Blushing on a first date

Chapter 5 - Satisfaction

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She rushed to where she knew their car was, hidden from the street view behind the restaurant. The roleplay was over now. His dignity was at stake now, and was far more important to her. She threw the back door of their van open and let him retreat. Her massive companion could be comfortable in the back, where all the seats had been folded down. She slammed the door behind him. He was far more covered in sweat and heaving to catch his breath. He had not run like that in years, probably since they had first met, when he was barely 200 lbs.

“Are you okay?” She whispered, gently.
He looked up, still breathless. “That.” He heaved. “Was the hottest thing we’ve ever done!” He was positively beaming! “You though- are you okay? You got really into your character, but you definitely lost your broke girl cover when you paid up at the end!”
She tackled him to the ground, feeling all of his extensive flesh ripple and cushion the impact. She kissed him deeply. “Your quick imagination is definitely what forces me to commit to the act” she breathed between kisses, running her fingers along his moobs, stroking the stretch lines into the nipple. “No one knows… no one knows that I’m the one who fattened you.”

“Mmm.” He agreed, reaching around to grope her ass and pull her against his bloated sensitive stomach. He loved the small weight of her on top of him, with the enormous pressure already in his stomach. “You know you’re still a tiny skinny thing right?”

She blushed. She loved how tiny he made her feel when she laid out on him, even if she had given into his greed with food a little recently.

She reached into the trunk area and found their cooler. “You at your limit, big boy? Or do you need something to wash it down?”

He shook his head. “More please.”
Nothing made her lose control more than hearing him ask for more. She tore the remaining shreds of his clothing off his body and grabbed a handful of the rolls on his side, shaking them, watching it ripple through his soft hairy body. His shapely breasts bounced, temptingly, teasing her further.

“Good. If you’re not as round as possible, I’m not satisfied.” She opened the cooler and retrieved the first carton of heavy cream. She removed the cap and tipped it in his mouth as he laid back as comfortably as he could. She knew soon enough he would fill out properly. She placed a hand across his upper stomach feeling it gradually tense and inflate a little further with every gulp. By three cartons he was struggling to breathe evenly. This would definitely be enough for her. She retrieved two more cartons, and placed them by his head, removing the caps.

“I can’t reach over that belly anymore,” She said, tracing a finger along his very sensitive bloated belly. It was enormous. At least 4 times the size of a beach ball. “You’ll have to drink while I reward you.” She suggestively slid off her underwear beneath her short tight dress.

He felt too heavy to move now, especially after how exhausting it was for him to run across a whole restaurant and parking lot. She nearly disappeared behind his belly, as she bent over. He couldn’t see her, making the delicate sensation as she explored with her fingers, pulling back the fat around his thighs, and gently licked even more enthralling. He wanted to jump and squirm but felt unable to. He had to endure the pleasure. He felt like he was going to burst, dizzy with all the blood flowing out of his head to his stomach and to his member.
Then, he felt her grasp his cock and gently push his stomach to make room for herself.
“Drink.” He heard her whisper. Her face, shoulders and breasts were now visible again just past his belly as she sat up. She gave his belly a slightly harder shove out of the way, to let her hips line up with his. The shove was almost painful with her aggressive insistence and how much he felt shift inside him.

It was such a tight squeeze! He nearly thought he would vomit as she pushed against his stomach. He felt increasing warmth and wetness along his belly a few inches from his member. She was waiting, clearly. He picked up one of two remaining cartons and started sipping the best he could without losing his massive meal. Her eyes glittered. She sank lower and he felt her warm inner embrace. He felt even more squeezed throughout his body! He felt like he was going to burst from everywhere at once! He was already shuddering nearing climax before she had even begun.
This was so perfect. It was everything he wanted. He was so horrifically spoiled and so permitted to be a disgusting hedonist by her! It was everything a man could want! And she provided it to him so willingly.

She felt so small behind his enormous belly. She could finally see his full moon-shaped face again and was very pleased to see he had lifted the carton to his lips to drink. He was ready. She gently started to bounce on him, feeling the ripples of lard bounce on her most sensitive zone. She felt warm pleasure spreading through her. It was only when he was completely stuffed that the pressure his belly put on her vulva forced her clit forward, and she could feel every ripple through his fat pleasure her back like a vibrator. She was so disgusted by the freak show of a pig she had turned him into! She loved to see strangers' judgment and disgust thinking she was a perfect looking trophy girlfriend to a horrific hog--- especially when really she was the one who eagerly turned him into such a pig! His growing fat was her trophy. Her trophy of how much of a freak she was proud to be!

She shivered and felt his member pulse in her, as he moaned. They were violently shaking the car due to all the shifting weight. Neither cared. Honestly, for them, it would be even better if someone suspected something. She put in more effort, riding him harder. He did no work at all, just the effort of digesting was too much for him while she rode. He felt less coordinated and sipping the cream was beginning to make him feel like he was drowning. He took an enormous breath before grabbing the final carton.

“Good boy! Yeesss!” She squealed, riding him harder. She shone with pleasure and rode even more enthusiastically, he felt his belly bounce heavily. His tits were visibly bouncing, slapping against his belly, his easter ham width thighs slapping against her muscular thighs. He felt even more turned on when the sensation reminded him of being force fed. When she fed him excessively at home, she would sometimes bounce his belly fast enough on his sweaty crotch that that alone could make him cum. When they had first discovered that, it had been the most humiliating day of his life; until today!

She was tightening around him and finally he felt a bursting sensation as if he was split in two with warmth. He started choking on the last drops of cream as he felt his seed erupt into her. She felt her tight squeeze around him start to feel tighter still as it filled with warm fluid and she called out his name.

She collapsed against the soft pillow of his belly, but felt unable to pull herself off him, and he still felt unable to move at all. And so they stayed, with his member slowly pulsing and coming down to its relieved size. His stomach would never return to the size it was before he met her again.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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BeSoft 1 year
That was brillant and a Real JOY!
User1609 1 year
Best story 10 out of 10.
Bcain 1 year
What a twist! great lead in and transition and def not something you read all the time on here.
LeandroAlex 1 year
Bom dia
Você pensa em transformar essa história em um ganho mútuo?

Good morning
Do you think about turning this story into a mutual gain?
Built4com4t 1 year
Another treat…that was fun