Bounty harping

Chapter 4 - sludgy sides!

Your mourning was a painful one as your shorts were hard to put on from your new found pudge on your arse and your bosom pushed further in your crop top then normally.

You set parameters to the next lever that is located on the sludge planet home of the slugger mob.

As you head to the planet you saw that they had organic boogie turrets that fired boogies that you used your key pilot experience to destroy them with clear shots. The main base was too heavily armed to be attacked with a ship so you set out with your weapons to assault the base on foot.

Just before you left spear made a comment that you should put on some bigger clothes which you refused as you were still you and you would still present yourself as the most beautiful and best bounty hunter in the galaxy with or without the extra pounds. The attire is what sets your identity as a legend in space not some smelly mechanic.

. . . . .

You silvered of the ship with heist setting your phazor blade to max and lashed the door open and cutting all slug guards and turrets that come before you.

You made it to the main hanger slithering there with your hand on your now chubby hip as you would before as you open the door to revel the slugger boss who was 20 foot tall slugger alien with long Eye stems.

Above him was the lever on top a plate of endless sweets made for the mob to celebrate. He took a good look at you.

‘I expected someone of your reputation to be a bit more . . . Fitter!’

You huffed as your stomach gurgled at that remark as you stated that you expected his base to be better defended.

He chuckled as he armed himself with his sludge hammer , let’s do this he demanded as he swung an attack at you that you dodged and used the hover lasers to shot his eyes , it did not blind him but did give you enough time for you use your phazor blade to slice his gooey arms off. Just before you did you saw a mirror in the corner that you refused to look at further at as you know what happed last time. You heard Goka shout drat , so you knew you made the correct decision!

The slugger boss weld in pain as he knocked the plate the lever into a small hole that led to an acid bath you quickly slide down to grab it and succeed in doing so but there was just one problem.

You were now stuck you felt your stomach was compressed against the metal and your chonky tail and arse simply could not budge through and your massive boobs were now stuck in your face.

As the slugger boss recovered he glared at you angrily with blood shot eyes and charged towards you.


He clumsily hoped to you and slammed down on your tail felling the wet sludge on your scales and more worryingly he pulled your shorts down to revel your plump checks and ample pussy.

You tried to activate the lever with your tung as your hands were stuck on your sides but you accidentally activated the side button.

“Self feed mode activate”

That can’t be good you thought and gallons and gallons of sweets were pushed into your mouth.

AT THIS RATE YOU WILL MY FATTEST CONCUBINE! He shouted as he flung his massive green slimy dick into your vagina pumping in and out.

As this was happening you felt your stomach slowly become bigger and bigger! Then the ceiling cracked and just before he was about to cum all his seed into your womb the floor gave way below him as the crack foundations let the acid brake the flooring.

As he fell into the acid he blasted a green cum shot right into your face leaving you a mess!

The cracked foundations gave room for you to escape and flicked the lever. You had to escape soon before the base feel into the acid but your slithering speed was slowed from your heavy stuffing and you left the building only just before it collapsed.

He called spear to collect you and fly off!

. . . . .

In the medical wing of your ship spear analysed your vitals and claimed you where now 212 pounds.

From your leg like tail , pumpkin like ass , a triple folded belly with many love handles, pudgy arms , H sized breasts and pudgy cheeks with a double chin. It was no betting around the bosh , your were now officially a fat woman.

‘I winning tubby’ Goka laughed Mockingly in your head and spear used his mechanical hands to rub and coerces your belly’s love handles.

‘I think you are still beautiful’ he said and you said that why you married him for his confidence.

You two would get though this together!
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 10 months
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