Gimme chocolate

Chapter 4

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Soon another month had passed for the girls and today they were in Lisa's car driving on their day off to the beach. Heather couldn't believe she was halfway done with her year. The blonde saw yesterday that she was weighing 223 pounds as she sighed looking down at herself. The accountant was going to the beach, so she was dressed in shorts that showed off her jiggly plump thighs and large butt cheeks. To match she was wearing a blue shirt that rode up past her belly button thanks to her double D cup breasts and large gut that rested on her lap over her car seat belt. Looking in the car mirror she also saw her double chin was more prominent along with her rounding face with her blonde hair down with sunglasses on her head. Even her arms were starting to get slight bingo wings. To think she used to be toned and slim and now she was an overweight fatty with 6 more months of eating chocolate to go.

Heather looked over at Lisa weighing 187 pounds in her black shirt and shorts with her own exposed car belly that was resting on her chunky thighs close to touching the steering wheel. Her breasts were F cup looking similar to melons. The goth's butt was also looking wide and full in her seat. But just like Heather her face was looking round with a second chin framing it. If Heather didn't know better, they were a couple of fat friends going to the beach with their bellies hanging out.

Soon the girls had made it to the beach as Heather watched Lisa waddle smirking thinking it was cute. Then she remembered she was waddling too just like her friend as she blushed. They walked along the beach in their flip flops until they found a spot getting out of breath from all the walking. Then Lisa took off her clothes as she stood in her purple bikini that showed off her corpulent goods. Her breasts and ass were barely contained by her bikini as her belly hung over her waistband sticking out a foot as it proceeded her.

"You look cute, Lisa," Heather said blushing.
"Thanks, now let's see your goods," Lisa giggled.

Heather blushed as she took her clothes off to as she revealed her own white bikini that hid nothing of her fat body. Just like Lisa her curves were robust in her swimsuit and her belly was hanging out a bit more than a foot proceeding the girl. Infact her belly was really starting to catch up to the rest of her curves making her rounder in shape instead of an hourglass. She turned red from embarrassment as Lisa giggled poking her belly.

"So, adorable," Lisa smiled.
"Thanks, I'm so embarrassed. Last time I came to the beach I was still slender so it's different with this fat gut hanging out for everyone to see. They're probably thinking I'm a beached whale," Heather said blushing playing with her blubber.
"They just can't understand how cute you are, by the way I think your bellies bigger than mine," Lisa grinned jabbing the blonde's pooch.
"Oh really," Heather sighed.
"Let's see who has the bigger tummy," Lisa smiled as she pressed her belly up against Heathers.

Heather turned red as their bellies touched and the fact that Lisa was right. Heather's belly was now slightly bigger than the fat goths.

"Your right, my bellies bigger than yours now," Heather giggled.
"Surprised it took 6 months for that to happen, but thats what I get for overeating my own sweets. Alright, let's go in the water, make way for the cute whales," Lisa beamed as she waddled to the water with Heather following her.

The girl's bellies jiggled as they made their steps as Heather began getting stares from people but not flattering ones. People were giggling at her or looking at her with disgust. It's amazing how getting fat can change people's perception of you. She ignored them though only concerned with Lisa's smile. Soon the two were in the water as they had a splash fight playing like little kids. Soon they got back on the beach as the girls saw a kid come up to Heather smiling.

"Hi, can I rub your belly?"
"Go ahead kid, she's 8 months along," Lisa joked giggling.

Heather blushed as the kid rubbed her belly and then thanked her running off. Lisa giggled as Heather sighed turning red being mistaken for a pregnant mom.

Soon the girls ordered their food from the stand and ate their lunch. Then after they finished Lisa got out some chocolate filled creampuffs from her cooler and gave them for Heather to eat. Lisa smiled watching her friend get full on creampuffs until the blonde was stuffed laying back panting with her belly going up and down from her breathes. Heather really was feeling like a beached whale now with how full she was. Lisa began rubbing the girl's tummy as she giggled at her bloated friend. Soon the girls were sunbathing as they relaxed digesting their lunch.

"Oh, check this out, I found a picture of me when I first opened my chocolate shop," Lisa smiled as she showed Heather her phone.

The blonde saw the goth girl in her black outfit looking slender with a tray of cookies in her hands.

"That's you, you sure were slim back then," Heather smirked poking Lisa's belly paunch.
"Yeah, that was when I was 22. Now I'm 27 and my metabolism can't handle my sweet tooth anymore. Now I'm proofing up like a cinnamon bun," Lisa giggled patting her own belly.
"It must be nice to have your dreams come true though," Heather smiled.
"I worked really hard to get here. You told me you never wanted to be an accountant, your parent's told you to do it," Lisa stated.
"Yeah, they told me to think realistically, and that dreams are for idiots," Heather sighed.
"Wow, they sound so supportive, gez. What did you really want to do?" Lisa wondered.
"I don't know exactly, but I always wanted to be famous," Heather smiled.
"You want to be a celebrity?" Lisa asked.
"Kind of, I like attention so to speak. I think I wanted to be a model," Heather stated.
"I could see that. You should be one in my opinion," Lisa stated.
"Maybe when I'm thin again. I don't think I could be a model with this heavy belly resting on my lap," Heather snorted laughing.
"Actually, you could," Lisa stated blushing.
"You're kidding, really," Heather smiled.
"Yeah, there called bbw models. Here, I'll show you," Lisa blushed.

She went to one of the websites she had been visiting and Heather was shocked seeing girls at 500 pounds eating showing off their rolls in underwear.

"Oh my god, it does exist. Look at how fat they all are. And I thought I was fat, there huge. How do you know about this though?" Heather asked.
"Guess, you got me. I'm attracted to girls and fat ones at that," Lisa blushed.
"Really, you're into fat girls?" Heather wondered.
"Yeah, but I actually found out a couple of months ago. I must seem really weird to you now, right," Lisa frowned.
"No, I think it's ok you like fat girls, actually I'm into girl's myself," Heather blushed.
"Wait you like girls too!" Lisa gasped.
"Yep, I do," Heather giggled.
"Gez, we really do have a lot in common," Lisa laughed.
"Yeah, were almost like sisters or something," Heather laughed.
"I'm so happy, I finally found someone like me" Lisa smiled.
"I know, I'm glad I found a friend like you in my life," Heather smiled.
"Me too, I've never been this close with someone before, Lisa grinned.
"I know we were just supposed to be doing business, but I see you as more than my boss now. You're basically my best friend," Heather smiled.
"I feel the same. I'm very thankful for everything you've been doing for my factory and all the times we've hung out," Lisa stated as she held Heathers hand.

Heather blushed as she began to fall asleep feeling safe in Lisa's hand. Soon the girls woke up looking to see the sun was starting to set as they lost track of time. The girls packed up their things and got back into their clothes again. Soon the girls were back in the car as they drove back to town. On the way home they stopped for dinner with the girls eating quite a lot. Heather was almost wedged in the booth by the time dessert came as she unbuttoned her shorts. The blonde had ordered 5 big pieces of chocolate lava cake while Lisa ordered one giggling at how funny Heather was with her chocolate cravings lately.

Soon Heather's belly kicked into overdrive as she ate every cake belching with chocolate on her lips. Her stuffed pale belly was touching the booth as she couldn't get out without help much to the goth's amusement. Lisa was full herself, but she could get up fine as she helped her beached friend to her feet as they giggled. Then when Heather stood up her bloated belly collided with Lisa's making the shorter girl blush. Then they waddled out bloated with Heather letting out a fart while Lisa letting out a tiny burp as they giggled getting back in the car. Soon Lisa had dropped off Heather to her place.

"Thanks for today Lisa burp, it was very nice," Heather smiled as she held her bloated belly from the large dinner she had.
"Thank you for coming, get some rest ok," Lisa smiled.
"Oh, could you help me out of the car. I'm still feeling too bloated to get up," Heather sighed.

Lisa giggled getting out of the car giggling at how much she was having to help her friend up lately. Soon Lisa held Heather's hands as she pulled the blonde to her feet as their bellies collided into each other making Heather burp. The girls giggled as they looked into each other's eyes getting flustered.

"Oh, hey I was just wondering. What kind of girl's do you like Heather? Just curious," Lisa asked blushing.
"Oh Well, I like girls that have black hair."
"I like girls with large breasts."
"Understandable me too."
"And I like girls that are funny and have a a fun personality," Heather smiled.
"Oh really, wait a minute...are you...talking about, what else?" Lisa blushed.
"I like goth's, there pretty cute," Heather smiled holding Lisa's hand again.

For the first time ever, Lisa didn't know what to say, she was shocked as the blonde got close to her face as she smiled blushing. Lisa knew she had to make a move. Before Heather could say more Lisa kissed Heather on the lips as Heather was letting it happen as the girls got lost in the moment. Lisa felt Heathers red lips on hers for minutes as it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Lisa smiled thinking about how long she wanted to kiss Heather.

"I've been waiting for a while to do that. Tell me, have you ever kissed a girl before?" Lisa asked blushing.
"No, you're my first, lucky you," Heather smiled holding Lisa's face.
"Guess what, did you know I like tall blondes with glasses that are smart and nice," Lisa giggled making Heather laugh.
"I wonder who that could be," Heather smirked.

The girls began making out against the window of the car with Lisa reaching on her tippy toes out of her flip flops to reach Heathers lips. The girls were hugging each other as they kissed with their bellies smushing into one another. Then Heather grabbed Lisa's belly and Lisa did the same to the blondes as they smiled giggling rubbing each other's tummies.

"It's getting late now, let's continue this tomorrow ok," Heather smiled.
"Yeah definitely, see you tomorrow, hot stuff," Lisa smiled as Heather smiled waving goodbye as she waddled to the door blowing a kiss.

Once Heather got inside, she jumped for joy making her belly jiggle as she went for some chocolate ice cream to celebrate. The blonde let her shorts fall to the floor as her belly peaked out over her bikini bottom. Heather started eating the dessert smiling even after her dinner binge thinking about Lisa. Lisa squealed like a fangirl waddling into her house getting excited that her feelings were returned. She grabbed some chocolate cake and began eating it thinking about Heather licking her black lips. Soon both girls had full bellies thinking of each other before falling asleep smiling.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?