The pig farm part 2

  By Jdm

Chapter 5 The Breeding Results

Taylor groggily awoke the next morning. The smell of bacon and sausage permeated the air. She was still naked, her copious amounts of adipose keeping her warm from the stagnant basement air. Taylor felt different, she noticed it right away. Sure she was still stretched and bloated from the night before. Her upper belly still firm and tender while her lower belly jiggled as she heaved her barely mobile body off the mattress. She ran her hands over her bloated blubbery form. Trying to pin point her new feeling. Her hands grazed over her dome belly she had hunger pains but that was the normal even through the bloat. She ran her hands down her full soft hips she felt the normal morning horniness. She had been to fat and out of shape to pleasure herself for a while now. She noticed how sore she was. Her hips and vagina were sore her legs trembled slightly she hadn’t exerted that much effort since she came to the farm. Her hands then grabbed her lower belly roll and lifted up exposing her soaked under carriage to the air. Once again nope not just hunger and horniness. It felt like butterflies in her stomach. Taylor wondered if that was that was the seed taking, she wondering if she had been successful bread. The intense desire to please her farmers washed her conscience. She didn’t know where that loyalty came from, maybe from how well she’d been taken care of since she came to the farm just four months ago. Taylor had ambled through like without purpose for so long. Here she had purpose. Get fat, get fatter, and be bred. Leslie calling down the stairs brought Taylor back from her trance. She began her waddled up stairs. A couple minutes later she plopped her flabby form onto two dining room chairs and tucked into her feast. Taylor’s hips touched the backs of the two sideways turned chairs she had her legs spread out and her saggy gut fell in between her sausage like thighs. She ate and ate trying to cure her insatiable hunger. Hunger created by creed, laziness, and farm animal appetite stimulates. Taylor looked fat and 9 months pregnant when the food was gone. Both Jake and Leslie were astonished with her performance. Taylor leaned back in her chair showcasing her bloated gut and attempting to rub down the pressure as Leslie attached the breast pumps onto Taylor’s saggy flooded udders and began to siphon Taylor’s buttery milk. Taylor massaged her stretched marked gut while her udders were drained. The flabbiest part of her lower belly sagged to the chair her legs spread wide to accommodate her bulging belly. As her udders dried up Leslie patted her belly as she removed the suction cups, “Wow you’re really ruining your figure Taylor. Just wait until the end of the month I’m sure you’ve turned into a breed cow!” Taylor tried to grind her hips to rub her clit on the chairs but, to no avail he meaty fupa and poor stamina caused her to exhaust her efforts rather quickly.
“Please Leslie I need to cum, I’ve been so good.” Mumbled Taylor. Leslie chuckled as she walked off to make Taylor a milkshake with her breast milk. Taylor was getting increasingly turned on by the fact that she could feed herself off her own milk and she knew it was rich fattening milk because of her diet. Leslie returned with the vibrator and a funnel. She teased Taylor while she changed down more calories. A couple minutes after Taylor finished her shake Leslie allowed her to cum. Leslie and Jake set up a room for Taylor in their in their sun room. Neither Taylor or Leslie handled the stairs to the in law suit, that Taylor had been living in, very well anymore. Taylor hardly left the bed anymore not that she was immobile but she was constantly eating or drinking and her laziness just took over. Her hedonistic ways adding more lbs and inches to her flabby form. Taylor could not care less, she was constantly turned on by what she was doing to her body, by what Leslie and Jake enabled her to do, and by being bred. The butterflies in her stomach had not gone away. She knew she was pregnant. Leslie didn’t have force Taylor to eat she merely just kept food and weight gain shakes within an arms reach of the heifer.
Taylor kept her lazy greedy ways all month the pounds piling on her ruined body. She was getting increasingly out of shape while the calories packing in her gut metabolized into fat and, her laziness atrophied her feeble muscles. Just waddling to the bathroom left the young girl bracing the wall and gasping for breath.
The end of the month came, weigh in day. Taylor had not worn clothes since the breeding party. Leslie woke her up from her from a post stuffing crumb covered slumber, Jake had to help her off the mattress and to her feet. Taylor’s body jiggled in response to the motion. Waddling the 10 paces across the room to the scale was a task for Taylor. Her feet bearly lifting off the floor in the labored shuffled waddle. Her body could not keep up with her exploding form. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as both Jake and Leslie helped her up on the scale. This was her first weigh in on the new steel industrial scale Jake installed in the sun room. Taylor could see the screen turn on, she remembered she gained 35 lbs the month prior. After what seemed like an eternity for Taylor the number flashed on the screen, 333 lbs.
Jake whistled he couldn’t believe Taylor had gained over 40 lbs in a month. Leslie commented, “wow piggy you really did a number on yourself! I didn’t even help you eat this month. You must really want to be fatter. No way the pregnancy cravings are hitting yet. You just wait you’re going to blow up! Speaking off we need to see if you have been bred. I’m been tracking everything honey, you’re almost two weeks late.”
Taylor smiled running her hands down her dome like upper belly and grabbing her lower belly flap and shaking it slightly. Just that slight movement jiggled her whole body from love handles down her cellulite riddled thighs. Taylor let out a low slow, “mooooooooooo” she’s paused, “im such a big fat cow.”
Leslie laughed and helped the heifer off the scale and waddled her to their spacious master bathroom. She helped Taylor take four pregnancy tests. The fat girl couldn’t possibly reach by herself. While the tests took ten minutes to show the results Leslie sat Taylor down and hosed off her greasy rolls. Cleaning her cow was becoming more and more of chore and the rolls multiplied in both size and number. The timer went off for the tests as Taylor was getting dried off. Leslie bent over and chucked as she read the tests. She held all four out in front of Taylor’s face, “It’s true you’re one fertile fatty Taylor. Only one night of breeding all four test confirmed you’re definitely knocked up. You’re going to end up as big as this farm house by the end. I will call Kelly and Ron to give them the good news.”
Taylor softly responded, “moooooo….. Leslie I’m hungry and I’m getting of standing can I please sit and eat?”
Jake sat Taylor in her new two person bench at the table he had been laying out the breakfast for Taylor while Leslie attended to her in the bathroom. Taylor tucked into the food her appetite had gone even more over the last month she ate straight though to lunch and kept eating. Her belly pushing against the table her weak fat arms slowing bringing bite after bite to her waiting mouth. Her udders full of milk we’re adding pressure to her full gut. Taylor was out of breath the mass of digesting food and milk filled tits pressuring in her lungs while wheezed. Leslie attaching the milk cups and pump to siphon her heavy saggy tits. “She’s really is a cow huh Leslie? Look at her she’s grazing on food all day. Only difference is the diner table is her pasture” remarked Jake.
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Dutchbbwlover 11 months
Loved this story!
Jdm 10 months
Thank you!