Prey & predator

Chapter 5

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Erica started off her Sunday morning like any other, waking up around 11 in the morning and willing herself to lift her heavier frame from the soft comfortable confines of her bed. Her soft, heavy stomach was audibly angry with the fact that she had yet to fill it with thousands of calories. Raymond could hear the loud plops of her chubby feet treading along the hardwood floor of their bedroom, knowing that she was going to be making a beeline straight for the kitchen to begin the process of filling her stretched out gut.

The heavy plops grew louder as he turned to take in his fattened prey, her pale stomach sticking out 4-5 inches from the bottom hem of her her now long outgrown nightgown turned poorly fitting night shirt. He smiled as he could see how tight her recently bought panties were cutting into her soft hips and he noticed how she was starting to develop small folds on her thick thighs that told a story of her gluttony. Her fat toneless calves gave way to ankles that were quickly losing definition, sitting atop pudgy feet unaccustomed to being walked or stood on for very long. He was immediately aroused by her plumped form and with a smile asked her if she was hungry, knowing full well that she was feeling famished. She looked at him with her beautiful sleepy dark green eyes, her blonde messy hair falling around her fatter cheeks as she patted her growling gut, the appetite stimulant pills doing nothing to sate her tummy’s cries for immediate nourishment, “I’m starving Ray, didn’t you make me some breakfast?” She said giggling.

He grabbed a box of her favorite fresh donuts off the counter and walked towards her with the same brilliant confidence he always had and shoved one of the sinful pastries between her plump cheeks. “What kind of man would I be if I didn’t provide for my growing princess?” Erica beamed at being called his princess and smiled at his boner, further strengthening the link in her brain between getting fatter and a happy life with Raymond. “Raymond, can we go to dinner tonight, it’s been weeks since I’ve had a dinner date with my man”. Raymond was ironically had already made reservations earlier that morning for a small, intimate Italian restaurant. He had been to this restaurant a week prior while negotiating terms with another huge construction firm, while there he noticed the massive portions of rich pasta dishes and took note of the small restaurant’s intimate interior, knowing that it would be right up Erica’s alley.

He loved watching her get dressed, the struggle of simply finding clothes that still fit the rapidly gaining beauty catching his attention, every dinner dress she tried to squeeze herself into was embarrassingly small. So he checked his watch and stopped her, instructing her to put on whatever fit and he would go buy her whatever clothes she wanted. They had ample time before their reservation so they stopped at the Lane Bryant outlet store and he paid for a new wardrobe for her, she loved when he would just take charge like that and willing to spend such a hefty amount of money on her made her feel even closer to the man who was actively destroying her body with fat.

Erica walked out in a comfortable yet tasteful flowing yellow sun dress, and a new pair of strapped sandals that showed off her well manicured feet. Kissing Raymond as a thank you for doing this for her “I’m starving babe, I hope dinner doesn’t disappoint” she beamed at him. He got in the drivers seat putting a warm hand on her exposed thigh, giving it a gentle pat “I will make sure you’re well fed Erica, I always do”.

He pulled right up to the door and got out to open her door and help her to her feet, Erica’s soft fat arms jiggled as she got out and waited by the door for her charismatic gentlemen to lead her inside the restaurant. The smells coming from inside were enough to send tingles through her pussy and made her belly rumble. They finally sat down at their private table and Erica was truly feeling starved despite the thousands and thousands of calories she had already eaten that day. The first course was an enormous dish of rich Alfredo pasta and Raymond could only smile at the beastly girl as she tore into the pasta with zero grace. She quickly finished hers and was grateful to eat what was left of Raymond’s that he offered her, taking chunks of bread from the basket on the table and soaking up all of the sauce and grease from the plate before popping it into her mouth.

The next course was another heavy steak and pasta dish that she ate at a much slower pace, but had no problems finishing it as well. When the waiter asked the couple about dessert he was not in any way surprised that the lady would want a large slice of the triple layer chocolate cake. The moist cake was delicious and she reveled in every bite of the decadent dessert struggling to finish the final bite after eating such an enormous amount of food.

After Raymond paid the check he brought the SUV back up to the door so his stuffed and panting princess didn’t have to walk very far. The sundress he had just bought her had several noticeable stain on the front, evidence of the shameful feast she just consumed. A devilish smile crossed his handsome face as he was driving home telling her how proud he was to be seen with someone he thought was so beautiful. She lapped up every word that came from his mouth as she subconsciously played with her deep belly button as he doted on her. Taking note of this, Raymond saw another opportunity to continue burring the line between food and sex as he pulled a remote controlled vibrator from the console and handed it to her.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 12 months
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Angelhoney 10 months
love this one sm
CZC545 11 months
Thank you all for the kind words! Truly humbled by the support, I wrote this story out on my cell phone, so I apologize for any shortcomings.
Green Eyes Dose 11 months
DM if you want to recreate this story in real life and are on the west coast.
Chubbylatina 11 months
This made me *** so hard honestly, it is so incredibly sexy, great pacing, you really know what gets feeders off!
BigJoeSD 12 months
Super dark and erotic! very good writing too!
Wisconfa 12 months
I'm on Chapt 9. This is fantastic. Hope you continue