A persuasive pair

Chapter 4

“What the hell was that about?” Mel tore into Kennedy, who was still paralytically food-comatose. “She was a perfect fit!”

Kennedy sighed and closed her eyes and shook her head. “Not a good fit…”

Mel crossed her arms. She had never seen such a childish, petty, competitive streak in Kennedy before. It was disappointing to say the least.

“I gotta go…to the bathroom…” Kennedy lurched up, tugged her shirt down and shimmied out of the booth. Mel watched as her faded ass sashayed away and toward the back of the restaurant. She still had fifteen minutes before their next candidate arrived. In anger, in spite, with disregard to her current bank statement, she lifted a wide arm and beckoned to the waitress, who was pouring a tall black coffee for a man at the bar.

“Hi! What kind of pie did that girl order on her way out?”

Flipping through her notes, the waitress sighed. “Classic apple.”

“I’ll take one too.” Mel said defiantly.

“To go?”

“No. For here. And just one fork.”

Waitress smiled kindly, but with curiosity behind her eyes. “Y’all been through a breakup?”

Wanting less chit chat and more “get fat”, as Kennedy would say, Mel snapped back: “Yep. Just gonna eat my feelings until he regrets it.”

When the pie arrived, Mel started with a fork. She poured a thick layer of syrup over it, adding countless sugary calories in one foul swoop. The fork became too slow a method, and Mel started grabbing slices of the pie like a pizza, inhaling them and chomping and chewing away.

This next meeting was the risky one. Mel had taken note of his charisma, charm, and flirtatious vibe in their messages — he found her quite beautiful, despite Mel’s picture doing nothing to hide her obesity.

When Kennedy lumbered back, looking fresh faced and down to earth, Mel was sucking down the last slice of pie. 

“…what are you doing?” 

Mel shrugged as she polished off the very end of a home made family pie by herself.

“I wasn’t even gone for ten minutes? Did you eat all that in one go?”

“Yeah, she did.” 

Turning around, Kennedy jumped slightly. Walking over with firm footing was a sturdy, bearded man in his mid-twenties. He was wearing workman’s attire - a dirtied shirt and painter’s pants - and a ravenous look in his eyes. He was thick, himself. Big bulging arms and dark eyes, with a rounding belly slowly beginning to kiss the front of his shirt.

Kennedy’s ears flushed in a way Mel had not seen outside the bedroom. 

“I’m Brody.”

“Kennedy.” She hitched up her jeans as best as she could.

“Sorry,” Brody continued to mumble in his low timbre. “I got here early, but I didn’t want to interrupt your friend here.”

Mel realized she had been watched for her entire period of gluttony. 

“That’s quite an appetite you have there.” Brody smiled.

“Kennedy, Brody is our second meeting today. And he’s early.” Mel was pushing down the extreme feelings of arousal she had for this man. Kennedy, not so much. As she brushed past him, she pressed her massive ass against his cross and settled into the booth. Brody, unlike Michaela, could fit between the table and the seat, so he did so.

“Nothing quite like a girl with an appetite.”

Kennedy raised her hands for more pancakes. Mel snapped, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Let her eat, she’s wasting away.” Brody was too confident. Mel could tell he knew what he was doing.

“So,” Kennedy started, “You coming from work?”

“Yeah. I work in construction, if it wasn’t obvious.”

“Big hands, makes sense.”

“Yeah, you gotta be able to lift a lot in my line of work. But as you can see — “ he rubbed his midsection “ — it has side effects.”

“Well, lucky for you, you’re in the right place.” Kennedy cooed as she leaned closer, her fat roll spilling out between her halter top and jean line. 

Mel was still recovering from the pie. “So, what is your schedule like? What do you value in roommates?”

Brody smiled and sipped his black coffee. He leaned over and picked at some pastry crumbs in Mel’s empty pie tin. “Well, I like to cook. I like to party, I like to sleep in. I like to be surrounded by people who like the good things in life. What about you?”

Kennedy was suddenly spokesperson. “We’re easy going. We’re very fluid, very flexible — despite our size — and yeah, we fucking love to eat and party. We don’t go out much.”

“I can’t imagine I’d leave home much if I had you two there either.” Brody purred. 

Mel was starting to feel off-put by this. Brody seemed to be imagining a world wherein their living situation was purely sexually beneficial. A harem of heifers, always at his command. 

Kennedy touched his arm and looked over at Mel. 

She blurted out: “Are you a feeder?”

Brody smiled. “Hell yeah, I am. I like my women big, and getting bigger. And honestly…if you two are gonna be that wide, it gives me the chance to do some growing myself as well.”

Kennedy’s mouth was open, unbeknownst to her. Mel nudged her, and when she did, she felt Brody’s foot touch her toes. His hand was on Kennedy’s fat leg.

“Okay. Well. That’s good to know.” Mel said, curtly and professionally. The temperature changed. She wasn’t going to be whored out, and she definitely wasn’t going to share Kennedy’s focus. Not after what she had down to her body for her bestie.

“We were hoping for the 1st of the month, but we can always figure something out for sooner — “ Kennedy started, her voice heavy with desire.

Brody looked over at Mel. His brow softened, his mouth relaxed. “Maybe you should check in with Mel first. Seems like maybe I’ve crossed a line here.”

Mel’s brows lifted. That was…empathetic? Considerate? A good read?

“I’ve uh…I’ve just never lived with a man before.”

Brody smiled. “Fair enough. You’re also a lot younger than I expected — when you said college-aged, I wasn’t sure what —“

“Oh, no! I don’t think —“

“No, I know —“

“Sorry if that was weird.”

Brody smiled, and the hardened sensual feeder act was gone. “That was a lot. I apologize. I think I was just dialled up after watching you take on that pie…just…goddamn.”

Kennedy leaned back, sensing the change in tone. 

“I do think,” Brody said, “The three of us combined would be deadly. But I maybe we don’t mix business and pleasure. Maybe, we just exchange numbers right now and socials and we can keep in touch as friends.”

“And feeders.” Kennedy blurted. “I want to … yeah. I, uh, oops.”

“Okay. Look, I knew when I saw this posting on Feabie it was going to be a lot.” Kennedy’s eyes lit up — Mel had put up this ad on their Feederism site??

“Let’s meet up. What are you doing later?” Brody said.

“Well, we now have the fun pressure of hoping that this next meeting is the perfect roommate.” Mel said, defeated. 

They swapped information and parted ways, both girls drooling at the stocky man’s thick backside crammed into his cargo pants. 

“Fuck.” Kennedy breathed. “That’s a MAN.”
Mel felt nervous as they sat and waited for their final hope. When Beatrice the Waitress came over to clear the plates, she smiled and whispered: “Awfully nice of that man to take care of your bills for you!”

The two fatties lit up. They searched for Brody outside, but to no avail. Mel smiled in gratitude and shock as Kennedy sat up, and grabbed a menu. 

“Well…maybe we take that as a freebie and grab some dessert…”

Mel’s phone lit up: text from Avery, their last chance. “Sorry, will be five minutes late. Stupid bus!! UGH. Please don’t judge me…”

Mel responded kindly and set her phone down, watching as Beatrice walked a pie over to Kennedy.

“What? You think I wasn’t going to try to keep up with you, fatty?”

Under the table, Mel crossed her fingers and toes and watched the door.
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Sidewinder9191 8 months
Loving the sequel! Hoping Avery blows up like Mel
Pd500 10 months
Great start! 👍 👍👍👍👍
BionicOne 1 year
This is So F-N Good thank you so much for all of your beautiful writing!!!
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
I have been waiting and hoping. thank you for the amazing stories
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Good start. Keep it up.