Blushing on a first date

Chapter 4 - The Naked Truth

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He had a moment's hesitation and changed his tactic. He whispered almost inaudibly, leaning towards her. “You make it through this date and I will pay all the rent you owe.” She stiffened, he put a fat hand behind her head and pulled her head towards his face. He planted a wet slobbery kiss on her, made even more disgusting by the bits of food still stuck to his cheeks.

Fine. This was the most humiliating experience she had ever been through. Everyone was staring. There was definitely a phone out filming, now. She stood, gave him the most assertively angry glare she could muster, turned on her heel and headed toward the dessert buffet display. His offer was compelling. Too compelling. Yet she was still angry for being treated so. She was leagues above him, but she needed this so badly.

Reaching the dessert buffet, she didn’t even grab a plate and snatched a whole blueberry pie dish, and a whole strawberry cheesecake with her free hand. The attendant tried to protest but she didn’t care. He would pay for all of it. She would make sure he had to pay. Turning back, she saw the monster was already devouring the plate she had barely touched. She slammed the two deserts down on the precarious table.

“Thank you sweetie!” He said through a mouthful. She grit her teeth and bared it. He tore through the pie as if it were a personalized size instead of a 12” pie. When he finally got to the cheesecake he was slowing down. He took a forkful by agonizing forkful. She was in awe and disgusted. She doubted anyone but him could want more than one slice of cheesecake without being satiated due to the richness. He had one slice left.
She looked away and tapped her foot impatiently. She just needed to make it through the date.

Then a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. The bench let out a very loud creak and then made a crack. Suddenly, the behemoth tipped over, falling backward as the bench was reduced to a pile of broken beams. He fell to the ground on his heavily adipose padded buttock. Silence… before the room erupted in laughter.

He struggled to straighten himself, rolling himself forward somewhat, only to have his belly, which was already emerging beneath his shirt at the bottom, burst forth as his three bottom buttons snapped off and were flung across the room. Ava felt a split second of pity, and gave her arm to pull him up. His weight on her nearly made her fall over too! He was so heavy! Then, she heard the only thing that could make the situation worse- a noise of fabric tearing. She couldn’t tell where it was until the people behind Daniel started laughing even harder; his pants! He had even torn his pants trying to get up!

She pulled him in hysteria by the arm and dragged him as quickly as his fat legs would let him possibly waddle. It was too agonizingly slow. Ava threw as much cash as she could from her purse on the front counter and hurdled out the doors, her fat companion heaving horrifically as if he was suffocating, to keep not far behind.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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BeSoft 1 year
That was brillant and a Real JOY!
User1609 1 year
Best story 10 out of 10.
Bcain 1 year
What a twist! great lead in and transition and def not something you read all the time on here.
LeandroAlex 1 year
Bom dia
Você pensa em transformar essa história em um ganho mútuo?

Good morning
Do you think about turning this story into a mutual gain?
Built4com4t 1 year
Another treat…that was fun