Bounty harping

Chapter 5 - The harping!

You wake up in your sheets that seem to almost hover over your blubbery ball of a belly. You take the sheet off and slither to your wardrobe, you pick your largest pair of bra and shorts and they just amour fit.

Although your nipples felt tight and your ass cheeks were incredibly numb. You applied your lipstick that now made you look like bloated Breanna then a hot bounty hunter and slithered out of your room, carful of your new found cellulite.


In Captain seat you analyse the location of the final lever that is located on the rubbish planet jiki.
As you guest from the beginning of your adventure all gangs in the galaxy are fighting over who controls the new found lost territory.

Whilst you were working you were stuffing your face with sweets , your new found girth had added to your appetite as well.
You’re belly made sloughed sound from the sweet gorge with both you and spear’s hands rubbing your swollen gut.

You thank him for making you feel better and you ready your phazor blade as well as your hover lasers.

You tell spear is to sneak in activate the solar panels so they fry the area were they are fighting and then collect the cash tokens.

And how are you going to perform a sneaking function with this! Spear states as he pokes a mechanical finger in your blob of a belly.

You say you can manage in a tone of annoyance and blushed cheeks. He was right though you were not the same lean bounty hunter you were before so you had to step carefully.


At planet jiki you sure all gang ships were destroyed in a massive space battle and all forces left were fighting in the solar area. You could not fire from the ship as you could destroy the lever and tokens. So you quietly landed under the main attack point so your were not detected.

Leaving the ship you see the planet was an endless mass of abandoned objects and machine parts and you could hear the battle from afar.

You head in the direction of the solar panels when you release how hard to was to slither at full spear now, sweating at every new ground slithered through.

You made it to the first solar panel and open the door to see stairs. If you still had your three primary blood pumping organs they would sink but you went on anyway sweating at every new climb.

You made it to the top begging for air and you see two gang members shooting from the railing to the solar panel.

You put your hands on your flabby hip and swede back and fourth seductively as you slithered towards them saying “hello boys 💓 “ as if you were seventy two pounds lighter.

Whose dis porker snickered one gangster as all thee of them lost their heads to a blast from a hover laser from behind. Still got you snicker.

You enter the first solar panel and and turn the light on when suddenly you see Goka in the reflection. Bye! She states as she squeezes your three hearts coursing you to fall out the door rolls polly your fat body destroying the other three lights burning the area with any distinct target.

You land head first on top of the four mobsters with your gigantic arse full force killing them instantly.

As you slowly got up the the rest of the gangs stood still and turned to you with green glowing eyes

You felt a sudden pain as Goka appeared squeezing your heart holding you in place.

MA haha ha ha ha , don’t go any were your just in time for desert. All the rubbish melted away to revel that jiki was not a rubbish planet, rather it was one of jelly and goo.

You felt right into my trap she says as slimy tentacles appear from the ground holding you down and crushed both the phazor blade and the hover lasers.

This is my planet were I am strongest and as I said before you make the perfect vessel for my goo army to be born from your stomach and with gangs out of the question no one in this sector could stop me.
Thanks for that.

You wriggle trying to escape no a-vile but then to your shock you see spear in Goka’s tenurial grasp and removed the ai part of the ship and bringing it to the day light. You scream NO as tears feel your eyes.

Hmm he can watch you complete my task for me, after that he’ll make a good bin.


Behold the harping she says as you see and endless mass of jelly. As a bear cosmic entity this is material I use to rebirth galaxies from life form’s gluttony but alas no one has measured up to the exact requirements, until today that is she says.

The green eyed Brian washed mob gather their plates of jello and Walt towards you. The harping targets you opening your mouth to make sure you can’t close it.

Her brainwashed minions force feed you goo soon goo in endless amounts. You your face becoming thicker, ass growing rounder, tail forming into a mass of doe, your already giant belly forms into s colossal mound of flesh making you immobile with your many water melon sized breasts sloshing back and fourth.

Than sudden twang is heard as your bra and shorts give way leaving you naked.

Goka walked up to you slowly rubbing your belly making you less bloated and pinched your ass Cheeks. She come forwards and jiggled your massive boobs and stomach cursing your body to ripple all over.

,Who would have thought that the greatest and most beautiful bounty hunter would end up as a gluteus pile of flesh on the ground, she mocked as she still rubbed your belly that you could not pretend did make you feel good.

That’s a good pig she said as she slaps your belly and give you a kiss on the lips with her gooi one. Seems you found your bounty, A BOUNTY HURPING!

The Harping aimed at you for the final stage when you saw in the goka’s body is the final lever.

You tell goka that her left foot look wonky. What? She says as she bends down and turns the lever by accident.

The tentacles, her brainwashed minions and Goka herself began to melt away.

Nooo you fat bitch swine as she and all her creations turn into a puddle goo! Giving you the finger as she dies and your three hearts return to your body. Feeling that odd sensation of having something beating inside your chest again.


You look at spear and the money tokens that were all that was left of the gangs.

You try to stand up when you realise you can’t, you had reached immobility with your glutinous appetite!

So what now? you tell your self.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 10 months
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