Prey & predator

Chapter 2

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Erica was swept completely off her feet during their first date and fell head over heels in love with Raymond who she learned came from an old money Italian family from Chicago but he was open about being distant from his family. They paid for his school and he was expected to make his own way from there, working construction for all of 2 months before working and talking his way into a more professional job in the union hall, helping negotiate labor contracts with his professional demeanor and silver tongue. School was the last thing on Raymond’s mind as he was making enough money through a very steady and successful career. Two months after their first date Raymond dropped out of college his senior year. Erica loved spending her time with Raymond and Raymond alone fully attaching herself to him exactly as he had hoped.

Date after extravagant and romantic date further solidified Erica’s love for the man until she decided to take Raymond up on his offer to move in with him. With that, Raymond’s trap was soon to spring. Every need Erica had was quickly attended to, she needn’t lift a finger. The two would spend their evenings either going out to dinner or staying in while Raymond would whisper sweet nothings into her ears and always having her favorite snacks well stocked and within arms reach. Several weeks went by and she would notice her clothes becoming a little more snug here and there but was fairly oblivious to the 10-15 pounds she had added to her already pudgy body. One evening Raymond had gotten home late much to Erica’s dismay but he came home bearing 3 of Erica’s favorite pizzas, despite snacking since she got home from class that afternoon she was delighted to see one of her favorite meals and rushed to meet him at the door grabbing the boxes from his hands and began feasting on them as soon as the boxes were laid out on the kitchen counter. Raymond took in the sight of his plumping girlfriend stuffing herself with the fattening pizza and admired her softer, fatter thighs poking out of her too tight shorts, he smiled and embraced her from behind running his hands along her growing and distended stomach grabbing her small love handles and giving them a gentle squeeze. She quickly turned to him and smiled nervously feeling a little embarrassed at how she was eating in front of him.

He could sense that she was apprehensive about him touching her pudge and without saying a word picked up a big slice of her pizza and slid it between her lips, she smiled as she chewed and stated “if you keep feeding me so well I’m going to end up being fat”. She felt some real concern from this but he held her close and said “so what, it won’t affect how I feel for you”. The reassurance in his voice brought a moment of peace to the girl as she continued to finish slice after slice of pizza. This had not been the first time she had mentioned her weight but each time he had something positive to say that would put her at ease.

Later that week, Erica was looking at herself in the mirror and was concerned with how large she was getting, seeing new softness everywhere. She was scared that she would lose Raymond, maybe he was just being sweet when he said positive things about her weight gain. She slipped into her soft nightgown and laid next to him in bed, after stirring for 20 minutes she finally had to the courage to ask him “Raymond, do you think I should go on a diet?” He turned over to her and grabbed her small underbelly and said “not at all, in fact I think it would be pretty hot if you gained enough weight to turn that nightgown into a crop top”. She looked at him stunned by his boldness, “you mean, you like fat girls?” Raymond chucked at her and scooted her closer to him playing with her nipples as he spoke into her ear barely above a whisper “I have BIG plans for my BIG girl”.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Angelhoney 10 months
love this one sm
CZC545 11 months
Thank you all for the kind words! Truly humbled by the support, I wrote this story out on my cell phone, so I apologize for any shortcomings.
Green Eyes Dose 11 months
DM if you want to recreate this story in real life and are on the west coast.
Chubbylatina 11 months
This made me *** so hard honestly, it is so incredibly sexy, great pacing, you really know what gets feeders off!
BigJoeSD 12 months
Super dark and erotic! very good writing too!
Wisconfa 12 months
I'm on Chapt 9. This is fantastic. Hope you continue