The pig farm part 2

  By Jdm

Chapter 6 One Month Later

Another month of gluttony passed further pushing Taylor down the rabbit hole of extreme obesity. She would constantly graze on food all day, sometimes waking up several times a night to chug down the fattening mix from the pre stocked funnel. She was swelling. Only two months along from her breeding she was far to fat to show any signs of pregnancy other then further damage to her body by the added flab. Heaving her heavy out of shape form out of bed exhausted her, rather then be bothered with exertion she lazed about and ate. The habitually greedy cycle that Leslie hoped she would completely give into was easily accepted by the unambitious now bovine girl. Taylor would eat so much the pressure from her fat and bloated stomach labored her breath caused she had developed a wheeze. Jake had to practically hold her up to get weighed on the scale. Her weight had shot you this month. The number on the large stainless steel cattle scale flashed 387 pounds.
Leslie could not believe just how big Taylor was getting, “well well piggy being bred suits you. I’ve never seen a gain this fast. You better slow down or you’ll get to heavy to walk.”
Taylor was on her hands and knees breathing and wheezing heavily after a short walk to and from the scale. Her udders and belly resting on the floor, her cellulite cover rear sticking up in the air, and her flabby arms swaying a flap of soft fat off the back of her arm where a triceps muscle should be. Leslie smacked on of her flabby butt cheeks and jiggled Taylor’s entire body, “you’re so fat your arms are almost the size of a normal woman’s waist.” Taylor was beyond horny, the idea of getting so heavy that she could do nothing but be helplessly bred and hopelessly stuffed fatter turned her to no end.
Jake called in from the kitchen, “Hey hon, Kelly called…her and Ron want to stop by tonight and check on their breeding sow, and Kelly really wants to push some calories into her. I’m going to the barn to prep some more hog feed for her. Let’s push some appetite stimulants into her today and really give Kelly a show.”
Leslie giggled, “you heard him piggy. I bet you can’t wait to show off how much your greedy little mouth and eat and that fat saggy stomach can hold.”
Taylor only moaned in response. She was soaking wet as Leslie slid the egg shaped vibrator into her with ease. The vibrations started only slightly numbing Taylor’s need to cum. She knew the routine she would be pumped up with food and cattle grade eating stimulants all day and not be allowed to cum until she mowed down a trough of fatty food this evening.
Taylor grazed on fried pork all day and drinking out of her funnel packing more more calories then most people would eat in a week and, she did it by mid afternoon. Leslie and Jake carted her to the barn one of the farms feed trailers. Leslie went about preparing the barns office for the feeding. While Jake prepped all the feed and other farm grade equipment for the evening. Taylor ate steadily all day even as she was bathed and oiled up and readied as a human farm exhibit for her breeders, Kelly and Ron. She was given two shots of appetite stimulate, the intravenous meds far more potent then any pills. Taylor stood in the middle of the barn naked and oiled her flabby rolls glistening, old and new stretch marks standing out on her pale skin. Every part of her body was exploding with fat, her double chin jiggled as she nawed through food all the way to her soft shapeless calves that turned into cankles. Her gut had really succumbed to gravity and hung down completely hiding her crotch and upper thigh rolls. Her upper belly folded over and creased at her belly button. Her giant udders hung off to her sides her nipples looking extra dark on her pale skin. Her hips as wipe as a door frame connected to the upper fat shelf above her ginormous glodular butt cheeks. Taylor felt so helpless and vulnerable, she knew Kelly would spare no sympathy on the bred heifer and stuff her with reckless abandon. The thought of Kelly taking charge and shoving massive amounts of calories down her throat made her legs weak and crotch tingle. Taylor noticed the breeding chute, the trough and large funnel were all lining the walls of the room. The vibrator installed between Taylor sausage skin stuffed legs began to pulse as she heard a car pull-up to the barn. She was primally arroused, as the hunger pains hit her like a freight train. The appetite stimulates kicking in mixed with her bovine libido, she was ready for whatever was in store. She could not make out he muted conversation as a group walked up to the barn, but heard Kelly’s distinct laugh as the doors to the barn opened.
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Dutchbbwlover 11 months
Loved this story!
Jdm 11 months
Thank you!