Gimme chocolate

Chapter 7

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Lisa woke up in her apartment rolling to her side smiling looking down at her big belly resting on the bed. She was dressed in her purple nightgown and next to her she saw Heather still snoring. Heather had bloated herself on sweets last night, so she wanted to sleep over with Lisa letting her sleep in her bed with her. Lisa cuddled against the soft fat blonde all night resting against her getting the best sleep ever. Lisa slowly got to the edge of the bed and rose to her feet grunting lifting her heavy body up. Lisa waddled over to the scale to read 214 pounds. A month ago, she read 204 making this a 10-pound gain making Lisa giggle.

Ever since the girls had started their relationship the love chub had been sticking to their supple wide hips lately and Lisa was feeling it. Lisa played with her belly jiggling it up and down as she smiled watching it stick and round out a bit more each week. Then she walked to the bathroom and slapped her own ass cheeks making it wobble. Her thighs were getting very chunky now along with her arms. The goth's boobs had grown into G cups now as they looked so big on the girl sagging slightly if she didn't wear a bra. Lisa found her new weight all amusing now as she accepted her fatter body. Then Lisa began taking a shower as she undressed. She noticed how little room she had in the shower now as her hips brushed on both sides of the narrow door when she got in.

She felt a lot more cramped as the girl put on weight having less room in the shower. She smirked realizing she might outgrow her own shower one day, just like her lover outgrew her small chair last week. She remembered Heather putting her butt down in the small chair for it to not fit any longer making Heather blush with Lisa poking her hips in amusement. She had to shortly get the greedy chocolate lover a new bigger chair for her wide large ass. Just thinking about it was making Lisa horny as she picked up her belly and started fingering herself moaning at how big her lover was getting.

Soon Lisa was done wearing her bra and panties again seeing Heather still sleeping with Lisa grinning. She pulled the covers off as she saw Heather in her panties and red shirt. Though the shirt was more of a belly shirt now as it was growing too small as Heather put on more weight with her pale belly exposed. As she snored her belly rose up and down peeking out from her shirt as it hung over her panties a bit from its size. Lisa was getting aroused all over again looking at her thick fat thighs, her cute wide hips, and her large sagging boobs resting at G cup now. Her face like Lisa's was also getting so round with a thick double chin.

To think when she first met this girl, she looked so professional and slender in her blouse and skirt. Now that same girl was sleeping with her golden locks all over with a messy bed head, along with her obese body with a big round gut as she snored like a middle-aged man. Then the goth saw something interesting on the girl's panties. There was a wet spot on them as Lisa smirked thinking her lover most of had a wet dream or something from all the chocolate she ate. Lisa grinned as she began to tickle Heathers belly making the big blonde sir awake laughing like crazy.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, you're going to be late for work," Lisa giggled as she gave her girlfriend more tickles.

"Ha, ha, ok, I'm up. I was going to call out sick because I overate chocolate thanks to someone feeding me," Heather smirked patting her big jelly belly.

"If you told that to any other boss oh gosh. Up you go fatty," Lisa smirked.

"Fine, sleeping beaty is up, though my bed head isn't that cute," Heather wined.

I think this is your best look yet," Lisa giggled.

She got up slowly rising to her feet as she went on the scale to see her weight. But she couldn't because of her pale belly being in the way of her vision. She bent over to barely make out 267 pounds making her blush. Lisa saw this poking Heathers belly grinning.

"Wow, your belly sure is getting in the way lately right, you almost couldn't read the scale," Lisa grinned.

"Yeah, it is getting in my way a lot. I bumped my bed lamp over with my tummy yesterday by accident. Also, it's getting harder to bend over and dress myself," Heather sighed.

"Me too, were both getting to be such fatties," Lisa smirked sitting pulling on her stocking up her thick leg struggling to reach them a bit.

Heather took her red shirt off giving Lisa a view of her just in her underwear revealing her wobbly figure making Lisa blush. Heather then put on her new large blouse she had bought a few weeks ago as she began closing her blouse as the buttons all came together with the bottom button looking a bit strained against the lower part of her belly.

Lisa put on her shirt with her bare belly peeking out and then grunted bending over to put her skirt up through her legs as she struggled to get it past her hips and butt. Soon Lisa got them up and then grunted holding in her belly getting the button closed panting from the effort.

Heather got her pencil skirt up dancing to get them over her butt and hips. She tried getting her flabs to close to get nowhere panting. Then Heather blushed as she asked Lisa to help close her skirt making Lisa grin. The goth told Heather to get down on the bed, then Lisa held the bottom of the blonde's lite stretch marked belly up as Heather got her button closed. Soon they were both sweating and exhausted just from getting ready for the day looking at each other's red faces giggling.

Soon the girls were at work as Heather started her day greeting Gabby. The chubby red head had put on 15 pounds since she started 2 months ago making her 172 pounds. That black pencil skirt she was wearing was looking very tight now along with her blue blouse. The red head had E cup boobs and a chunky butt along with creamy full pale thighs. Her belly was sagging a bit over her belt with a muffin top. The girl's face was looking slightly filled in too as she had the hint of a double chin.

"Hey Gabby, doing alright?" Heather asked.

"Yes, but you see. I've been loving this job and all, but it's making me fat," Gabby blushed poking her belly pooch.

"Well, at least you're not as fat as me," Heather grinned slapping her bulging gut.

"I guess, but seriously, ever since I got out of college the pounds have been sticking to my hips. To think we used to be skinny sexy cheerleaders, now were professional fatties. Hell, going to the gym is harder for me, I'm so out of shape," Gabby sighed.

"I don't really go to the gym anymore, I'm getting too lazy," Heather blushed.

"I'm sure. Oh, how's your relationship with Lisa by the way?" Gabby asked.

"She's amazing," Heather drooled.

"Nice. What about her amazes you?" Gabby wondered.

"Well, I haven't thought about it much at first. Before I came to this job I just cared about money and my career. Going to work, being at work for 6 days a week for many hours. Then I'd come home and repeat. Thats what I did for the last few years as an accountant. I was making good money, but it was draining. I thought to myself is this all there is to life, but then I came here and met Lisa. Ever since, everyday has been awesome. It wasn't draining anymore, and Lisa took me out and we hung out together. Now were girlfriends and I get it. She brightened up my life and made it interesting and fun. Thats the kind of person she is. I think thats why I love her," Heather smiled.

The blonde turned to Gabby who looked emotionally touched holding her chest.

"Wow, just wow. Your so in love with her. It's so sweet. I'm going to get diabetes just from listening. I wish I had someone like that in my life," Gabby sighed.

"I'm sure you will, you'll find the right person," Heather stated.

"Yeah, maybe I should try going out with a girl, it would be refreshing," Gabby smiled.

"Wait you like girls?" Heather asked.

"I like both, you think I was just on the cheerleading team for the right reasons," Gabby blushed.

"I never figure you would go both ways. Well, I think I know someone who might be interested then," Heather giggled seeing someone coming.

Gabby turned around and blushed as she saw Carmen coming over swaying her hips with donuts in her hands. This 5ft 8 in girl was a new baker weeks ago. Carmen was dressed in a white outfit with an apron wearing blue jeans. She had long brown hair with tan skin, D cup breasts and a big bubble butt behind her along with a little soft pooch on her midsection. She put the basket of chocolate donuts down as she smiled at Gabby.

"Hey there, I came to give you donuts I made to try," Carmen smiled.

"You give me sweets everyday Carmen, your one of the reason's I'm getting so chubby lately," Gabby sighed taking the donut anyway.

"Well, it's not like I force you to eat. You eat whatever I put in front of you. And besides you're really hot with curves on you," Carmen smiled poking the red heads belly making Gabby blush.

The girl walked away grinning leaving the pastries with Gabby as Heather stood shocked.

"Dang, she's not even hiding it. She wants you bad Gabby, you should ask her out some time," Heather grinned.

"Well, it's not like I have anything to lose," Gabby smiled as she finished her second donut burping a bit.

"You could lose some pounds still," Lisa smiled coming over poking the red head in the belly.

"You're not wrong," Gabby blushed eating a third donut.

You certainly have a lot to gain, Heather thought giggling.

Soon Heather had finished her day in her office as Lisa came in with chocolate scones handing them to Heather as she started devouring them fast.

"So, tell me anything change lately love?" Lisa asked.

Well, I am getting stronger cravings. My bellies cravings are very strong. I'm getting very out of shape, but there is one thing that I didn't expect. I didn't tell you before because I wasn't sure and promise you won't laugh ok.

"I won't make any promises," Lisa grinned.

"I think eating the chocolate is making me aroused," Heather stated turning red.

"Eating my chocolate is making you horny. Really?" Lisa wondered holding in her giggles.

"I think it has something to do with the chocolate, but its more than that. I get aroused stuffing my belly, or when I play with it lately," Heather blushed.

"I think your developing a chocolate addiction, but also it seems like you're getting a fat fetish too," Lisa smirked.

"You were right then. I am warming up to my fat figure, I've been doing some research about it lately, looking at girls with fat bellies," Heather blushed.

"I must be a bad influence, I do that too," Lisa giggled.

The blonde had finished her chocolate scones as she rubbed her belly with her undoing her blouse for her bare pooch to come peeking out over her skirt. Lisa began kissing her belly as she rubbed it tenderly.

"I'm glad you see why I find you so cute all fat and chunky," Lisa grinned.

"Same goes for you," Heather smiled as she patted Lisa's belly as they giggled.
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?