Doubled debbie

Chapter 5: New Jobs

I showed up at the Marshall’s about 8 minutes later than opening to be greeted by the owner, who was working as a cashier himself. He said “Oh thank God you’re here, I bought all my employees Mexican from next door yesterday and everyone had tacos, then everyone had food poisoning. I would be alone if not for you.” It wasn’t important but I was curious and had to ask. “So, why didn’t you get sick anyway?" He smiled and said “I’m a vegan, it was tainted meat that made people sick, I didn’t eat any meat, so I was fine. Now, do you know how to run a register?” I nodded and he continued “Good, we’ll probably have customers soon enough, we-“ and my stomach growling cut off the owner, I smiled sheepishly and said “Sorry, slept in and missed breakfast to try and be here on time.” A lie, I’d had a huge breakfast that day, I wanted to get through work today so I filled myself up as much as I could. It wasn't enough.

The work went well, with one large exception, my stomach was in agony by lunch time. I had hardly made it from 8:39 to noon. At that time I felt like I was going to die if I didn’t eat RIGHT NOW. Thankfully the owner seemed to realize that after the morning and said “Go next door, there’s a Mexican place that’s actually pretty good, just don’t get the beef tacos.” And laughed. Normally I would have played along and acted like he was funny, but right now I was too hungry. So hungry I sprinted to the Mexican place that had just given a bunch of people food poisoning without a second thought. I ordered six burritos, in hindsight there was no way in hell I would eat that much, but I was not thinking straight. I ate more than I thought possible, downing four of the six before I had to take the last two to go. I heard the guy behind the counter say something about how I must be bulimic or something to another worker. I ignored him and practically sprinted back to the Marshall’s to see a monstrous line that went back deep into the store, with the owner running the register. He said “Oh thank God you're back. Please help me.” In a beleaguered way. He looked like he would die if he didn’t take a breather soon. I got back to work and, as before, everything was fine for about an hour, at which point my stomach began to complain. I ignored it for as long as I could, which wasn’t very long. After about forty minutes of my stomach complaining I pulled out one of the burritos I had brought and started eating as I scanned a woman’s purchases. As I ate the owner shot me a venomous glare, he looked like he wanted to kill me but said nothing. I ended up eating both burritos, and continued working till the day ended, at which point I was hungry again, I was held back from going to get more food only by the owner confronting me.
“What the hell Deborah? I had. . .” And his voice was all but silenced in my mind as it wandered to what I would eat now that the day is done. I only started to pay attention as I heard him angrily shout “Are you even listening!?!? You know what? This store ran fine before today, don’t come back tomorrow.” Then handed me a fistful of bills before saying “That’s your pay for the day, and all you’ll get here, goodbye.” I knew that I should be more concerned about blowing my one opportunity to not even miss a day of work after losing my old job. But in all honestly, my mind was just on food, as it seemed like it always was these days.

Half an hour later I sat in a booth next door, at the Mexican place again. An excessive amount of food later my stomach had finally calmed down enough for me to think straight. I had to wonder, why was I even doing this? For fucking boobs? That wasn’t worth losing my life for. Like, I want bigger boobs, but was it worth destroying my life, even for a short time? Yes, yes it was, I knew it was absurd, I knew it was stupid, I knew it was irrational. But I wanted it, I wanted it so badly that I could hardly breathe. As I thought about it I felt my chest. I was filling out the A cup pretty well now. I might want to change to a B soon enough. I smiled and spoke to myself “Well, at least that’s a normal size. Maybe I’ll stop there.” I stepped out and got into my car to drive home.
As I drove. Home I thought about Dr. Jones and her advice. She had said she made more money showing off her chest online than she had as a doctor, and doctors make good money. I never felt comfortable showing off my naked body to strangers though. Then I remembered something. She’d suggested I do videos eating. What if I just did that like, nothing risqué, just eating. Who cares if weirdoes are jacking off to it out there? So, I drove back to the Pharmatech building to speak with Jones.

I walked into the doctor’s office again and immediately noticed the size of her chest. I didn’t normally care much about women’s bodies, hell, I barely even cared all that much about men’s bodies and I actually liked guys. But this time was special, because this may be me soon enough. Her chest seemed slightly larger at a glance, but that might be in my head, I was thinking about this too much. She said, “Aahhh, hello Deborah, how may I help you today?” I took a deep breath and told myself not to be embarrassed, this was her suggestion after all, hell, she’s doing it herself, she won’t judge. So I just spat it out. “I want to do the Onlyfans thing, how do I start?” Dr. Jones smiled at me and said “Glad to see you’ve come around, you start by. . .
After learning the ins and outs of the system and what I needed to do and get I went home and decided. It would be good to keep track of my weight, and I haven’t weighed myself since this all started.

Fifteen pounds, fifteen fucking pounds heavier says the scale. I was upset, but it shouldn’t be surprising with the way I’ve been eating. I looked down at my chest, it was definitely bigger, but was it fifteen pounds bigger? No. Not quite. But, but Jones was still skinny other than her chest, and it was clearly huge. This must not cause weight gain elsewhere. It has to be wrong. I can’t be right. My thoughts were interrupted by a growl from my belly. Hell, I can’t be gaining normally, my pants wouldn’t fit at all if I had been gaining normally with all the eating I’ve been doing.

In hindsight it was rather foolish to forget that there were things between “Normal weight gain” and “Literally only my chest gets any bigger at all period.”
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 10 months
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Pd500 11 months
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 11 months
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 11 months
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 11 months
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.