Finding her kink

Chapter 2

Harry approached his hypothesis with caution after that, he didn't want to come off as body shaming his beautiful girlfriend if he was wrong, not to mention she was skinny as a rail. He almost had respect for how resolutely she'd shut herself off from experiencing everything her heart desired out of will power. Cara was finishing her shower and walked into the bedroom naked, a pleasant sight but he found himself staring at her body, trying to envision
her softer, more pliable, taking whatever he gave her, she looked down at his number and grinned, "Again? What's gotten into you lately?" As they both panted he pictured her breathing heavier, looking up at him, hungry for his body.
Once they were finished he heard her cursing in the other room, "What is it?" "My birth control, I forgot to go get my refill yesterday," She shimmied her jeans on and threw the towel holding her wet hair to the floor, he slowed her, rubbing small circles into her shoulders, "What you don't want a mini-me running around here?" He chided. "Please, I'll get as big as a house if I get pregnant." Oh? "What do you mean by that?" There was that crimson blush, she didn't look up as she revealed, "My mom, she got big as a house after she had kids, never lost the weight, if we have kids one day I need to seriously watch what I eat." "Is that your main concern with having kids?" He asked. "No, I know it's shallow, I don't know, but I'm sure you don't want me to get fat." "I don't care, as long as you're healthy." She chuckled, "Yeah all guys say that, until it happens." "I don't know, a little meat on these bones...could be nice."
She turned quickly, now those hazel eyes meet his own. "You can't be serious." "I love you Cara, at any size. It won't kill you to let loose a little." "Lemme go I need to pickup my pills." He released her with a wet kiss and a spank on the ass.

Cara had muddled over what he said, he saw her finish her food more, snack around the house, she even added a candy bar to the cart at the grocery store yesterday, he studied her body, she didn't look like she'd gained any weight, but she seemed less stressed when they sat down for pizza and a movie that night, he purposefully put an extra slice on her plate. She ate it without comment though she usually only ate two pieces. When she came back from the bathroom there was a fourth slice there. She ate it wordlessly, but those red cheeks told him all he needed to know.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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