Blushing on a first date

Chapter 2 - A wild boar in sheep’s clothing

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“So the way it works here” Daniel continued to explain. “Is they serve you your drinks and you can get up and go to the buffet whenever you want. I can tell you like to eat as much as I do so this is perfect!”
She felt heat rising to her face, making it turn nearly vermillion. “Not at all! I’m maybe a third of your size!” She protested.
He took it with a cool gaze. “I know I know, I’m much bigger. I just have way less self control. You just like to eat as much as I do, not that you do eat as much as I do.”
Her temper defused. She didn’t like him pretending to be in control of the situation. “Alright” She admitted. “I am a bit of a foodie.”

He slid to the end of his bench, causing it to groan loudly. Then, he made a big heave, using his arms to push against the bench and pull himself and his mammoth belly up. Seeing that his waist was still much wider than her arms length even when he stood, she was shocked that any formal clothing store had any clothing even close to the size he was wearing. Despite the pig he was, he definitely had some surprising charisma about him that made her want to like him. He reached out a pudgy hand in a gentlemanly way to offer her to stand up. She took it and stood. He almost seemed to blush seeing she was a good two or three inches taller than him with the heels. “I- uh…I’ll show you some of their best stuff.”

He led her to the first of four buffet displays and handed her a plate. “Their brisket is the best!” He put a heaping mound on his plate and a sizable, but much more modest portion on hers, and then slid two rolls on her plate. “I like to make it into a little sandwich,” he added. He continued to take her around the display picking up servings of the foods he praised like baked cinnamon apples, roasted button potatoes, and some kind of stuffed mushrooms with sausage. Her plate was quite full; his was nearly overflowing. She was stunned to see he still had such an appetite when he had already emptied three plates.
He led her back to their table where her drinks were ready. He shifted and struggled to slide back in, bumping the table slightly. The server had left her drinks at the table. She took a large swig of vodka cran and felt her nerves ease.

He was right about the food. She was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. She was drinking the cocktails maybe a little faster than she should, but was starting to feel her guard going down and unconsciously laughing at his jokes, and taking interest in their small talk. Before she knew it both their plates were empty. They sat for a while talking more. Then, Daniel saw someone pass by with cornbread and his eyes lit up.

“Oh! He exclaimed. “I showed you all my favorites but you didn’t get to try some of what you wanted! Still have room?”
She paused a moment. “Okay.” She admitted. “Order a strawberry daiquiri for me while I’m up. I’ll see what else they have.”
She browsed the remaining displays. One of them was all desserts, so she passed by it for now. If she was going to eat more, she hoped to fill herself up with something a little less fattening than cake, pies, and ice cream.
In her distraction, she had missed that her companion had once again gotten up again and was startled to see him waddling back to their table. He was carrying heaping plates yet again, one in each hand! People were staring. One person had even carelessly let their mouth drop open. That was enough! She had enough embarrassment for one night and was ready to leave. She marched back over to the table as Daniel eased himself into… her seat.

She tried to reach across him to grab her purse, but he caught her wrist. With surprising strength, he pulled her arm sharply so she lost her balance, causing her to fall across the wall of his fleshy stomach, her head stopping by his face. He hissed in her ear.

“You made a mistake in being willing to be vulnerable with me before we even met. You need anyone with financial means to help you, and clearly you’re willing to do nearly anything to do it.” He gazed into the cleavage of her tight red dress. “You knew what you were doing.”
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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BeSoft 1 year
That was brillant and a Real JOY!
User1609 1 year
Best story 10 out of 10.
Bcain 1 year
What a twist! great lead in and transition and def not something you read all the time on here.
LeandroAlex 1 year
Bom dia
Você pensa em transformar essa história em um ganho mútuo?

Good morning
Do you think about turning this story into a mutual gain?
Built4com4t 1 year
Another treat…that was fun