Gimme chocolate

Chapter 9

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Heather was getting out of the car in a blue large dress with open toed heels as she grunted getting out sighing looking at her parent's house. Lisa got out too and held her shoulder to support her. Today was Heathers birthday turning 26 and her parents wanted to invite her over. They did this every year, but now Heather was scared to go because her parents hadn't seen her since last year when she was still slender. Now the blonde had just reached 300-pounds almost doubling her weight since she last saw them. The girl knew they weren't going to like that at all. She looked down at her corpulent rotund body getting more nervous at what they were going to say. Then she waddled to the door with Lisa holding her hand.

"You got this ok, remember I'm here with you," Lisa nodded kissing her cheek.

"I know, God I wish I had said I was sick; this is going to suck, they're going to freak out," Heather sighed.

"Just breath," Lisa stated.

Heather knocked on the door as her mother Anna answered the door and she covered her mouth shocked. That was exactly what Heather was afraid of. The mother was expecting her perfect slim model like daughter and instead she saw an obese flabby girl that wobbled everywhere with the slightest movement.

"Is that you Heather, oh my, you look so...well fed," Anna stated still in shock.

"Thanks mom, yeah I know I've put on weight since I started my new job. Sorry I didn't tell you. I was nervous," Heather blushed.

"Sorry it's just a lot. You look so big, but thats beside the point happy birthday," Anna said hugging her larger daughter not being able to reach around her anymore.

"Oh, mom this is Lisa she's my girlfriend and my boss," Heather stated.

"Oh, nice to meet a friend of Heathers," Anna said not liking Lisa's gothic look.

"No, mom, she's my girlfriend," Heather said blushing.

"Oh, really," Anna said confused.

"Nice to meet you," Lisa smiled shaking the mom's hand as she waddled in.

"Heather, I didn't know you were into girls? You never told me," Anna stated.

"Yeah, I am, sorry I didn't tell you," Heather sighed.

"Well...thats alright, come in dinners almost ready," Anna sighed.

Heather waddled in to see her dad Nick at the table looking at his daughter bug eyed. She also saw her grandma Ellie at the table smiling.

"Hi dad, hi grandma," Heather smiled.

"Wow dang, guess my little girl isn't so little anymore," Nick sighed hugging his now obese daughter.

"Hey Heather, you're looking so healthy now, you put some meat on your bones I see," Ellie smiled.

"Hi grandma I missed you," Heather smiled hugging the old woman.

Soon dinner was served as Anna had made a lot of food for everyone. Lisa and Heather began to eat everything as they ate mash potatoes, barbecue pulled pork, corn and much more. Anna watched in disgust as her daughter and girlfriend got seconds and then thirds filling their greedy bellies up. She also cringed when she heard Heather let out a loud burp not recalling raising a pig. Pretty soon after 5 platefuls Heather was stuffed and after 3 Lisa was full as they held their bloated bellies smiling at each other.

"So, Lisa your Heathers boss and you're her girlfriend?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I just really fell for your daughter, she's burp, excuse me, the cutest," Lisa smiled.

"I see," Nick sighed.

"I baked you a cake Heather," Ellie grinned bringing a chocolate cake with candles in making Heather smile.

Soon Heather blew out the candles. Then everyone had cake including the bloated girls. Lisa sighed as she undid her skirt underneath the table to make room for more panting. Heather soon was feeling very full as well, rubbing her bloated tummy. Later there was some talking and then Heather and Lisa said they had to go.

"Heather, can we talk to you in private before you go?" Anna asked.

"Sure, Lisa, I'll meet you in the car ok," Heather sighed.

Lisa nodded as she kissed her lover's cheek as she grunted getting up covering her undid skirt with her very large shirt since she couldn't close it again as she waddled out.

"So, what's up mom?" Heather wondered.

"What do you think is up besides your weight probably. Heather I've been holding my tongue out of respect for your friend, but now I'll tell you that I'm not happy. You've gotten so fat Heather, what happened? I'm a doctor. I can't be seen with an overweight unhealthy daughter," Anna stated.

"I told you, I put on the pounds because of my job at the chocolate factory," Heather sighed.

"Well, you look like you've been sampling a lot because you look twice as heavy when we last saw you. I raised you to eat right and you clearly gave into your cravings. From how you ate at dinner tonight it's clear you've got an eating problem. I don't remember raising a porker," Anna said looking mad poking Heathers belly.

"Well, sorry I guess," Heather sighed.

"You sound like you don't care what I have to say, you know being overweight is bad for your health. You should lose your new pounds and while you're at it you should dump this Lisa girl. Being the owner of a candy factory she's clearly a bad influence on your waistline," Anna shouted.

"Don't tell me to dump Lisa!" Heather shouted.

"I'm just suggesting it for your own good. Clearly, she rubbed off on you. You're into girls and that's fine, but you chose her. She looks like an overfed vampire," Anna stated.

"You can call me fat but leave Lisa out of this. She's the kindest person and I love her to pieces. Sorry, but I'm not breaking up with Lisa, she's the best thing to come in my life. I can't believe you guys would judge her based off her appearance before you got to know her. I asked her to dress like me tonight. But she said she wanted to meet you guys hiding nothing about the way she dresses because she's proud of who she is," Heather explained with her father sighing.

"We still don't like her though and we don't like that your fat. We raised you so well and now just in a year you've ruined yourself. Were very disappointed in you Heather," Nick sighed.

"Really now, are you kidding me. You know what, I don't care about what you both think anymore. All these years I listened to you growing up trying to please you. To be the perfect little girl you wanted me to be and now that I come home fat and bring home Lisa you start giving me shit. I might be your daughter, but that doesn't mean you own my life. I'm an adult and I can live the way I want. Why do you guy's even care? Is it because I'll embarrass you mom. Are you afraid of what your friends will think at the office? Grow up mom this isn't high school anymore. And Dad are you scared that the other family members will see me and embarrass you. Thats what it's always been about right. I've been your trophy to show off to others for years," Heather stated.

"Well, it is embarrassing to have a daughter thats obese when I'm a doctor, it doesn't give me a good look now does it, and yeah when the rest of the family see's you there going to talk behind your back. You should take our advice like a wise person," Anna sighed.

"You told me to get good grades, I did it. You told me to be a cheerleader, I did it. You told me to go to college. Then get a job in accounting. I did everything you said to do and sure, thats all good. But you barely let me have fun or give me room to make my own decisions. You never let me do what I wanted to do. So now I'm doing this my way not yours, It's my life. So, if I'm fat and have a goth girlfriend then who cares. I am making a million dollars as an accountant, so why are you both complaining? Because you'll both never be pleased and always find something to complain about. Here I'll give you something else to complain about, like my tattoo," Heather stated showing her "I heart candy" tattoo on her right arm making her parents mad.

"Oh my god. Mom talk some sense into her, she's crazy right," Anna stated looking to Grandma Ellie.

The older woman looked at her fat granddaughter.

"Actually, I have to side with Heather on this one," Ellie grinned.

"What, why?" Anna stated.

"I don't see the big deal here. Heather's right. She's an adult and you shouldn't be lecturing her like this. Would it kill the two of you to show some love and support for your daughter. I think she turned out wonderful. Shes so smart and has a good head on her shoulders. I know you need to guide your kids in the right direction, but you two were too controlling. Letting your kids have some freedom to have fun and explore themselves is good. Besides, now she's making a million dollars a year, has someone she deeply cares about, and best of all she's never been happier. Sure, maybe she eats too much, and is a little well fed but no one's perfect. She's not doing drugs or committing crimes. She just likes chocolate a bit too much, it's not the end of the world. Heather darling go home. I'll talk some sense into these two ok," Ellie smiled getting up hugging her granddaughter as Heather hugged back smiling.

"Thanks for supporting me grandma," Heather hugged her grandma crying a bit.

"Of course, thats what good family members do," Ellie smiled as the blonde waddled out.

Soon Heather came in the car as Lisa looked worried resting against it rubbing her belly.

"So, how did it go?" Lisa asked.

"About as well as I expected, but then my grandma stood up for me," Heather cried hugging Lisa.

"Thats great to here. It's better than my family that cut ties with me so thats good. Alright let's go Heather, I've got a second birthday cake waiting for you at home," Lisa smirked.

"Lucky me," Heather grinned licking her lips.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mattnagle 1 year
What a great story so far, love it, can't wait to read the rest.😁
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
Thank you so much. Glad you're liking it so far. (:
ThePatchwork... 1 year
Your expectations of weight and height are skewed. Read your other chapters. 500 ish is when people tend to get stuck
Chubbygirls1... 1 year
I see. I'm still new to writing and I know I'm not the most accurate when it comes to that stuff, but I try. I edited the story fixing the getting stuck parts. Thanks. Do you have more suggestions?