Tubby toby

Chapter 4 - Eating and Shopping.. Not a good mix

He stood outside the mall, impatiently looking around, trying to spot the brown headed beauty. Maybe she had set him up? After all, he didn't stand a chance with her, anyway.

"Toby! You came!" She came walking over, instantly taking him in for a hug. Toby gasped, and instinctively sucked in, not wanting her to have the misfortune of feeling his swollen sphere of a stomach, not that it was much use, his stomach was still openly pressing against her chest, with his 'pecs' suffocating her face. Although he didn't want her to notice his flab, he must admit the hug was so soothing, and made him want to hold her for longer. To have Ronnie this close was .. Special. Ronnie was only 5'5, so, of course Toby towered over her, making it easy for Ronnie to hug all of his plump features, with her arms embracing his fattening love handles. Toby's belly also made it increasingly difficult to embrace him any closer. However, Ronnie made due, even squeezing his love handles gently, as to not make it too obvious, however, to Toby, is was. Insecurities flooded his body almost immediately. 'Crap. She felt them! I knew I couldn't have worn these jeans, I bet they make me look like a right pig!' He thought.

She pulled away, "You look amazing, Toby. That white top looks great on you!" She patted his sides, again causing him to suck in again, tugging down on his snug top.

"Thank you.. Ronnie. As do you, better!" He smiled, still self-conscious of his stomach, "Where to first?"

"The food court, of course! I bet you're hungry." She grinned, "Come, follow me."

He paused, 'Is she.. Teasing me?' He looked down, his arms wrapped around his stomach, 'But she was right. I am hungry..' He frowned, and began to follow her, but she was walking rather fast, Toby struggled to catch up without being out of breath.

Ronnie stopped. And glanced behind, "Oh, sorry, Toby! I'll walk a bit slower for you." She smiled.

"Eh.. Ah.. No! I-It's fine.. I'm fine." He grunted, attempting to cover up being out of breath by only speed walking for a couple of minutes.

"You don't sound it, Toby, it's only a few more steps, anyway, then we can sit down and eat." She smiled, taking his chubby arm and walking to the open buffet.

Toby looked down, mortified. Even though Ronnie was physically holding him, he didn't have chance to react. He was too concerned about being out of breath by walking. Walking! 'She must be so embarrassed...' He thought, catching his breath.

"Here we are!" Ronnie said, letting go of his arm. Instantly the smell of food filled his nostrils. Oh man... This time, he was going to restrain himself.. After all, he was in public! But, he had to admit, that never stopped him from pigging out before.

"Smells great." He said, anxiously pulling down on his tshirt again, making sure his jacket properly covered his sides, "Let's get.. Seated." He glanced down at Ronnie, to which she nodded, and walked over to the seating area, Toby following.

"Table for two, please." Ronnie said with a smile.

The waiter glanced at the couple, and raised an eyebrow. 'Obviously he's confused as to why a guy like me is with a girl like her' he thought, sadly.

"Okay! Come right this way." The waiter smiled. He was painfully attractive. You could practically see his abs press up against his tight white shirt.. No wonder Ronnie was staring. As the waiter brought them to a sofa booth, Toby couldn't help but think it was on purpose, seeing how the waiter was definitely looking at his stomach. But he's probably just being paranoid. He wasn't that big, but he still pulled down his shirt slightly for his own comfort.

"Let me take your drink orders." The handsome waiter spoke up, "For the.. Gentleman?" He glanced to Toby.

Toby debated for a moment, "A water, plea-"

"He'll have a coke." She blurred out, and smiled.

"And for the pretty lady?" The waiter smiled at Ronnie.

"-A lemonade, please." She giggled, lightly as the waiter left.

He was jealous. Why should he though, they aren't dating.. But still It was painful for him to see her blatantly giggling with the waiter. 'I guess that's what I gets for believing I even had a chance with Ronnie...' He thought, forcing a smile.

"C'mon then, Toby! Get some food." She got up, heading for the food.

Toby frowned, "Right. Two plates.. Maximum.." He told himself, following after her, picking up a plate and filling it up with whatever he fancied. It only took about 5 minutes for him to finish the second plate, "I'm Err.. Full." He smiled, nervously. He definitely was not full.

Ronnie looked up from her food, and tilted her head, "You are?" She glanced down at his empty plate.

"Yeah, I'm-" His stomach let out a large rumble, instantly causing Toby to cough over the noise.

Ronnie smiled, "Eat, Toby. It's a buffet." She smiled, leaning over and placing her thin hand onto his chubby hand. He felt his heart skip a beat. She was telling him to eat more.

"..Are you sure? I don't want to embarrass you." He laughed, nervously.

"Don't be silly, Toby! Eat. You couldn't embarrass me." She cooed, sliding her very much full plate of wings, chips, egg fried rice and more to his side.

Toby smiled, taking his fork and eating it, "You not hungry?" He looked at her, his mouth full of food.

"I'll just let it sit for a while, you carry on." She smiled, pushing his coke towards him

Toby nodded, and began to eat. He felt comfortable. Besides! What's one binge going to do? Right? He smiled, enjoying himself and his food, ignoring the straining on his tshirt, "Hey.. Err, why'd you order me a coke?" He glanced up at her.

"I know how much you like it." She giggled.

"Yeah.. That is true." He smiled, taking large gulps of his coke, "It makes me bloat up like crazy, though."

"It's fine! We're eating out, don't worry about that." She smiled, getting back up for more food.

Toby laughed, lightly, polishing off the plate full of food, he could already feel himself bloating, he didn't even have to look, though he did. His belly was now almost pressing against the table, and judging by his cold under belly, his shirt wasn't enough to cover it, either. He groaned, pulling it down. He hadn't even eaten much.. And of course, he was still hungry.

Ronnie came back shortly after, with two plates full of food, and placed them both infront of him, "I thought I'd save myself the trip." She giggled.

Toby froze. She knew he'd be eating a lot. He tried his best to not seem like a pig, but it failed. Of course the chubby guy was going to eat like a pig, "T-Thanks, but you know I don't need this much.." Oh, but he did.. More even, but maybe lying straight through his teeth made him seem like less of a fatty to her. He has subconsciously began to rub his belly, he's always done this for as long as he can remember. Ronnie noticed this and smiled, "You okay?"

Toby nodded, realizing what he was doing and stopped, beginning to eat again.


After about 3 more plates, Toby insisted he was done, much to Ronnies dismay. She enjoyed watching him stuff himself relentlessly, "I already paid when I got up for your food, so, let's go out shopping for new clothes!" She smirked, getting up.

Toby paused, New clothes. He needed those desperately. He attempted to get up, but his bloated belly blocked the way, slamming into the table. He cursed.

"You okay?" She asked again, concern in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah, just,. Slipped." He lied, not wanting her to see his now very apparent belly pushing against the strained fabric of his t-shirt. His jacket couldn't cover it anymore, infact, his belly pushed out even further than his jacket, making it more evident if anything. He sucked in to the best of his ability, managing to get up and out of that very tight spot. 'Dammit, Toby. That's why you shouldn't have eaten so much. You were too big to physically get up out of that seat..!' He grumbled under his breath, following Ronnie out to the clothes departments.


'That was.. So cute!' Ronnie thought, seeing Toby stuffed to the brim really pleasured her. 'And seeing Toby's reddened face, too, poor thing.. He must be feeling so insecure right now..'

"Maybe we should go shopping for you, first." She smiled, looking down at his t-shirt, "It looks a bit snug on you, Toby." It looked very snug on him. His belly was pushing against the fabric more than before, with the pit of his belly button making another entrance with every step he took. She could tell he had eaten a bit too much, with his jeans threatening to pop at any minute. 'I bet his flesh is so sore' she thought, glancing at his reddening love handles as they entered the shop.


"It's not that snug.." He uttered, pushing his shirt down further to hide his exposed midriff.

Ronnie giggled, picking out a top, "Here!" She passed it him.

"Umm.. I don't think these are my size.." he said, examining the size. 'A large?' He thought, 'no way they were fitting.'

"Nonsense! Just try it on for me." She smiled, pushing him towards the changing rooms.

He paused. "Okay..." It was a nice top, just too small for him, especially given his now bloated appearance. But, for Ronnie, he'd try it on.


Toby stood in front of the changing room mirrors, looking at his swollen midsection. Oh, why did they have to eat before trying on clothes? It was obvious he had outgrown a large about 30lbs ago, it definitely did not fit, leaving a very red and swollen gut poking out from the bottom of the shirt. 'She can't see me in this.. With my whole belly on view? God! She'd be repulsed..' He sucked in, checking to see if it was any different. It wasn't.

"Ready to come out?" He heard Ronnie say, with the same sweet voice.

"I need a..- .. Different size." He mumbled. This was humiliating. He didn't need Ronnie figuring out that he's too fat for a large. A large is a large!

"Just come out, Toby.. Please?"

He sighed, succumbing to her voice, "Okay." He walked out from the changing rooms, standing in-front of her. There was zero point in sucking in, he was too full to even think about it.

A small 'oh' was heard audibly from her mouth., "Oh.. Yes, that is rather small." She caressed the bottom of his stomach, "A bit full, aren't we, Toby?" She smiled, giving it one last pat, "I'll get you a size up."

"An XL?" He laughed, awkwardly, "Maybe that large top was just a slim fit." He said, attempting to suck in and pulling down the top, "I can fit into a large. I'm not too big.."

Ronnie rubbed his arm, "Don't be embarrassed, Toby! You're a tall guy, an XL is normal." She said, a bit too loudly, attracting a bit too much attention to the situation.

"..Yeah.. And a fat one at that." He uttered under his breath. It appeared she was the only one in the whole shop to think he was a normal weight for his height. He's pretty sure he heard a couple of mean comments about how an xl is.. 'pretty normal for a fat guy too'. He tugged down his shirt again, only for it to ride back up. He hated this. He wasn't an XL, he told himself.

Oh, but he was. He was an XL. Well, he knew that for a while, but he couldn't bring himself to buy a bigger size. That would make him the biggest he has ever been.

"I'll be back, Toby." Ronnie said, before disappearing to find larger clothes for the chubby boy.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 5 months
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Allaboutbigb... 4 months
This story is really good, hope toby will keep on going, getting fatter and fatter.
Built4com4t 5 months
You’ve nailed the shyness and embarrassment from fattening and tightening clothes
TCC 11 months
Very cute! Toby is so sweet and gorgeously unaware.
GloryPatriot 11 months
I hope a new chapter is
coming soon
BeSoft 11 months
Totally arousing and very well written! I've big hopes, if there's more to come soon..
GloryPatriot 11 months
Waiting for the rest please update fast
Laurroh 11 months
I’ll try my best! Got any suggestions for me?