A persuasive pair

Chapter 6

Avery was absolutely gassed as she climbed the stairs for the final time on Saturday afternoon. Her new roommates had been no help, lounging on their beds and recovering after carrying some of her garment bags up the stairs. Avery played out in her mind just how those two titanic tubs of lard could have possibly moved in to this building if it had her, a senior and dedicated professional athlete, feeling the burn with each step.
Avery had polished her plates at the roommate interviews and beat Kennedy at her own bet. She knew she could - she grew up with four brothers and food came with a FEND FOR YOURSELF tag every night. As a child, she had been portly, for sure, but her thickness found purpose and focus when she started playing rugby.
Now, only carrying a cardboard box of knickknacks, Avery arrived at the front door of her new home. Despite their laziness, Avery was enjoying Ken and Mel’s company. She wondered if she would have wanted their help, anyway. Would there have even been enough room for them all in the stairwell? Avery was build thick, for sure. She had a hard but wide backside and bulbous athlete thighs to match. Kennedy was bottom heavy too, but hers looked like a mixture of genetics and a lifelong diet of fried food.
Avery turned and used her greatest asset to knock the handle of the door open and shut it behind her. Avery secretly loved her butt, and knew it turned heads. She was proud of the mass she had built and the fact that her hindquarters could probably squat more than most guys on the football team. But at this moment in time, she was exhausted and slumped toward the kitchen counter with a great sigh. She dumped the box and slipped her phone into her fingers and scrolled mindlessly for a few passing moments while she let the wave of exhaustion and sweat pass.
Through the crack in their bedroom door, Ken and Mel peered out into the kitchen, staring at the bent over silhouette of their new housemate. Kennedy breathed a sigh and wiped spittle from her mouth.
“Fuck,” her voice bubbled. “She’s so hot.”
Mel felt that same weird rush again from the diner. Kennedy felt infatuated with this girl, in an odd and possessive way. Had their situation been similar? Had Melissa fallen under the spell of her fat friend and was not seeing it all from the outside?
“You need to chill out.” Mel said in a stern whisper.
Kennedy rolled up to a seated position, her gut hanging outside of her pyjama bottoms. “What’s got you so uptight?”
Mel sat up too, feeling her skin jiggle with the sudden movement. “I don’t know what you’re playing at here, but I can smell something that stinks. You need to behave yourself.”
Kennedy’s eyebrows lit up at her tone. Then, a sparkle bore forth from the depths of her pupils. She leaned forward, her belly pooling into her lap. When she was inches from Mel’s chin, she said: “Sounds like someone’s a little jealous.”
Mel was getting annoyed now. Kennedy kept going, but this time her thumb found the inside of Mel’s belly button and grasped the pad of fat underneath it with a heart tug. “You’re forgetting that with her rent cheques today, we have spending money again. And now that we have spending money, we can get back to doing what we do best.”
Kennedy kissed her softly on the cheek. “Remind me what that is, again?”
Mel felt her ears flush and her heartbeat quicken away from anger and toward arousal. “I - uh, why don’t you tell me?”
Kennedy bit her lip and grabbed her friend’s tubby tummy with two hands. “Filling out.”
Mel sat, swallowing, watching as Kennedy’s fat ass strutted away and out the door. That wasn’t really an answer, was it?
But still, Mel’s heart doubled when she imagined Kennedy’s hips kissing the lips of the door once again, her footsteps bouncing the picture frames on the wall.
“So, you’re all settled?” Mel heard Kennedy boom as she shuffled down the hallway. Avery looked tired, but Ken had a point: her little workout shorts and thick crewneck definitely were doing something.
“I still gotta unpack, but the heavy lifting is done!” Avery sat up on the ledge of the counter. “I still gotta get groceries, too.”
Kennedy wobbled over to the fridge and opened it, scanning for something exciting. “Well, personally, I think this is a momentous occasion and we deserve to celebrate it a bit. Why don’t you and Mel stay here - she can help you with the boxes - and I’ll go get us some stuff for the night.”
Avery smiled a pretty, innocent smile. “That’s very kind but you don’t have -“
“Avery, I’m afraid I’m telling you and not asking you. That way you can just hang out here tonight and tackle the rest of your errands tomorrow!”
“Call me Aves. And that’s very nice of you.”
With a thunderous hop and an excited squeal, Kennedy grabbed her phone with one fat hand and her keys in another. “Back in a bit!”
She tugged her PJ pants up over her belly button and was out the door in seconds. Mel and Aves sat in the kitchen, alone. Mel was suddenly very conscious at the size of her boobs. She wondered if they were the same size as Avery’s head. Her new roommates soft, tan skin smelled of her moisturizer. Her hair was pulled back into an unclear bun. The tiny freckles on her nose left small indentations on her pores.
There was silence for a while between them. Then, Aves said in her sweet voice, “I am glad she said that, I’m fucking starving. I barely ate today.”
They had spoken little about her display at the diner after it happened. Mel thinks Kennedy was so enthralled by someone with her appetite that she just blew through the rest of the evening without any other passing thought. Mel laughed and headed toward the fridge.
“I don’t know where you put it all, girl.” There were two beers left on the bottom shelf, and Mel pulled them out. She offered one to Aves, who took it with greedy eyes and a grateful smile.
“Literal perfection. Beer and moving day. Cheers - to new friends.” They clinked bottles and Mel sipped politely at the neck. When she looked back over, the brunette watched the Latina chugging hers with great gusto. She finished it all in one sip, it seemed.
Aves hiccuped like a squeak. “Sorry. That’s probably not at hot look.”
Mel smiled and downed her bottle just the same - to make Avery feel better.
“Okay,” Mel said kindly. “Let’s get some boxes done while we can. When Kennedy’s back, I have a feeling that there won’t be much working happening.”
Mel was a prophet. Kennedy returned with three pizzas, three orders of deep fried wings, chicken parmigiana, spaghetti, and a sheet cake. The girls each had to go down to Kennedy’s car to collect the case of beer and champagne bottles from her trunk.
That night, they broke in the place as a trio together. At first, it was all romantic and cute, gathered on the floor of Avery’s bedroom with food enough to feed a family of four - each. They housed the bottle of champagne, and chased the bubbly with beer. They learned quickly that Avery was an easy drunk, and LOUD. The girls chatted, gossiped, learned all about Avery's school and home life and were soon licking the tiramisu container clean with their fingers. It was Saturday night, after all!
By 9.30pm, it was two fatties and one fit girl screaming their lungs out to Taylor Swift on TV karaoke. Kennedy broke out some weed and they all hit, sprawling on the floor.
Avery let a massive burp rip, and shot up with her hands clasped over her mouth.
“I’m so sorry —“
“Ugh. Finally!” Kennedy leaned forward on the love seat, cradling her gut in her hand, and ripped a burp of her own. Mel spread her arms from to her side on the floor, and announced her own eruption as well. The girls giggled. “Well, that’s out of the way!”
Kennedy untucked her belly from the couch and let her splay out into the open. Aves said nothing, nor would she as she felt her brain activating from the cannabis. Ken’s stomach was sore. She had put on quite a showing for this new girl in the past few days, and it was starting to grant a toll. But Kennedy knew this next week was vital for Avery. All night, she was laying the track work of everything to come. As she thought about her secret plannings in her mind, she felt the drunken, stuffed, high hum that had been pounding between her legs all day. It called her to arms, like a sickening battle cry. It took everything for the fat, blonde bimbo not to shove her hands between her thick thighs right there and then and touch herself to the image of Avery as she grew —
“Hey. This might be craaaaaaaaazy,” Avery said from the floor. “But would you guys fuck up some Chinese food right now?”
Mel sat up and opened her phone, sloppily staring at the screen. She dialled a number without speaking and said to Avery, “What do you want?”
Kennedy smiled from the couch. Her two girls - one old, one new - both on the brink of blowing up. As Kennedy listened to Mel place the enormous order from their local favourite, she made a plan for tomorrow: it was the crucial second day, the recovery day. Greasy food to cure the hangover, a grocery trip to stock the fridge, an excuse to order in on Sunday, and leftover cake, two nights running.
When Kennedy opened her eyes, she found Avery’s: she was sitting there, beaming up at the big fat blondie. Kennedy could see her food baby pressing against her shirt. Looking over at Mel, she saw her fucked up fat-ass friend on hold with the restaurant. She had that look in her eyes, the one that she had lost in recent months. The big beauties held their gaze, almost speaking telepathically. Kennedy squinted her eyes as if to say, “Do you understand me now?”
Mel nodded slightly, and big smile cracked across her face. Across the room, Aves cracked another beer and asked if there was any more weed. Kennedy stood up and started down the hall to get more, making sure to sway her ass as much as she could. Her pyjama pants had ridden down, showing the top of her massive cakes and thong. She didn’t want to fix it, though she should have. She wanted Avery to see it, she wanted her to catch a glimpse of her wide backside, covered in adipose and flushing with dimpled flesh. Kennedy wanted to flaunt her bulbous backside and show her how fat her butt really was.
She wanted her to see it, and she wanted her to memorize it, and she wanted her to love it, so that when it happened to her, it wouldn’t be a shock.
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Sidewinder9191 8 months
Loving the sequel! Hoping Avery blows up like Mel
Pd500 11 months
Great start! 👍 👍👍👍👍
BionicOne 1 year
This is So F-N Good thank you so much for all of your beautiful writing!!!
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
I have been waiting and hoping. thank you for the amazing stories
SpideyFlash8 1 year
Good start. Keep it up.