Thorns and claws

Chapter 2: The Plan

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“Why, look what the Cat dragged in.” Said the red-haired beauty as she unbolted the door to admit her delayed guest.

“I forgot how funny you can be, Evie.” Said Selenna, shaking back her hoodie once more, the ringlets of her blonde hair bouncing.

Selenna looked around the room she was now standing in. It was a large open floor within an unfinished building. Though you would never know it from its current occupant.

Evie, the poisonous princess of crime had bedecked it with all things flora. Vines adorned nearly every surface, both floor and ceiling and Selenna knew enough from her counterpart than to touch anything.

“I love what you’ve done with the place. Been here long?”

“Just a couple of weeks. You’re late, by the way.”

Selenna rolled her eyes. “Yes, well. I ran into a little trouble getting here. You know, you really picked a lousy place as a hideout, by the way. All the way across town.”

She looked at her sharply. “Not him? Not…The Bat?”

Selenna let out a little laugh, “No, not him. Just a couple of street toughs that thought they could steal the virtue of a damsel in distress.” She posed, sashaying her legs and raised her hands in the air.

“And not a scratch on you.” Said Evie, who turned and walked into another room.

Selenna followed, marveling at the transformation of the room. She felt like she was in a tropical jungle, for not only was there plants and vines adorning most of the surfaces, but even the air smelled otherworldly.

Evie led her to a large table which sat under an overhead light. On its surface lay several schematics of building plans, electrical blueprints and various pieces of burgling equipment.

“Where’s Harley? I thought this was going to be threesome?” Said Selenna with an eyebrow raised, she let the inuendo hang in the air as she walked over to the table, leaning forward and spreading her hands along its length to better view the plans.

Evie walked around the other side, “She’s not coming. She’s off cavorting with Mr. J on another caper. I don’t know what she sees in him.” She added.

Selenna merely nodded, knowing that the two women had recently become an intimate item.

“So, if it’s just the two of us on this caper, things are going to get a little more interesting.”

“I’ve been pondering that. And I think we won’t run into anything out of the ordinary. And, now we get to split the reward two ways instead of three.” She looked across the table at Selenna with a sideways grin.
Selenna stood up, “30 million dollars is sure going to buy a lot of kitty litter.”

“And a lot of fertilizer for my beauties.” Added Evie, who walked over to one of her beloved plants and stroked its outstretched leaves.

The plan that Evie had laid out was a simple break-and-enter affair at the Glotham Museum of Modern Art.

“As you know,” began Evie, walking around the table to join Selenna, “the museum just had its annual gala for Glotham’s rich and famous.

Selenna remembered, as she had worked it, undercover as one of the waitstaff, the evening previous. She unconsciously scratched an itch at the top of her head from where the dark wig had sat that evening and had rubbed uncomfortably against her scalp.

“Oh, god. All those rich old men and their boring, loud wives. I think I still have a red mark on my behind from when one of the men pinched me. Still—his groin will still be swollen from where I kneed him.” She said, making Evie laugh.

Selenna had gone incognito, in order to deactivate and reprogram some of the security measures that would make their entry into the museum all the easier. While there were certainly many items that light fingered thieves such as themselves would love to add to their collection, their prize for that evening would be to extract the precious stones from the Crown and Scepter, a prized exhibit on loan from the Blayne Foundation.

“With the system hacked, we will be able to manipulate the camera feeds, essentially making our presence there undetectable. And with your cunning acrobatics, you should be able to bypass the laser guided security system.” Evie walked over to a shelf and procured what looked like a tranquilizer gun.

“And what have you cooked up for any unfortunate security guards who might be in our way?” asked Selenna eyeing the weapon.

“Oh, let’s just say they don’t have any antidotes for what’s in here.” She said coldly, making Selenna shiver.

“Oh, Evie. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

Evie raised her eyebrows and smiled thinly as she set down the tranquilizer gun and approached the table once more to go over their plan for the final time.

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Ninja1598 12 months
Loving this!! Keep writing more please🙏