
Chapter 2

Lisa stepped up over the stream.

“I’m just hoping my new roommate will run with me” she would. Lisa knew that she’d been assigned to another member of the track/XC team.

Sandy walked alongside her friend. Sandy was a chubby Asian. She was brainy and nerdy. Lisa loved her because they could talk for hours. Sandy just liked that Lisa treated her like an equal even if the tall blonde was conventionally more attractive.

“I’m sure you’ll have a blast at West Lisa” Sandy

“And I’m officially starting my diet when I move out to”

“That’s great news Sandy, you’re really going to shine in college.” Lisa was excited about her friends new start as well.

“We’ll have to visit often. I know I’ll be there fairly frequently since Adam’s going to be there” Lisa reminded herself that Sandy was going to the same school as her man.

This was convenient for her. She only had to drive two towns over to reunite with her best friends.

“Let’s get takeout before I drop you off”

After wrapping up their hike Lisa drove the girls to chipotle. Lisa watched as Sandy ate her burrito bowl. Her chubby friend was clearly enjoying the meal. Sandy let out a burp. Lisa bit into her own burrito. Chipotle was the Least healthy food she let herself eat. This was a good treat for her last night at home.

“I continue to have a blast every time, I’ll see you soon” Lisa said as Sandy got out of her car. Tomorrow was a big day so Lisa would get to sleep early.

Lisa opened her eager eyes. She was moving to college today. Her last day as a North Havenbrookite. She smiled and kissed her parents goodbye and got in her car. She drove off to West University. This was the first day in a new chapter in life.

Listening to her favorite tunes she watched the countryside fly by. Grassy fields gave way to mountains. She watched as the sun traced across the sky. Five lonely and thoughtful hours later and Lisa saw her new home. West came out of nowhere. Surrounded by mountains the town lit up. A thriving den of young hipsters and hippies. The town and the people were beautiful. She could tell she belonged here. She was about to learn so much about herself.

Lisa carefully drove her car into her new home. The dorm building was imposing but also welcoming. She made her way up to her double. After setting up her bedspread she heard a knock on the door. Excitement built in her. There she was. Her future best friend. Her first real roommate. Nicole Valdez. Lisa smiled as she took in her new roommate. Nicole was gorgeous, beaming a smile at Lisa.

Tanned skin and a sharp smile. She had stunning green eyes. Her athletic body clad in stylish pink workout clothes.

“Hey new bestie” they were on the same wavelength. The new roommates hit it off immediately.

“Let’s go for a run and hit the gym”

Lisa smiled. This was perfect.
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