Choose Your Own Adventure

Chapter 1 - The start

23-year-old Sofia woke up in a cage her left leg tied to a pole so she could not move much inside this cage. "Where am I?" She said in a scared manner before jumping up in the air or at least trying to. The cage was 8 feet high and at least 9 or 10 feet wide designed for a beast of some sort. Sofia had been a pretty skinny girl since the time she was 5. She was on the women's football team for her college being one of the best on the team also in the summer she would be a lifeguard at pools for fun, she was always outside or active. Also, her strict diet of Healthy fruits and vegetables kept her from gaining much weight throughout her life. She looked around to see where she was a bunch of hay on the floor torches on the ceiling and very wide doors at least 8 or 9 feet wide she looked to her right to see another girl in a cage too, but Sofia could not reach over to wake up the girl this girl seemed to be 5 lbs. heavier than her it was easy to tell since they were half naked. She tried to call her over "Psst hey hello you" She said "Wake up come on!" she said again still no success finally she grabbed some sort of rib bone and banged it against the metal floor over and over again. Finally, the girl woke up "Quiet!" She said in a whisper Sofia then whispered back and said, "Where are we?" "Look," The girl said, "Go back to sleep before you wake her up" "Wake who up?" said Sofia" "The witch!" Said the girl "Witches aren't real" Sofia says. Just then the big metal doors swung open out appeared a tall, chubby, and old woman "Hello my dear little piggies!" She said loudly "Hello Grenda!" Says the girl "Good morning to you too Anna!" Grenda said Just then she turned over to look at Sofia "My oh my oh my!" Joe must have brought me back a new piggie!" Said Grenda "What a wonderful dinner we will have!" Grenda said Sofia is confused she wants to go home leave this place and go see her family but then she remembered it was one month before Thanksgiving football game day. Sofia worried she may miss training days "Please help me go home I don't want to be here please help me!" Sofia begged "Oh don't worry you are fine here!" Said the witch "I do need 2 turkeys for my play!" Grenda said. Grenda unlock the 2 cages Sofia tried to escape while Anna sat there "Oh no no no!" Grenda said before grabbing a stick and waving it around a few times just then Sofia could not walk both her and Anna's chains were gone. "Now follow me!" Said Grenda Anna jumped out of her cage running to the witch Sofia slowly began to fly behind Anna. When they reached the first floor low and behold a room filled with candies, pastries, etc quickly Anna sat in a chair Sofia was flown to her chair sitting down not being able to get up. Just then a man came walking out of a room. "So," said the man " Are we gonna-" The man was cut off by the witch "Why yes Joe let us start this grand feast!" Anna's eyes filled with joy at the word of feast Sofia on the other hand looked scared "Don't be scared darling this is what is going to make you the perfect pet!" Winked Grenda as Joe stared at Sofia with big eyes behind the witch mouthing good luck. " I can't wait any longer!" Said Anna grabbing a cookie " No no no no no!" Said Grenda first we must weigh you! The witch then grabbed a scale from beneath to table Anna proceeded to step on the scale. " 117!" Said the witch "Good for a starter" She added on. The witch makes a hand motion for Sofia to come closer and step on the scale. Sofia was willing to step on the scale looking down at 110 it said. " Perfect Grenda said " Seems we have some catching up to do" Sofia returns to her chair. "This time let the feast begin!" Anna quickly started eating shoving pastries into her mouth Sofia looks at all the food laid out scared but hungry she grabs a cookie and takes a bite. Sofia falls in love with the cookie soon one cookie becomes 2 then 5 then 20 then she has eaten half of the food on the table she looks down to see some small pudge form around her stomach she looks over to Anna to see herself indulging in eaten at least 3/4s of the treats she has more pudge around her stomach than Sofia. Anna stuffs more and more food in her mouth slowly her bloated stomach rises her face covered in chocolate and icing "So good" She moans before eating more "Can't stop" "Must eat" She says between bites and burps. Finally, Sofia and Anna are done eating Sofia has a little more pudge than the last time she checked Anna does too Sofia's legs are slightly thicker than they were before Annas' stomach sticking out and her legs being a little more thick and her face pudgier. Grenda runs into the room "Look at my little piggies!" She says Joe walking out of the kitchen I think it's time you all went to bed! Sofia and Anna slowly walk back down the stairs with bloated bellies and thick legs icing all over their face. They both fall right down on their beds. Anna quickly falls asleep while Sofia slowly drifts off and wonders "I kinda like this"

What happens next?
A Sofia tries to escape
B Sofia eats less
C Sofia indulges herself
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mezzo 1 year
Option B smiley
NickG 1 year
Option B
Erimat23 1 year
Option B
Bellylover94 1 year
Option C
JMR 22 1 year
Option B
Dounut12 1 year
New chapter out!
Dounut12 1 year
Hope I can get more votes for the next part would really like to do this!
Bellylover94 1 year
Option C
Hubbert2995 1 year
Option C
Ilovefattys 1 year
Sofia indulges herself