Bounty harping

Chapter 2 - Slimmy starters.

On your ship you investigate the drive on your ships hologram as you put your hands your hips as you where intrigued.

The feed showed the surface of the planet graa in the milky cluster and on the surface where a see of inhumanly obese people so large that you could not see their limbs.

The vitals showed that they were 900 ponds and somehow they were missing their hearts but where still alive somehow with no signs of cutting on their skin.

Strange you wondered as you scanned for the source of dna that located the source to a marsh area.

As you landed on graa you set all your weapons to their highest setting so you could get a swift kill of what ever this monster was.

Spear activated small metal hands on your shoulder and asked to be careful. You tell him not to worry as you let group your left breast. You tell him when this is over that this can be yours.

This bounty would pay for spear and your honey moon after your marriage , technophilia in the star systems where begging to become more accepted so you two where not strange.

You leap out of the ship and dash to the marsh area as you bounce on and off of the obese victims.

You set your weapons to insta kill and wait. Your visor said that their was something in your location by you did not now were exactly , then you heard a voice!

Oh a bounty hunter has joined my domain , the most dangers and sexy one as well. You open fire everywhere as you dodge any unknowable attacks.

A green slime dropped on the ground and took the forum of a green long heard goo woman with small breasts.

You fire your hover blasters and strike with your phazor blade rapidly only for them to go through her and she summed goo to take your weapons away. You are going have to do a lot better then that she said sarcastically as you punch and kick her with your muscly arms and tail leg.

She covers you in goo so that you could not move. You are such great and mighty bounty hunter she states in a mocking tone as you hiss in frustration. My name is goka , an eldritch entity of gluttony. Could say that I am a god.

She slides her gooie hands up your tail and begins to rub your abs on your stomach. My you have a strong body , you will make a great vessel for my conquest of the galaxy she smirked.

Goka leans in and kisses your red lipsticked lips and dived down your throat and felt her slime down in your stomach that made you feel like you were about to puke! There the connection is made , your hunger is main to command she said in your head.

As you got up you saw a table in the centre of the marsh that had a table with goo pies and cakes. You were about to leave but something drove you to the table , in a sudden surge of hunger that you did not have before.

You attacked the gooie food and scoffed them all down and burned as you Ruben your bloated stomach. In the centre was a switch that you pulled and the marsh and obese victims turned back to their normal forms and their hearts where back in their chests.

You scanned the switch and it showed you the location of all of the switches and you heard Goka in your head as she said NO YOU WERE NOT SPOSE TO DO THAT! So you assumed if you destroyed all the switches you could get rid of this “Goka” foe as you headed back to your ship!

- - - -

On the spear tip you rushed to the medical bay and asked spear to scan you.

He scanned your body and gave a warning signal. (WARNIING ORGAN MISSING) WHAT?! You shout as you look at the scanner to show that your hearts are missing.

You hear a laughter in the corner of the room as you see Goka in the mirror holding your hearts in a green liquid. Living perfect for keeping alive organs outside host bodies she blunts.

She gives your hearts a squeeze as you feel a sudden pain in your chest. You will do exactly as I tell you to do. Now you know how she leveraged her victims you tell spear about the switches and sets a course.

As your ship sets course you put your hands on your hips and feel a slight bit of pudge on your sides of your abed filled stomach.

It was probably nothing so you ignore it. Told you were not prepared said spear , as much as his statements annoy you he was right!
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 10 months
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