
Chapter 4

Lisa took off. It was a good day for a race. The weather was cool. The competition was fierce. The problem for Lisa is that she’d slept terribly the night before. This race wasn’t the most important so she figured she could get drunk at a frat party the night before. She knew her time wouldn’t be great but she’d be ready when the races mattered.

She was tired and the course was tougher than she expected. Gravel path that wiggled uphill. Large trees bordered the course.

Keeping pace with Nicole, Lisa was doing well. While following her roommate up a hill the image of an obese woman popped into her mind. She felt a tingle. A few other kinky thoughts invaded her mind. Starting down the hill. Lisa didn’t notice the large roots. One poorly placed step and Lisa was on the ground.

She came to about 25 minutes later. Her leg was numb. The EMT standing over her smiled.

“You’re awake, that was quite the fall”

They were in the ambulance. Lisa was sleepy even though she just woke up.

The damage was bad. Fractured in 3 places, Lisa was going to be condemned to bed rest and would have to wear a cast for 3 months.

“We’re going to prescribe you medicinal marijuana, it’ll help reduce the pain and risk of re-injury. “

Lisa was sad about losing her cross country season. But it was ok, she still had school and she still had her best friend to take care of her.

Returning to the dorm a new chapter in Lisa’s life began.

Lisa sat on her bed watching YouTube on her computer. She’d exhausted her usual list of channels and was just clicking through nothing until she found something bearable.

She reached over to the desk next to her elevated dorm bed. No more water. Ugh. She shifted and the pain in her knee returned. A suppressed cry of pain eked out of her mouth.

Nicole looked over.

“I’ll get you more water, don’t hurt yourself again.”

Nicole went to the mini fridge and grabbed the Britta. She also brought over one of the doctor prescribed edibles.

“It’ll make you feel better and be fun, if you love to open up a little. Plus it’s doctors orders” Nicole said giving a 10mg gummy to her reluctant innocent roommate.

“Alright” Lisa said and took the candy along with some water.

Half an hour later and Lisa was getting giggly. It was a Tuesday night but she didn’t have any classes tomorrow.

“Would you kindly bring me a glass of wine” the injured runner said with a smile.

What was boring YouTube before was now much more interesting to the inebriated runner.

Lisa watched a video about fat buildup. She learned about Subcutaneous fat while munching on some potato chips. When did she get the chips? She didn’t know, or care. She was comfortably stimulated.

Medicating and eating became a regular thing for Lisa just as occasionally getting drunk had before. She was, of course still getting drunk once or twice a week. Another new introduction to the injured girl was Uber Eats. It started as Nicole’s idea/request but quickly became a normal part of Lisa’s life.

On one or two occasions Lisa mixed all her newfound vices. It was on these nights where she would get both stoned and drunk. She’d order Uber Eats and end up jacking off (as best she could in her cast). There was no thought put into how these habits might affect her. The only time she would consider how this might affect her was when she was very intoxicated and looking at videos of extremely obese women. She would think about herself and fat.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 5 months
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