hear snoring as she looked up to see her friend was asleep now digesting all that milkshake into fat. It was safe to say her accountant was probably not fitting back into her clothes after that. Lisa smiled as she rubbed her friend's belly as Heather slept soundly grinning.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?