The pig farm part 2

  By Jdm

Chapter 8 Six Months Later

The days blended together for Taylor the weeks and months flew by. Once a week Kelly would stop by and stuff Taylor beyond capacity, her stomach so stretched out she stuffed nearly constantly to avoid hunger pains. She had continued to gain at a dangerous pace, putting on 35-45 lbs of pure lard every month. The scales teetered near the 700 lbs mark. She was a blob the only signs of her breeding being her dark leaking nipples and the disappearing double belly. The crease at her belly button had tightened up giving her an orbitally shaped dome upper belly while her lower belly sagged down just past mid thigh. Her lower belly flap formed a crease in the middle of the roll giving it the appearance of a lazy “w”. Her puffy face met her bloated double chin which rested on her fat neck, her arms were the size of a normal fat girls legs, her udders hung low sagging to the sides of her humongous belly, her hips were wider then a door frame, her ass huge and wide has lost any form it just spread out wide behind her, her thighs were bigger then a normal fat girls waist, her knee caps had disappeared under fat and fat hung off her inner knee creating another roll, her calves were fat trunks that rolled at her ankle bone obscuring her fat useless feet. Taylor’s greed had rendered her practically immobile. She did not stay in the farm house anymore, residing only in the barn stuffing her fat face. Kelly’s last force feeding the prior week had practically left Taylor is tears from the pain of her protesting gut. The shear amount of effort to digest the calories took Taylor two days to recover from. The carbohydrates and fat had numbed Taylor’s brain into a permanent fog. She only needed food and orgasams to maintain her blissful happiness. She was oblivious to the fact that she was essentially a farm animal existing only to get fatter and be bred.
The complete evolution of Taylor’s bovine behavior worried Leslie some. She wondered how much longer Taylor’s weak body could continue down this path. She knew her health would deteriorate as quickly as her waistline. Nevertheless she was proud of her prized breed sow. She knew Taylor had past the point of no return long ago. Taylor was a helpless blob, totally physically and mentally ruined. She would do anything to please Leslie, and was more then happy to be rewarded with more food and an orgasm. Taylor and Jake wondered if they could push her weight to 1000lbs and have her bred again.
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Dutchbbwlover 11 months
Loved this story!
Jdm 11 months
Thank you!