The pig farm part 2

  By Jdm

Chapter 9 The Final Month

It was the last month of pregnancy for Taylor, not that she had any idea of what month it was. The only time that mattered to the bovine beauty was feeding time. The morbidity obese young girl was eating constantly. Leslie gave her near constant care. She kept her trough full of greasy fattening pork products and only let Taylor drink the hog supplement liquid. Consuming gallons of the potent livestock grade formula a day further accelerated Taylor’s transformation into human cow. Leslie and Jake bathed her every evening to avoid skin problems and keep their breeding heifer as healthy as possible. They had a large cattle basin type tub installed in Taylor’s section of the barn to ease the burden of keeping her clean. Other than her daily bath Taylor did not move. Her muscles and bones and severely degraded. She has passed the point of no return hundreds of pounds ago. Not that she wanted to but with this final month of pure hedonism she would never be able to even escape the farm. Her fat consumed body was finally immobilized by her mass. Her weak flabby arms could not even roll her gargantuan body over much less sit her weighted upper body up and even attempt to stand. Her breathing was constantly labored partly because she was always gorging but also the shear amount of fat surrounding her chest, heavy saggy udders and monotonous gut. Stretch marks and cellulite covered every inch of the ruined young body. Taylor’s permanently fogged brain was dulled to the basic needs of a farm animal. She wanted food and sexual pleasure. She was constantly soaking wet, and would cum easily to the slightest touch near her puffy fat womanhood. Taylor was completely dependent on Jake and Leslie, her helplessness further turned her on and would cause her to stuff herself even more. And down the rabbit hole she went, further adding more and more adipose to her already enormous body.
During the 9th month of pregnancy Kelly came over every other day and would force even more calories down Taylor’s greedy gullet. Kelly and Ron owned a dairy farm, so like Leslie and Jake pushing pork products from their farm, Kelly began bringing rich creamy fresh fattening dairy products. She would feed Taylor mounds of fresh creamy sweet butter and thick cold heavy cream. Over the months Taylor’s stomach had become accustomed to Kelly’s rougher feeds. Taylor knew she was helpless to Kelly’s aggression and submitted to her as well. Her farm animal mentality allowed Kelly seemingly partial ownership of the size of her waistline.
Taylor woke one morning confused. Her room was different. Ron, Kelly, Jake and Leslie were all there. But there was medical equipment surrounding her and two large men in jeans and lab coats. Taylor was instantly scared her nervous eyes darting around the room. She flared her fat arms and let out a labored, “moooooooo”. Kelly giggled, “awe poor thing she doesn’t know she’s going into labor. But she’s definitely hungry. Let’s get some calories in this heifer pronto!”
The group agreed, while the two men in lab coats continued to prep the room Taylor was force fed two gallons of heavy cream, two gallons of the pig fattener, and twenty five sticks of butter. The full feeling in her colossally stretched stomach relaxed the young heifer. But the nerves came back as she felt the pressure continue to build in her belly. Then hard stomach cramps. Taylor began to whimper and clutch her fat stomach.
The men in lab coats sprang into action. They hooked her up to oxygen and began taking vitals.
One man wrote down notes while the other called out her medical stats:
“Height 5 ft 6in…. Weight 798 lbs… blood pressure 170 over 90…. Kind of high.”

“Alright we’re going to need some help we have the portable steak stirrups we have to get her legs up. It was a two person job to lift the tree trunk legs into the stirrups. Her massive cellulite covered thighs jiggled hanging saddlebags of pure fat cascaded down from Taylor’s elevated knees to her now vulnerably open crotch. Her fat arms ached from the little movement she had done earlier now lay limp straight out to her sides. Her double chin and fat cheeks grew red as Taylor moaned through more stomach pains. Her breathing was heavy borderlined hyperventilating as one of the doctors gave her max oxygen through her nose cannula.
The older of the two doctors was examining Taylor’s pelvis area while the younger monitored her vitals. The four farmers gawked as on lookers. For what felt like and eternity for Taylor but, was only 30 minutes, she wheezed trying to catch her breath and moaned in pain. Her body covered in sweat glistening in the incandescent lights of her barn room.
The older doctor spoke, “Well folks think this heifer is too weak and out of shape to do much pushing. She’s too fat for our untrasound machines to examine further. We’re going to have to push some meds and wait.”
Taylor’s stomach cramps intensified she moaned louder whimpering in pain, she mumbled “hungry”
Jake and Ron hurriedly fixed her large funnel and tube over Taylor’s bed and poured in a 50/50 of Ron’s dairy’s heavy cream and Jake hog formula. Taylor stayed hooked up to the medical machines and the funnel until late in the evening she gave birth.
Taylor slept for three days after. But while she slept she continued to drain the funnel hopper being continually being filled by her four caretakers.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 6 months
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Dutchbbwlover 11 months
Loved this story!
Jdm 10 months
Thank you!