Doubled debbie

Chapter 17 Calling Doctor Jones

About half an hour later I found myself at Jones’s place. It was about four A.M. and was still dark out. I had grabbed the box of granola bars and ate the rest of it on the drive. By the time I got there I still wanted more, but I was satiated enough to function normally. As I approached Jones’s door I was met by something very odd. There were two men in plain clothing who came out to meet me before I could even knock. One said “Aahh, our welcome guest, any friend of Delilah is a friend of ours.” It took me a second to remember that Delilah was Dr. Jones’s first name. The two men looked me up and down. Not in the “undressing you with their eyes,” way, but giving off the vibe of someone trying to figure out just what a strange creature was. It was unnerving. But they opened the door and led me in without issue. I realized something. I had never been inside the doctor’s house before. She had invited me and told me the address, but this was my first time here in person. As I entered the house I saw another man dressed the same as the first two. Exactly the same. I just realized, they all wore a green T-shirt and tan Khakis. They lead me down a hallway, the walls were lined with pictures of Dr. Jones. They starred out with her as she once was I imagine, long before I met her, in the first picture she wore a pencil dress and almost looked like she was a straight vertical line with no features. The pictures grew as I walked, at least their chests did. By the end of the hall the two mem guiding me showed me through a door flanked by pictures of Jones where her chest was so large that it touched the floor when she stood. One of the two men guiding me stepped in front of me and opened the door.

The inside of the room was fairly normal, with one exception. Doctor Delilah Jones was lying on her bed, or so it seemed at first. But no. She was lying on her own chest. It was so large that it elevated her to the same height as a fairly tall bed. The doctor had one of the men in Khakis on either side of her. One fed her some sort of pastry as the other scrubbed the side of her breast with a sponge, letting the water drip down onto the floor. He had a bucket filled with soapy water like someone washing a car. Jones looked up at me and said “Welcome to my home! I’m so glad to see you got here alright!” One thought echoed in my mind. How long had I been gone? I had no idea how much she had been eating, she must have noticed me staring and said “Yes, this is me now. Mere letters are nothing to me and my chest. I think it weighs more than the rest of me does right now!” She broke into a giddy fit of laughter and said “and I am not even close to done! My attendants are looking into how to expand the dimensions of the room so I don’t run into issues once my breasts are too big for it.” Then she asked the man feeding her, “Oh, what time it is Lorenzo” the man said “It is four eighteen my lady.” My lady? What is she, a duchess? Dr. Jones clearly noticed my face, I guess the blood hadn’t all left her head for her chest after all. She said to her attendants “Leave me and Debbie alone, I wish to speak with her in private.” The two men did a quick bow and scuttled out of the room.

Jones said to me “You’re probably wondering what’s going on with my attendants, I can explain. I hired a half dozen of my fans from my Onlyfans to take care of my needs. I don’t know the fine details, but they seem to think I am some kind of goddess or something. I haven’t encouraged this viewpoint, though I must admit that I haven’t fought it either. They seem to consider it a great honor to do errands for me, especially to wash my chest, and they have. . .” Jones said more after that, but I was too focused on my own thoughts to really think about it. People worshipped her? Like, a deity? Images of my dream came back, with endless lines of supplicants wanting nothing more than to help Jones and I grow even larger. It seems that she had achieved that more or less. It was distasteful, yet alluring. I honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about it. I snapped out of it to hear her say “And so, that is how I learned to safely increase my dosage of Bust-Ex beyond twenty lills a day. How much are you taking now yourself?” How much had I taken that morning, twelve I think? It must be messing with my head, I know I would have absolutely been against this before. Rather than fighting it I said “Twelve, and, you’re taking over twenty of them a day now?” Jones giggled like a schoolgirl and said “Isn’t it wonderful? I keep taking more and more, and I keep growing faster and faster. I need to eat more to fuel the growth, I’m taking about half a dozen Extenz to allow me to eat enough for it. I nearly never stop eating anymore. I had to skip a dose to be able to speak without eating long enough to have this conversation with you.” The Extenz, wait, six a day? I would have died eating anything I could get my hands on until my stomach exploded if I took that much. Jones asked me what I was thinking, and I told her, “I tried taking two, that alone made me go insane with hunger, I felt like I would die every second I was not actively swallowing something. How are you able to handle six?” Jones furrowed her brow and said “As you know, it is my calling in life to help others to follow me on my path to enormity.” And she hugged her own breasts, or as close as she could, they were far too large to fit her arms around. She continued “To get bigger and bigger, every day more than the last. This is my dream and calling second only to my own growth.” Jones then began to try to nuzzle and kiss her breast under her. She clearly had a few screws loose, but on some level I envied her. Jones knew exactly what she was doing in life, and she seemex ecstatic about it. Jones continued “I’ll make some phone calls for you, my old coworkers at Pharmatech are still hard at work learning how exactly these medications function. They may have some insight into the matter. In the meantime, I have waited long enough. Care to join me for a bite?” My stomach growled, as if it had heard her. Jones giggled and said “I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’ Oh! Just wait until you’ve tried Larry’s French Toast. The man knows what he is doing. They are fantastic.” She then produced a phone out of her cleavage, which wasn’t surprising since it was basically all she could reach at this point. Jones pushed a few buttons, then after a short delay said “Yes, breakfast, for two. Just double what I have and it should be fine. Oh, and bring me my Extenz while you're at it please, Yes, Yes, extra powdered sugar,” Then she put a hand over the phone and asked me how I liked my French toast.” While we waited she typed out an email on her phone as she offhandedly said “Oh, got to send an Email for that info you needed. Don’t worry, one of my old coworkers is a huge fan of mine, he always responds quickly.”

After about ten minutes one of Jones’s attendants ran into the room with a huge tray of French toast, slathered in butter and maple syrup, then practically buried under powdered sugar. He said “Your first course my lady, and here are your supplements.” Then produced a bottle, no doubt of Extenz, pouring out a handful of pills and feeding them to Jones by hand. He then turned to me and said “Lady Delilah says that you are midway through your own transformation, would you like the same?” I nodded and said “Yes, but just one please.” The man handed me a pill and bowed as he stepped out of the room, saying “A tray should be ready for you soon Lady Debbie, then seconds for both of you. As he stepped out of the room. Jones quietly said to herself “And thirds, and fourths, and fifths, and,” Then broke down laughing before she began to eat. For the moment my own food was still coming, so I just watched Jones, awestruck. She ate fast, practically inhaling her French toast. As she did her two attendants who had left previously returned. One said “The usual my lady?” and Jones simply nodded. She wouldn't stop eating long enough to say yes. When she did the two attendants went to a cabinet in the room and produced two giant containers of a thick white substance which turned out to be lotion. They each began to massage one of her gigantic breasts with lotion as Jones had the most enthusiastic smile on her face that I had ever seen. As they did a third attendant, who had entered the room without my noticing, said “Lady Debbie, your breakfast is served.” While holding out a tray. Jones took a breath and said “Oh, Debbie, you just have to get a lotion massage once they finish with me. I’ll still be eating when they finish, so you can be next.” I told Jones I’d think about it, honestly hoping she would just forget before they finished. Yet, as the clearly sensual massage continued and I ate I heard Jones moan in ecstasy from the Combined pleasures of the food and the massage. Was that what I sounded like? God. She sounded like a fucking porn starlet. Literally. Like a porn starlet who is fucking. I took a bite of my own French Toast and realized something, Jones was absolutely nor wrong. Whoever made this stuff was good. The bread was light and fluffy on the inside, with a thin crust of crunchy fried egg around it. Much to my surprise and delight they appeared ti be stuffed as well. My first piece had a thick, peanut butter like substance that would of stuck to the back of my throat if not for the bread going down with it. The slice had a small amount t of syrup, sweetening and lubricating the toast on its journey into my stomach. It was further sweetened by the thin coating of powdered sugar atop the slice, and it was all soaked in butter. The butter was clearly something special, or ag least very high quality. The second slice was similar, except that it was stuffed with sk.ethj g like Bavarian cream. The third had strawberry, the fourth had something I couldn’t make out beyond being extraordinarily sweet. To the point that it was very nearly too sweet. I didn’t need a second pill of Extenz to want to eat this until I exploded, it was so damned good that I may just believe you if you told me I had died and gone to heaven. The attendants had perfect timing, well, for me anyway. They brought in our second trays just as I finished the first. I took a bite of the French toast expecting a repeat of the first set of fillings, but no, this was orange, or some kind of citrus anyway.

As I looked forward to whatever the next slice had in it I heard an attendant say “We’re done everywhere we can reach now Lady Delilah, we will get the rest when you are done eating.”

Jones said “Now or never Debbie, you want a massage? It’ll be even better for you. You’re still small enough for it to be full body.” The two attendants stood at the ready and I asked, “Would I have to disrobe?” one attendant nodded and said “But worry not my lady, we are excellent at what we do. I can even make sure you don’t have to stop eating while we strip you.” God this was decadent. Jones had made it seem so pleasurable too, suddenly the image of Edward popped into my mind he said “Don’t you spoil the goodness of this food with sexual. . .” I cut off even the memory of the old man, that decided it. I said “Alright,” I was about to offer go disrobe myself, but somehow I felt having the attendants do it for me would upset Edward more. So I remained silent. The attendant was not wrong. I did not stop eating at all while their nimble hands removed my clothes. I hardly even slowed down. As one hand put a fork full of toast into my mouth my other was removed from the sleeves of my top. I could feel myself blushing. Somehow this felt even more risqué than doing a video that I knew men were jerking it to. This felt, personal, it felt sensual, not sexual. I didn’t even take my focus off of the food when the attendants had me stand to remove my pants and underwear. As my panties were removed I could feel every inch they were lowered. I gasped for air, and not because the eating had left me breathless this time. When I sat again I could feel a strong pair of hands, coated in something wet and strangely warm on my shoulders. I felt every drop of tension melting away, my concerns about Edward and the future were gone. My uncertainty on how to deal with Junior’s request to protect his father, everything was gone. All that remained was those hands. Those hands and the current slice of French Toast (this one was apple!) I felt like I must be a natural born fatty to even consider eating with these two men working on me. But as one eased my tension the other began to massage lotion into my breasts. Aahh, right, that. They had clearly done this a thousand times with Jones. My prior thought that maybe this wasn’t really sexual melted away when the man reached the center of my breasts. I hardly even noticed the server attendant take my, now empty, tray and give me a third. I began to moan in an obviously sexual way, much as Jones had. The war between doing what was “right” and fighting the memory of Edward in my mind dissolved beneath the simple, overwhelming pleasure of the experience.

I had not touched myself while I was being held in Edward’s little dungeon under the power plant, and I had done nothing more serious then that for over a year beforehand. This was not a thought that came to mind until these two began to touch me. I wanted them, I wanted them both, and I wanted them badly. Yet, even with the ghost of Edward’s memory to piss off, that was going a little too far, especially in front of Jones. Hell, even if she did that herself I didn’t want her to see anything. So I just tried to enjoy myself and focus on my food. God it was good. Like, I was already pretty full after the first tray, I don’t know what was in these French toast slices, but it was crazy filling.

I honestly don’t know how long that had lasted for, it was glorious though, I wanted it to happen again some time soon. I still felt breathy and flustered with my stomach full to bursting. “Three trays, I didn’t know you had it in you.” Came Jones’s voice beside me. “I usually have three myself. I can stomach a fourth when I am feeling impatient about my rate of growth, but it stops being enjoyable partway through, and why waste such good food? Hell, Larry even found out how to mix protein powder into the bread dough as he makes it, to make sure it has a few thousand calories a tray.” Well. That explained why they were so damned filling. I just wish I had a Larry of my own. As we spoke all I could think to say was “And this is a normal day for you?” in a dreamy voice. I heard myself sounding more jealous than I would've expected. Jones laughed and said “about six times a day yes. It isn’t always French toast either.” Was she trying to tempt me down her path to enormity? If so it was working.

A thought crossed my mind, I might not have to move to another state to escape the threat of Edward. Maybe I could convince Jones to let me stay here with her. I may even have a hundred grand to sweeten the pot a bit for her with Junior’s offer. I said “Okay, I would gladly trade away my mobility for that to be a regular experience. You wouldn’t happen to want a roommate would you? I think I can even bring some little cultists of my own, at least one anyway.” Jones laughed and pulled out her phone again saying “You’ll need a lot more than that to fit in here. But you know what? Maybe I am a goddess to these people, but maybe a pantheon would be better. Let me check something.” Jones’s eyes focused on her phone's screen and darted around like mad for a minute. She could read FAST. After a while she said “So, my friend from Pharmatech responded to me, he said that you were likely a human Omega case, first we’ve ever seen too.” I raised an eyebrow and she said “Right, you wouldn’t know what that meant. Before we could see how the Bust-Ex effected humans we tested it on various animals to make sure it was safe. We grouped our experiments into categories labeled with Greek letters. You know, Alpha, Beta, etc. Fun fact! If a side effect is rare enough the government will approve almost anything. Anyway, the omega case only came up once in testing countless animals. It is essentially a combination of side effects, some rare, some more common, that could cause. . . Issues.” I said “Such as?” Jones sighed an began reading email off of her phone as she said “Well, you will still gain a lot of your weight on your chest, but not all of it. You will have extreme interactions with certain other medications, like the Extenz, and,” she paused, clearly not wanting to say what came next “The effects of the pills become permanent. Other than experiencing withdrawal, nothing will change from whatever was the highest dose of Bust-ex you have taken if you quit.” I laughed slightly and said “Well, the withdrawals are BAD, I know that. The reason I fell off the face of the earth is that I was kidnapped, so I ended up going through withdrawals, when I got out I ended up taking more pills than I usually do to try and stop them more quickly.” Jones said “It also causes some," she paused momentarily before saying "psychological changes that the pill doesn’t in most cases.” I said “Let me guess it makes you more comfortable with the idea of becoming huge, and even want it. I had assumed that’s what happened to you. Maybe your," I paused for a moment to think of a non-insulting way to say it. "dedication is natural after all.” Jones said “It is good thing that you seem dedicated, and built to enjoy this lifestyle anyway. It looks like you wouldn’t be able to stop if you tried.”

I broke out in laughter. This was just too funny. I absolutely should be terrified, but I was not, not in the slightest. In fact, I was glad to have an explanation, especially one that excused my strange desire for more of this. Maybe that’s one of those psychological changes that Jones mentioned? She asked me “So, you aren’t furious about having your freedom taken from you?” I continued laughing and shook my head, saying “If anything it makes me want to take fifty pills in the morning and succumb to a life of pure indulgence.” Jones began to laugh and said “I think I was right. You were born to walk this path.” So I answered “So, it seems I’m going to keep getting bigger” and cupped my breasts miming their growing, as I said “and bigger” Then did the same with my stomach “I’d probably get a different audience than you, but I could keep doing my show.” Jones nodded as I continued “So, I have something very, forward to ask,” Jones did the continue hand motion, and I did “Can I move in with you? This place is big enough for a second ‘goddess’ if not a whole pantheon. It looks like I’ll be right behind you on this path to enormity, and you have the best fucking cooks alive it seems. So, if you have a free room for me to grow in. . .” Jones laughed and said “Okay, then what will you bring to the compound?” I said “I’ll continue my show and bring in some income, it will bring in the freaks of a different stripe. So I don’t think I’ll be stealing any of your followers, so how about it? Share you’re awesome cooks for another income stream and a roommate who understands what you’re going through, deal?” Jones nodded and I felt like my heart might burst from excitement.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 10 months
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Pd500 11 months
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 11 months
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 11 months
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 11 months
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.