Doubled debbie

Chapter 13. A new life and then another one

I spent the next week with Junior experimenting on how much I could eat exactly, and on the balance of taking pills. It turns out that one Extenz rather than two makes me hungrier and able to eat more without repeating the problems of that day. I ordered new clothes and undergarments in a larger size, hoping they would fit me for a good amount of time. I even called Jones and, she was right it seems, three days after her visit and she said that she was mobile only in the technical sense. She could move if she got help, or had a dolly or similar setup to carry her chest, as she could no longer walk with it’s weight. Despite her myriad issues, physical and mental, she seemed quite happy, and still had a singular focus on getting bigger. Jones was up to 12 pills of Gain-Ex a day and said she would not take more. Jones told me she had tried 13 and run into, issues. She refused to elaborate further. She was mildly annoyed that the viewership of her videos was declining as massive amounts of people thought it was likely that everything she showed at this point was fake. To counter this she began selling people the ability to visit her and watch her film a video in person. This always worked on the people who actually saw her, but seemed to have little effect on the masses. Despite this Dr. Jones was happy, as, to quote, “I don’t need those people, I’ve made enough money to get by until I die, bribes and all. I’m just doing this to share my transformation with the world. People NEED to see this!” so yeah, still crazy.

One day, after lunch I read through the comments on some of my videos. They were mostly lecherous statements on what people wish they could do to me, along with a healthy number of people suspicious that everything I did was somehow faked to make money off of internet fetishists. I hoped that I wouldn’t run into the same problems as Dr. Jones. Maybe she had made so much that she could retire already, but I hadn’t. One comment though, struck me as a little unnerving. A profile named EHS1973 said “I started watching this woman’s videos because I appreciated the purity of her dedication to food and gaining. I am deeply disappointed by her abandoning that path, to turn to seductive wiles for money. I fear I may have to do something drastic about it soon.” When he saw that message Junior’s face was filled with shock and fear, he said “Hey, Debbie, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go, I’m sure you can handle dinner yourself tonight. Bye.” And he practically sprinted out the door.

I paid this no mind beyond a mild concern. Also, it seemed that the Gain-Ex kept my chest growing at about the same rate as my stomach. This growth was still far slower than Jones’s I thought. But then I realized something. Jones had been doing this for quite some time before I met her, and at this time she had a normal, if still large, chest. So, maybe I would end up so huge that I couldn’t move too, maybe I’d be even bigger than her, it would just take time. I don’t know why, but the thought excited me, I wanted my pyramid dream to come true, to have an endless line of people bringing me food every second of every day.

At the end of the week I did something I had thought I wouldn’t do any time soon. I upped my dose of Gain-Ex again. I was taking six pills a day now. It was like the bottle was calling my name, and Jones had seemed like she expected me to take at least six anyway. I very much did realize this was probably the tipping point for Jones, this was about where she lost it it seems. I shook my head rapidly, no, I was stronger, I would be fine, I just wouldn’t up the dose above six a day. But for now, for now I needed more. In hindsight, I could have easily foreseen what came next, but at the time I just wanted more. More food, more fat, more pills, just, more. And more is what I got.

With the increase in hunger I could no longer wait between stuffing sessions. I had always had the odd snack between meals, but now? Now I just couldn’t stop eating for long enough to save up my appetite and make meals separate events. In response to this change I had to alter how my service online worked. Thankfully Junior had some good ideas, I would be running the camera at my table constantly, live streaming my perpetual eating. I would change what I was eating constantly, both to give myself some variety, and to prove to the viewers that the show wasn’t just a video of me eating played on a loop.

After I burst through another bra I decided to forgo buying more of those too and essentially wore a large poncho type number that Junior found me. It would cover a wide range of sizes with relative comfort. Though, as he gave it to me, Junior did say “You know what would be better?” I had already started eating a Hostess Cupcake, so my mouth was too full to talk. I shrugged and he continued with a blush and a sheepish smile, “You could just, y’know, not wear anything at all anymore. Hell, it would probably bring more interest in the videos too.” I laughed. The idea was silly, it was beyond absurd, yet, he wasn’t wrong. I said “Are you just saying this because you want to stare at me eating while naked all day?” I spoke as quickly as I could before taking another bite of the cupcake. I spoke like a swimmer, with swallowing the next bite as my next breath of air to get to, and I was not good at holding my breath at all. Junior laughed and said “No, not just that. Like, it’s true, but so is the other stuff I said.” I laughed and said “You know what?” Then smiled at the camera and said “I’ll just keep eating and getting bigger until this poncho doesn’t fit, that way we’ll have another reason to look forward to my fattening.” And winked at the camera. Junior looked like he might just explode, he quietly said “Yes, that sounds like a fantastic idea.” Then stood up with an obvious tent in his pants and said “I’ll be right back, I have to use the bathroom.” I could barely stifle the laughter long enough for him to get to the bathroom door, and I had to shove the rest of the cupcake in my mouth to even do that.
The constant eating plan was working wonders, I had that pleasant buzz from the Gain-Ex practically 24/7. Junior even brought a mini fridge into my room to replace my nightstand. I had previously put underwear and socks in it and a lamp on top of it, but now I didn’t wear underwear anymore, and rarely went out, so socks were superfluous, having food on hand was much better. For light I could always open the fridge, and then I got more food too. Since I started taking 6 pills I began waking up once or twice each night from hunger, with the fridge right there next to my bed I could just roll over, eat something real quick, and go back to sleep. So Junior kept the mini fridge perpetually stocked with things that didn’t require preparations. Lots of hostess stuff, chocolate milk, and prepackaged protein shakes. So it was rare that I went more than three or four hours without eating, even at night.

Junior had another good idea, and began making compilations for the Onlyfans. They were popular videos, the most popular one cut together dozens of short clips from a camera Junior had set up in my room. They were clips of me waking up at night to eat, before going back to sleep. As my body got used to it I started doing that more and more, usually waking up about four times a night now to eat. Which also made the night less restful, which made me sleep more to make up for it, which made me eat more. As my weight spiraled upward everything on me got bigger, my breasts were G cups easily, though that was a vague estimate. I really didn’t know since I stopped wearing bras. My belly got so big that it ended up sticking out about as far as my breasts, which is good because having it to rest on was the only reason they didn’t droop down excessively. My sides spilled out so much that they rubbed against the poncho when I moved, which I never did for long. Mostly just trips between the bed and table, or to the bathroom. Even that was starting to get difficult, though only slightly so, and I just needed to eat and rest when I got to my destination to be fine.

After another week spent snacking endlessly and watching my body expand I started feeling that itch more strongly. I had never wanted to stop raising my dose of Gain-Ex. But every time I thought of it the fear of ending up like Jones stopped me, but after another phone call she seemed, I don’t know, happy. Even after a week of immobility, that left the technical and entered the absolute, she still seemed overjoyed to be what she was. Since then the temptation to follow her lead only grew, and Jones made it clear that she would send me more pills each day if I only said the word.

My thoughts and concerns about doses and eating collapsed suddenly one day, when it happened. As per my usual routine I had gotten up in the night to eat, this time one of those plastic wrapped subs they have at the gas station. Unlike most nights though, by the time I finished it I felt woozy, and when I laid down in bed, the world went black immediately. When I opened my eyes again I felt, well, hungry, but that much I was used to. What I was absolutely not used to was this, the ceiling above me was a solid slab of concrete that stretched out beyond my field of vision. I tried to sit up and look around to find that I was tied down. Forget sitting up, I couldn’t even move my head. I screamed to hear a slightly raspy voice say “Oh Good, you’re awake, wouldn’t want you to be late for your first meal in your new home.” As the voice spoke I heard the squeaking of wheels for a moment, then an older man with a patchy, white beard entered my field of view and said “Don’t worry, you be a good little piglet and I will undo the restraints on you. All but the shackles on your legs anyway, those will stay on until you are too fat to walk.” I could only see his face without at least moving my head. I felt my heart racing with panic, what the fuck was going on? I asked the man “What’s going on? Who are you? Where am I? The man smiled, revealing that he was missing a few teeth here and there, seemingly at random. He said “Oh, where to begin. Introductions I suppose. My name is Edward, I believe you know my son, Junior.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 months , updated 11 months
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Pd500 11 months
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 11 months
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 11 months
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 11 months
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.