Bounty harping

Chapter 6 - epilogue

As you sit on the ground you see spear enter repair mode as he fixes himself and makes adjustments to the ship carry the heavier cargo.

He reversed to pick you up as you could not move and shoved you in the ship! It was a bit of a squeeze getting your colossal belly in and it took a good fourteen minutes to push your (not literally) mountain sized backside in the cargo bay.

You set the course to send the bounty pay check at the local market stations to see what was on offer.

The future awaits, both you and spear sigh.


The sun shines over your yellow scales as you sun bath on the beaches of the tropical planet of Salall which is the place where you spent the bounty on for your retirement.

Spear was in his robot form as he carried a smoothy and a load of sweets, Ice cream and burgers. (How is my corpulent queen) he said in a seductive robotic manner as he placed the plat on your gigantic belly, it was so big now that your belly could hold anything in place without it falling off.

Your colossal breasts had reached cannon ball size and buttock was now the size of a thermal nuclear bomb with cheeks so chubby that they covered most of your face. Your tail was no more then a barrel of bear shape. Even though all this you kept your lipstick on;)

You are wearing a titanium built bikini to keep your assets in place. You had cyber hover devices implemented inside your back of your body and feet so that you could still move.
(“Giggles” she is doing mighty fine) you say in response to spear’s flirty comment as you remove your sunglasses!

On the island you took part in eating contests and won every one of them, giving you the title of gluttony goddess empress queen. Adding more weight to your 3000 pound body.

As you drunk your smoothy, spear feed you food as he rubbed your fuppa in a loving fashion.

(“BURP” umm...spear do you think that quitting my job as a bounty hunter was a good idea?) you wonder.

Spear reassured you by groping your flabby tits tightly (my dear, you becoming ruler of this planet and being with you closer is the most logical plan we have made in years) he calculated.

He slowly pulled down your bikini bottoms squeezing your squishy ass and removing the top to suckle on your sweet nectar spots as milk poured from them.

He placed his robotic dong in your belly button and pushed back and fourth, casing your bottom, belly and tits to jiggle all over!

You made panting sounds as he moved to your vagina and aimed their next, making you squirm with joy as he played with your many belly folds!

You are in complete haven as you both climax! (I love you spear) you say to him as he kisses your immense stomach! (I calculate the emotion of love to you too my bounty harper) he said in a way only spear to come up with.

Bounty harping indeed.

The End.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 10 months
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