Doubled debbie

Chapter 6 Debbie Does more donuts

So, thankfully I had a solid amount of money saved up, so I was able to buy all of the electronics I needed online with next day delivery. Following the instructions given by Dr. Jones I started my own account on Onlyfans. While I was there I checked out her account. It was chronicling the growth of her breasts and showing them off. Surprisingly few of the “Showing them off” videos were X rated, though some clearly were, and they were all meant to titillate the watchers. I paid a bit to see the older videos up till now. I figured they would be a good took for learning how these things work, plus I was curious to figure out how it had worked for her exactly. The videos surprised me, she said she had started at a much smaller size, the first video had her looking like an A or B, which was just surreal to see. In the video Jones talked about how her chest had been growing, and how she wanted to share it with the world as it continued to grow.

So, I decided to do something similar based on how much I could eat, once my equipment was setup, I had gotten out some cereal. Then I recorded my first video of what I learned was called a stuffing session, where I would eat as much as I possibly could in one sitting. I chose to start with slightly less than I was able, so I would have room to grow, and posted the video. Jones did one video every other day, but I was a black hole when it came to food, and I didn’t have another job, so I decided I’d do two a day and hope my videos started making money before my savings evaporated. Thankfully I had recently paid my rent when I lost my job at the grocery store, so I had that one out of regular job money anyway. My first video went as follows.

After the recording began I looked into the camera and put on my best winning smile, and fell apart from the awkwardness of trying to be friendly to an audience, umming and aahhing while fidgeting and looking like I may die of embarrassment. Thankfully the shot was not live, and so, after about a dozen shots I had the intro down, then I began to eat. That was done in one shot, it had to be since I couldn’t exactly eat that much twice. I watched it start to finish to make sure it was good, then posted the video I saw was this.

A fairly medium built blonde woman (me) comes into the screen. She says “Hi, and welcome to my new show, “Debbie Doubles Down. If that sounds like a joking reference to a particular porno then congratulations, you are as much of a perv as your host.” And I pointed at myself with my thumbs. I had actually never seen the film, I had gotten the name from kids making fun of me in high school. But I figured it was a fun little icebreaker that shows I’m not judging anybody for weird sexual stuff. I then pulled out a box of cereal and said “My original plan was to see how many bowls of fruit loops I could eat in a go, then keep track of that number as it increases. But nah,” and I dramatically threw the (empty) box behind me with a grin. I thought of that a few takes after I decided what I would do next. Then I pulled out a variety box of donuts that I had gotten from the shop where I had met the teenage boy who was running the till. Fortunately it was back to his dad running it today, or I would’ve had to have given him a giant tip again. Honestly I was looking forward to seeing his face when I did, but I knew I had to be frugal with money for a bit. Regardless. In the video I held up the box and said “So today, Debbie Does,” and I had a dramatic pause for impact before finishing “Donuts?” making the last word sound like a question. As I said it I held up the box with a laugh. The laugh was not fake, I was pretty happy with that name right after the porno reference. Hey, those acting classes from high school would finally pay off now I hope. I continued “But what are donuts without,” and produced a gallon jug of milk from under the table as I said “Milk! Thirst inducing. That’s what donuts are without a drink, thirst inducing.” And giggled slightly. Should I try to laugh less on this show? It looks kind of fake now that I see it. Nah, people love happy, bubbly women. I took out a plain Donut and took a bite of it, chewed, swallowed, and looked at the camera with, what I thought was a giant grin at the time. It wasn’t, but it WAS a smile. As I watched I noticed that my cleavage was on full display. I felt excited that it looked visibly bigger than I would’ve expected. Those Bust-Ex pills were doing their job. I then took another bite of the Donut, this one a bit bigger. I hadn’t even noticed how hungry I was until I tasted something. I hadn’t eaten all morning, I was so focused on the video and so nervous that I didn’t even notice how badly my stomach needed to be filled. I ended up taking larger bites and swallowing in a way that looked frankly animalistic now looking back. I originally intended to be all seductive and playful eating them, but the sheer hunger of the situation took hold of me. In the video I ate donuts in two or three bites, looking like I desperately wanted to do swallow one whole. Icing and sprinkles steadily coated my lips and fingers as I let out a moan of sheer pleasure halfway through the box, before continuing. Icing, sprinkles, chocolate chips, even bacon on one donut. They all flew into my mouth and down into my waiting stomach. At the end of the box I picked up the jug of milk and chugged about a glass’s worth before relenting to my need to breathe and putting the jug down. At this point my idea to try being seductive and sensual came back to me, well, a little late for that. Or was it? I slowly sucked the icing off of my fingers one at a time, shuddering at the sheer pleasure of feeling full and the excess of sugar. I was having flashbacks to that kid at Dave’s Delicious Donuts. I think I recreated that moment pretty well. As I thought on that I noticed that, on the video I had a logo for the donut shop on the box, facing the camera. It was unintentional, but having the DDD name kind of fit my intro. I knew I could eat more. Hell, I ate more on the day I was trying to recreate, but I wanted to have room to move up at a fast pace to keep the viewers watching, so I didn’t (Not on camera anyway) instead I looked at the camera and spoke in my cheeriest voice “Good, for a day one anyway. I’ll have to up the ante next time. Next time won’t be far off though! Remember, I’ll be doing one to two of these videos every day! So, that was breakfast, I’ll see you for dinner!”
The video ended there. My first thought upon its ending wasn’t even how happy I was with it, but how big my chest looked. I thought of Dr. Jones, would I end up like her? No, I’d be even bigger, I’m doing more videos than her after all.

I shook my head, what was I thinking? I was planning to quit at a B or C right? I felt like the thought should have been terrifying. Like I should have ran away from it like the plague, but no. I was hardly upset at all. If anything it was exciting. I hugged myself and bathed in the warm, tingling feeling that was beginning to wash over my chest. I quickly posted the video under the name “Debbie Does Donuts” and smiled at the silly name again. “You know,” I said to myself out loud, “I think I’m going to enjoy this.
18 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 months , updated 11 months
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Pd500 11 months
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 11 months
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 11 months
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 11 months
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.