Doubled debbie

Chapter 2 Debbie

Obviously there was no noticeable change on day one, except for one thing anyway. I felt hungry, and I felt hungry constantly. Thankfully I worked at a grocery store stocking shelves, and was good friends with Loraine, who worked the cash register. This combination of circumstances meant that I could secretly sneak extra food during breaks. Loraine obviously knew something was up. I would never stop by her register and ask for food when I had to work. But during my break I walked up to her, thankfully empty, line with my arms full of candies and asked “Hey, can I get these real quick?” and dropped an armload of candies on the belt. Loraine nodded and began scanning things as I said “Please don’t tell Stewart about it. I know I’m on the clock.” Loraine sighed deeply and said “They don’t pay me enough to care. I won’t tell anyone what you do unless you pull a knife on me, and even then it would just be screaming.” I laughed as she continued “But I’ve gotta admit, I am curious, what’s with all the candy?” I ummed and aahhhed for a second. I couldn’t just tell her that I was taking pills that made me hungry all the time, I. . . “On second thought, don’t worry, you seem embarrassed, I won’t try and force it out of you.” She said as I thought. I sighed with relief and took my candy in a bag, which I steadily ate whenever I had a second to.

This pattern continued for a couple weeks, with me getting candy from Loraine every day, she always gave me a curious or confused look, but never asked anything again. Then it finally happened! My breasts grew notably! I needed to wear new tops, thankfully I knew this was coming in advance and got slightly larger tops and bras to have space. My pants were also feeling tighter, which was cause for concern, but a risk worth taking.
My next day at work I was on cloud nine, I was starting my journey to having boobs, real breasts, not just mosquito bites. To celebrate I got even more candy at work that day, Loraine’s cock eyed look was even less subtle than usual as she rapidly scanned the pile of chocolate bars. I sighed and said “Do you want to know still? I’m fine talking now.” Loraine nodded emphatically, her dark brown hair bobbing along with her head. I said “I’m testing some new meds for a few bucks, they make you hungry.” Loraine looked concerned and said “Aren’t you afraid of getting fat?” I shook my head saying, “No, it changes your metabolism, so that shouldn’t be a problem.” Technically true! Loraine said “Okay, as long as you’re sure it’s safe.” and shrugged “Oh, and I won’t tell anybody, but boss man noticed you’re buying stuff on the clock a lot, he mentioned it in passing, so you’d better be careful.” I thanked her for the warning and went off to work.

For the rest of the month I continued this trend, now buying bags of candy when I showed up at work and snacking on them throughout the day. But the pills didn’t seem to do their thing well anymore. My breasts did not grow notably and I was gaining weight elsewhere. Then the bottle was empty I went back to the Pharmatech building and asked for a refill at the counter. While there I ran into Dr. Jones again in the lobby. I couldn’t help but notice that her chest was even larger than the day I started, forming a bit of a shelf for her hair, which rested on it, but I said nothing about it. I told the doctor that my breasts had stopped growing after going up nearly a cup size in a month, and her response was clear “Well, based on our prior tests on animals I think I know what’s happened.” I motioned her to continue and she fixed the glasses on her face as she did. “Some subjects cease showing progress very early on, but begin to show progress again when the dose is increased.” I said “Oh” with a dull voice and Jones dropped her voice to a near whisper, saying “Maybe try a double dose, that should make sure it keeps working, if it doesn’t we can try tripling the dose,” with a wink, she asked the woman at the counter to get me two bottles and the worker nodded. The doctor then said to me “Don’t worry, it should be safe, your minimal dose would have shown any negative side effects you may get. This should be the same effect, only moreso.”
I walked out to my car with two bottles of Bust-ex and smiled to myself. My only side effect so far had been my clothes getting slightly tighter, so “That but more” for both the good and bad sounded worth it.
I had no idea just how much of a difference that would make, ushering in a new chapter of my life.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 10 months
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Pd500 11 months
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 11 months
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 11 months
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 11 months
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.