Doubled debbie

Chapter 14 captivity

“What?” I asked the man aloud. “You’re senior?” he chuckled jovially, as if this were a fun little get together and not a kidnapping. He said “Guess you could call me that, I am Junior's father. But for now I suspect you want to call me something more,” and he stopped for a moment to think, scratching his beard, before settling on “pejorative.” He pronounced it as Per-Jar-I-Tive “That’s the word, like an insult.” I rolled my eyes and said “I can see where Junior got his kindness and warmth from.” In a voice dripping with sarcasm, then “Oh, wait no, you’re a psychopath.” He gave me an incredulous look and said “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. You really should treat people better when they could kill ya’ easy as breathing.” He was right actually, but nah, fuck it, I was too angry to think straight. Then I took a deep breath to calm myself and said “So, why am I here Edward?” he answered “I started watching your videos because you reminded me of my dead wife. You looked so innocent and sweet. The only carnal desire within you was to eat. When you abandoned that to try to seduce your audience to get more money out of them. You became a corrupt and rotten symbol of this society that makes everything about sex and pleasure, you-“ I couldn’t take it anymore and cut him off, screaming at the top of my lungs, “IT IS A FETISHIST ONLYFANS YOU DUNCE! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EXPECTING?!?!” the man gave a beleaguered sigh and said “Now now, no need to get all excited. As for what I expected,” and he sighed deeply, “I knew I was a pervert, I always had been. When I saw my son follow in my footsteps, and even become your assistant on your show, I at least took solace in knowing your relative innocence. When it was clear that was gone I began to plan, well, this.” And gestured all around us, as if I could see it before continuing. “To try and return you to the innocence and purity of the past.” I heaved a sigh and said “The simple innocence and purity of having a fanatical devotion to growing bigger boobs and eating in a drug fueled frenzy? So innocent, so pure, so simple. How could I have possibly fallen so far from the goodness I once held?" While giving Edward an incredulous look. Edward said “Drugs? And, what was that about your breasts? What the hell has my son been getting himself into?” I sighed and said “Simply put, I started the eating show thing because I was taking pills that caused my breasts to grow proportionately with the amount of calories I ate. Like, if you’ve been watching me then you know my chest has grown disproportionately to the rest of me.” Edward said “I just thought that’s where your body likes to put fat.” I laughed hysterically and said “Oh! And it makes me hungrier too, and I’ll go through withdrawals if I don’t get more tomorrow.” Edward pressed his fingers against the bridge of his nose and said “Okay, so, my original plan was to try and make you see the error of your ways and return to a non-sexualized lifestyle. Now I’m thinking what you need to do is get clean.” I tilted my head and sighed before I said “And I’m guessing you won’t let me go if I ask nicely?” Edward shook his head and I added “What if I agree not to report you to the police for kidnapping me?” Edward shook his head again and said “No, saving you is the only way to save my son, so it’s not up for discussion.” I sighed deeply and said “Fine, but I eat a lot, so I’ll cost you a pretty penny every day I’m here.” Then took a breath and thought for a second, then said “Wait, save your son? From what?” Edward said “Following in my footsteps.” And began walking away, I shouted, asking what that even meant, but he never answered, my kidnapper was gone, and I laid there on a bed tied down.
My stomach growled. God damn it, I was not used to going long without eating. I shouted “Hello? Hello? HELL-O.” Nothing. All I felt was hunger and the need to escape, mainly so I could get something to eat. Was that sad? Even in this place the only thing I could think if was. . . Food! I could smell something sweet, I don’t know what it was to be honest, but it smelled tasty. All I could think was how badly I wanted it inside my stomach. Then I heard something wheeling toward me, getting closer and closer. Then I heard a voice. It was Horace again, he said “Okay, food’s here, then the world swung around and I found myself leaning upright-ish at a 45 degree angle. Edward was wheeling a contraption much like the one in my dream. It had a wide funnel at one end, with a hose at the bottom, the whole thing was on a wooden frame that let Edward grab it and wheel it around easily enough. Also on the device was a tub of ice cream with the top removed. I said “Please, for the love of God and all that is good, say that is for me to eat.” Edward chuckled and said “See, that’s what I like to see.” And stuck the hose in my mouth. I did not resist at all. He then began to pour the largely melted contents of the tub of ice cream into the funnel. I could feel it hit the end of the hose and Edward said “Now suck, it won’t come out if you don’t.” I listened to him, the part of my mind filled with distrust of my captor was overwhelmed and silenced by the need to eat something. The ice cream was strawberry. I let out an inadvertent moan, I was so happy to finally be eating something that I forgot where I was for a moment. Edward said “Okay, that answers that. The moaning ain’t to put on a show for your audience, you actually do that.” I didn’t answer him, I was too busy sucking down ice cream as quickly as I could. Edward said “Don’t worry about food my dear. That’s how I plan to fix ya n’ save my son. I want you to remember the joy of eating, and that it isn’t just a sex thing.”

I continued to suck in silence for what felt like hours. The whole time Edward just stood and stared in silence. Once I had finished all of the ice cream I had let out a gasp. The Bust-Ex still made me hungrier it seemed. I wondered how long until that would wear off, but the answer was clearly not “now.” So I said “Okay Edward, you want me to keep eating then?” Edward nodded and I added “Good, can I have some more then? You know, to bury my sexual instincts under a mountain of food. Like that wasn’t what I was doing already anyway.” Edward smiled and said “Girl, if you think that’s what you’ve been doing till now then I’ve got a lesson or two to teach ya. That tub was just the first one, I’ll bring more now.” And with that, he walked to the side, out of my line of sight. Even after a tub I felt like I was starving, and continued to suck on the empty hose, slowly getting a few drops of strawberry ice cream in me.

A couple minutes later he returned with more tubs of ice cream, in various different flavors. I still had the hose in my mouth and felt my heart leap with excitement when I saw him loading the next tub into the funnel. Almost immediately the taste of chocolate hit my tongue. He said “Well, here, I got all day, so I can make sure you eat more than you ever have before, till you learn that food is the best way to happiness and not sex.” I wanted to scream, I wanted to call him an idiot, to say that I haven’t even had sex since I started the damned show. But it was clear the man could not be reasoned with, and if his plan was to feed me excessively. Well, that’s a plan I can get behind. At least that’s what I had thought.

Countless tubs of ice cream later I had changed my mind. I went from hungry, to full, to stomach pains and being so sick of sugar that I would kill for something else if it didn’t mean he would give me even more food in all likelihood. As the pain in my stomach started to get serious I stopped sucking and said “Okay, that’s all I can take. I’m done.” And Edward smiled as he said “Nope, close, but you’ve got one more tub after this one, then I’ll go get you lunch in an hour.” Oh dear God, this man was going to kill me. I said “Honestly, I eat more than anyone I know, and by a wide margin at that.” I didn’t tell him about Dr. Jones and how that very well may be untrue. I continued “And I am in pain from eating too much alr-“ he cut me off, saying “Nah girl, I did my research, I know what a person can eat before it kills em’, and I know one more tub won’t do ya’ in. Now, back to eating or I’ll make you regret it. You’ve got to eat enough that you forget about sex and drugs and all that jazz.” I had no idea what he meant by making me regret it if I said no, and I didn’t want to find out. So I swallowed the pain in my stomach, and the ice cream with it, looking down at my swollen belly with my eyes. Every Gulp was painful, if Edward wanted to show me the pleasures of eating he really should have let me choose what and how much I eat. This really wasn’t pleasure at all anymore. But hey, he’s clearly lost it, so I’ll be glad his definition of pleasure doesn’t involve peeling off my skin or something.

When I finished the last tub of ice cream my stomach was screaming at me to stop. I let the hose fall out of my mouth and gasped, breathing heavily. Edward grabbed the hose and sucked on it briefly, to find it empty, then he smiled. Edward said “See, that’s a good girl. You keep that up and I’ll undo your bonds in no time.” He then stepped out of my line of sight and left. At least I assume he left, I heard his footsteps get quieter and further away. I waited in the concrete room, on what must have been some kind of medical bed type thing. I couldn’t get a very good look at it though. I waited until lunch time, which was about an hour later if Edward was to be believed, but in truth I don’t really know. It felt like much longer, but sitting in an empty concrete room with nothing but your thoughts can make time crawl by at a snail’s pace. Even with my gigantic ice cream breakfast, I was starting to feel a bit peckish by lunch. So when Edward came in with a cart of something steamy I was mildly grateful for having him come.

Edward pushed the cart to the funnel holding the hose I ate from. He attached a machine of some sort to the funnel and said “Well, good news for both of us,” as he did something I couldn’t quite see on the far end of the funnel. “I was able to get the pump working! I had wanted to get it to work when you got here, in fact it was a bit of an embarrassment that I had to pour all this in by hand before.” Then he pushed a button on the device and a mechanical whirring sound began. After a moment he said “Got it!” and came over to make sure the end of the hose was firmly in my mouth. He said “Okay, this should be enough oatmeal for lunch.” Oatmeal? That wasn’t even a lunch food. Was he just Trying to stuff me full of the cheapest thing he could get? My thoughts were interrupted by the wave of mushy oats that hit my mouth. Was I even sucking? Had the hose changed, or had I become such a glutton that I couldn’t stop doing what it takes to eat if I tried. Edward stood in front if me and put his hands on his hips, looking at his work with a smile and a nod. He said “Yep, that ought to work, okay, you just keep eating. I’ll be back to give you dinner and make sure you finished this by seven.” And began walking out. I couldn’t stop swallowing down oatmeal long enough to ask him anything.
Through a, surprisingly great, amount of effort I was able to stop sucking once I was full. It seems that I could still control the flow of oatmeal, I just had to exercise some self control. This was a lot better than breakfast. I had plenty of time before dinner and enough food that it should be more than enough if I spread it out. The only problem was that I had no way to see how much food was left in the machine. So, as I sucked I wondered how much oatmeal was left. Thankfully Edward had put something into the oatmeal to sweeten it so it would taste better. But even that could only go so far, it was still a sea of oatmeal, so once I was full I started having to push myself to swallow more.

I spent hours with nothing to do but swallow oatmeal to keep my captor happy. Well, I assume it was hours anyway, I really don’t know to be honest. Time was an illusion according to some philosopher I can’t recall to be honest, if that’s true the illusion was hard to see here. For God knows how long there was nothing in the world but a mildly sweet river of oatmeal flowed into my mouth. It was strange, I didn’t do much other than eat normally, not since the show began anyway. Yet I still felt weirdly happy about this situation. I didn’t have to do anything at all. Nothing but swallow as much as I could stomach. I eventually had to take a break from swallowing, my stomach was painfully full and the oats showed no signs of stopping. I just had to breathe through my nose, I had to hold the hose with my mouth though, if I dropped it I’d have no way to get it back. So I let my stomach rest until I could eat, then returned to gulping down oatmeal.

Eventually Edward returned, he stood over the machine, making a tsk tsk tsk sound as he shook his head. Eventually he said “It’s less than two hours before dinner and you’re hardly over halfway through your lunch. You’d better hurry up and eat if you want any break at all between meals.” So much for being happy. I felt an odd sense of urgency, like, I had to eat faster to keep him happy. Was this Stockholm syndrome or something? No, it couldn’t be, it was still my first day here. My mind couldn’t possibly be that weak, could it? Regardless of why, I began swallowing as quickly as I could, continuing even when the pain returned. I don’t even know what happened to Edward there. He was simply gone at some point. I sucked down mouthful after mouthful of oatmeal, continuing through mounting pain, until eventually it happened. Eventually my next suck produced nothing but air. My stomach had only hurt this badly before once, and that made me pass out. Okay, thankfully this wasn’t that bad. I think I would literally die if that were a regular occurrence.

What felt like two minutes later Edward returned with another cart full of something or other. I could never see what was in that cart, a fact I would simply have to accept. Edward said “Good, I was afraid ya might not finish your lunch before dinner even came.” And he lightly pat my belly. It hurt like hell, and made me have to try my hardest not to vomit. He didn’t even seem to notice as he set up another giant tub of something or other to the funnel, as he worked on the machine he said “I figured you’d be sick of sweets by now, so this one is savory, it’s beans and cheese, like the inside of a burrito. Enjoy!” This was awful, I sure as hell couldn’t eat more already. Forget pleasure and reprogramming, this guy was going to kill me if this kept up. I started to protest, giving a moan of pain and saying “Listen, I’m sorry for everything. I’ll cancel the show if you let me go. Hell, I’ll never talk to your son again. Anything. Just do not try to make me eat more right now. I think I’ll die if I swallow one more mouthful.” Edward shook his head slowly and said “Hon, this is dinner, it's the last meal of the day, you don’t have to finish it till breakfast time.” And began to stroll out of the room, whistling. Alright, I would just keep up my old pattern and go to sleep, waking up to get more as time went on. With that I laid back, well, mentally anyway, and let myself drift off to Sleep.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 10 months
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Pd500 11 months
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 11 months
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 11 months
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 11 months
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.