Bounty harping

Chapter 3 - A webbing main course!

The next lever is located in the arcana quadrant were the spida gang is located.

The marker leads to the main ship that is armed to the teach with lasers but with your ace pilot skills you disable the guns and the engines, bringing the ship to a stand still.

You grab your weapons and teleport onto the ship! ‘The lever is located on the main hanger’ says spear on your coms.

The Spida guards with their many arms and blazer fire arms attack you as you dodge every attack and slice them one by one with your phazor blade.

You begin to notice that your crouch doge is slightly slower then before but you blame it on not getting any sleep as you enter the main hanger.

- - -

The giant spida mob queen was lounging on her throne a lever bedside her.

Hmm so this is the slimy rat that communised our stability in this zone she hissed as she held up her titanic breasts with her spider like arms.

I ought to punish you with the way of the most shame in my species , with grub! She demanded as she held the great funnel of grub and her Assiniboine ready to web you still.

You would dodge this easily of course but you were just located her weak spot on her abdomen veins.

As you were about to jump dodge and fire with your hover lasers you saw Goka wiggling her finger back and fourth in the hanger’s window in a oh no you don’t fashion as she crushes your hearts!

You shive in pain as you stop mid jump as the spida mob queen sticks your tail and arms to the floor leaving your stomach exposed!

The spida queen struts towards you with her hands on her voluptuous hips and kneels down towards you.

You see her many bug eyes look down towards your waist and feel your stomach with her hands.

Her sharp fingers felt painful on your abs and pinch your side. Oh is the galaxies’s best and most beautiful bounty hunter given into gluttony as of late , she pondered.

Let’s REINFORCE THAT she snarled as she shoved the grub tub down your throat and pressed her massive bosom in your face slowly suffocating you!

The taste of the grub was the foulest taste you ever tasted! The only comparison would be the ding ding on Z14.

You try to activate your hover lasers but you see they are stuck in webs to on the calling.

In sock you feel your stomach expand out and from the sides as the spida mob queen jiggles and squeezes your new found pudge.

She laughed and said good bye abs and hello tubby janitor , say goodbye to your bounty hunting courier pig snake slut.

As you a were filling up you saw that her right leg was next to a room fire for decoration next to the line of webs that connect to you and her abdomen vines.

You spat some saliva at her face and the fire dropped on the web burning it instantly and burning the vein on her abdomen causing her to fall over as the grab tub accidentally falls to her mouth fill her up bigger and bigger to she is shaped like a massive ball of lard.

Belly with infinite rolls , gigga tits , wobbly ass and sunken in face. As she grow she squashed the lever destroying it!

You grab your phazor blade and tap her stomach with it and she explodes into many meaty green weeny chunks as your heard a hard No , again from Goka.

You tell spear on your coms that you are ready to leave and he responds with an affirmative and you teleport out.

- - -

(Later in the med bay)

Let me asses the damage spear said as he came in with his mechanical hands and you try push him away as you were DEEPLY ashamed but he holds you still anyway.

You look in the mirror and to your horror you abs are now gone , with now a pushing up chubby belly with love handles remain that are being squished by spear in an analytical manner.

Your tits have grown further out making your top feel tight as well as your ass cheeks in your shorts as they too now felt tight on your hands. Your had more width to it and your face had the beginnings of a bubble chin.

Scanning..... you , weigh one hundred and eighty pounds states spear.

You begin to mope in your hands as you toke toke great pride in your appearance as the most beautiful bounty hunter in the galaxy and your species socially shuns any form of ugliness , you felt as if your life was over.

Spear puts a hand Udder your left heavy breast and says that he can fix together as he shows the plan in screen for an exercise regime and diet plan.

You hug his exposed exposed arms and tell him that times like these are way you married him as you brush away your tears.

You sleep in the ship’s bed and spear gently rubs your new found fuba as your drift of to sleep.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 10 months
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