Finding her kink

Chapter 4

She woke up around three and shuffled over to the fridge to grab a glass of juice, she didn't notice it wasn't her normal zero cal lemonade, it was the good stuff with more sugar in one serving then a normal person needed in a day. She drank two glasses of it in a fervor and the gallon was half empty. Sugary drinks would be his best friend in the coming months, she loathed the taste of water and drank her weight in sugar free stuff, he added up all the calories
she'd been drinking since he made the subtle shift in beverage options and found himself with a hard-on again, maybe this was more then the noble quest he'd made it out to be. He wasn't particularly into bigger women, but imagining Cara growing fat and lazy did something for him, bad.

"Where were those edibles we bought a few weeks ago?" He turned to her, she was making it too easy for him, practically begging him to mold her into a softer version of herself. He grabbed them from his nightstand and gave himself half
the dose she took, "Don't put on anything too weird, I don't want to freak out." He smiled, and nodded. They settled on some gaming commentary off of YouTube when the doorbell rang.

It was hitting early because normally Cara would've made comments about the amount of food he ordered, it was the Family Feast that looked like it would easily feed 6. There were two huge tins of pasta, and Cara herself dug into one straight from the container, Harry placed the paper plates he was about to bring back onto the counter, his girl was rising to the challenge like a champ, and she'd be rewarded kindly.

She shoveled pasta into her mouth while watching the videos, he didn't know how he'd completely forgotten about her insatiable munchies, even 20 pounds lighter she ate like a sumo wrestler after a little bit of weed. He was nervous to suggest his next move but had to try one straight from the feeder boyfriend playbook and get the food-sex connection going.

He knelt at the base of her legs and spread her thickened thighs apart, his hands found more pale plush to grab at which pleased him at a primal level. "I'm going to give you a reward if you can finish that." She looked down at the pan that was halfway done and shook her head, "There's no way-" He started with his mouth, and she picked up the fork, almost in a trance. If she slowed, he would slow, if she went fast he went harder, she was moaning between bites and he was so busy downstairs he didn't realize she'd hit the end of the pan. In his rational mind he couldn't believe she'd actually eaten that much, but his new feeder mind, the evil one stopped in his tracks, causing her to press on his shoulders, grinding against his head. He pulled away completely, "There's dessert left too, don't waste the food I bought for you now Cara." She clutched her stomach that now full of food looked like a potbelly. "Why did you get me so much then?" She whined. "Because you need more food now," He thumbed her stomached pressing and squeezing on it, rubbing it, willing there to be more room in it, "You've been eating a lot more now and I need to
take care of you don't I?" She cried, the next tease was on the tip of his tongue but he wasn't sure if he could say it allowed, it would change things for them in a way he didn't think they'd come back from.
But looking back at Cara, so chubby, needy and submissive, it rolled off his tongue like he was a natural, between laps and sucks. "Isn't that right my fat pig?" She came instantly.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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