Chloe's college years

Chapter 2: Rush Week

Chloe woke up at the crack of dawn. She could hardly sleep she was so excited. She went to shower and took a quick glance at her amazing body. She had modest yet perky B cups, and although she didn’t quite have a six-pack there were traces of abs visible. Her legs were toned from running throughout high school and were on the muscular side and maybe a little thicker than normal, but she still had a thigh gap. She gave a quick peek at her booty, smiling to herself as it was still as perky and firm as ever.

She showered, then mentally and physically prepared herself for the week ahead. She wore her wavy blonde hair in a braid and decided to wear a teal top with white pants and some sandals before eating some breakfast. Normally she would get by with some fruit and a glass of orange juice and be fine for the day, but Chloe had some extra time since she got up early, plus she wanted to be extra fueled because there was going to be a lot of activities this week, and today especially.

She decided to make herself a stack of French toast, with powdered sugar and syrup, and some milk she bought yesterday.
“I’m feeling extra hungry this morning, I’ll do four pieces, and whatever I don’t eat ill save for later!” Chloe reasoned. Pretty soon it was evident that Chloe’s appetite had increased even since the beginning of summer as she ate three of the four pieces quickly and finished a second glass of milk.
“Holy crap, I’ve been eating like crazy and I haven’t had a full day in college yet! I must be super nervous.” Chloe innocently reasoned.

As she finished up her breakfast, Emma walked out to the kitchen and saw Chloe enjoying the last bit of her four pieces of French toast. Emma could barely believe what she was seeing.

“Good morning, Emma! I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be up so early, otherwise I would have made you some French toast! I feel so bad!”

“It’s okay! Don’t worry about it, I’m not really a breakfast person but maybe someday I’ll take you up on that offer” Emma said still half asleep.

“Deal! Well, I’m heading to Rush, wish me luck!” Chloe said as she moved to the door.

“Good luck, have fun.” Emma said before turning around and going back to bed for a little while. “Does Chloe normally eat that much? If so, where does she put it?” Emma thought to herself before closing her eyes again.


Chloe arrived at the quad and, despite being early, was chaotic to say the least. There were balloons everywhere, girls talking in all volumes and chants, tables set up down each side of the quad, all vying for the newest batch of sisters to join their sororities. Starting to feel a little overwhelmed with all the options, she kept walking through the quad and quickly glancing over to each of the tables until she saw one that really caught her eye. There was a white table with three girls, a clipboard, and a bunch of different colored bracelets in pairs. The sign on the table said: “Think you got what it takes to join Alpha Alpha Chi? Sign up for the Ultimate Challenge to prove it.”

“I’m soooo down for a challenge!” yelled a brunette that was standing next to Chloe.
“Are you going to sign up??” now asking the blonde.

“Ohh, me? Umm I’m not sure, what’s the challenge?” Chloe genuinely asked.

“That’s the best part, no one knows! But people get eliminated after each day, and only a select few make it! Alpha Alpha Chi is one of the best and most exclusive Sororities on campus, do you want to be my partner? Everyone needs a partner.” The mysterious and energetic girl explained.

“Umm, okay sure haha, why not? I’m Chloe by the way” Chloe introduced herself.

“Ohh, right haha, I’m Maria” Maria went to hug Chloe. It was a little awkward at first, considering they had just met, but Maria was a hugger. They walked up to the desk and went to sign the clipboard. The three girls, appearing to be upperclassmen and in positions of leadership within the Sorority, eyed the duo up and down as they walked up.

“Look here ladies, we have a couple of prospects!” the girl on the left yelled.

“They sure look the part, but do they have what it takes?” the far right girl said condescendingly.

“Sign in on the clipboard, grab the pink wristbands, don’t take them off for the rest of the week. See you here, tonight, bring a lot of energy, it’s going to be a long night and even longer week.” the middle girl, apparently the president of the Sorority, advised in a sinister way.

“Okay, well that’s it then, I guess I’ll see you tonight partner” Chloe nervously said.

“You bet! I’m super excited, we’re going to win big, so they HAVE to let us in!” Maria confidently said as she went on her way. With that, Chloe took a chance to examine her new partner and hopeful sorority sister. Maria was a little shorter than Chloe, standing in at 5’3, she had big brown eyes to go with her brown hair, which was closer to black than actual brown. Her face was pretty, and her boobs were accentuated by her choice of shirt, however, what caught Chloe’s eye was slightly below her breasts. Maria had what some people would call a “starter belly”. Not too big to be called a full-on gut, but definitely not flat. The rest of her body looked relatively untouched, as if skinny, but just the way her tummy rested, it seemed surreal to Chloe…

Later on that evening…

“Ladies, welcome to Alpha Alpha Chi Rush Week! Each night there will be challenges that you will have to pass in order to move on to the next day. Each challenge will test a different aspect of you: physical, mental, social, emotional. Come Friday night, the pairs that perform the best will be admitted to our Sorority!” The middle girl from earlier announced to the crowd of about 30 girls waiting to be recognized. 30 seems like a low number, but throughout the day the girls running the table sought after only the best possible candidates.

“The first challenge, the only challenge of the night, is a race. However, this isn’t an ordinary race. You see, at the other end of this quad is a table, with color-coded cans on it. There are 6 cans per team. Each partner will take turns running across the quad, drinking one can, and running back to tag your other partner. There are 15 teams here, so the first ten to finish will move on to tomorrow.” Said the girl with the clipboard from earlier. “This challenge is meant for you girls to trust in your partners, even as the course gets a little…wobbly.” She stifled a laugh at her own inside joke.

“A race! Hell yeah, I like our odds Maria, we only have to finish top ten and we’re good! I wonder what’s in the cans?” Chloe said as she mentally hyped herself up for the race.

“Well, my guess is it’s probably beer since it’s college haha” Marie’s eyes widened.

“What?!? Beer?? Awww” Chloe started to panic.

“I really hope they got the good stuff and not some cheap beer that will taste gross. But either way I’m excited!! I started prepping myself this summer and let’s say I’ve gotten pretty good at drinking haha” Maria proudly proclaimed.

“I’ve done the opposite, I’ve never had a drink before, but I can still run fast!” Chloe tried to make up for her lack of alcoholic consumption with her physical condition.

“Really?? You’ve never drank? Well, that’s about to change, I’m guessing the rest of the week will be similar to this but let’s win tonight!” Maria pumped up her team.

As the rest of the teams positioned themselves at the starting line, Chloe and Maria strategized. Maria was going to go first, so that way in case it came down to the wire, Chloe could sprint it out to move on to the next round.

“On your mark, get set, GO!” the Sorority president yelled. Maria took off as fast as she could. The drink table was about 50 yards down the quad, so it was challenging but not impossible for the soon to be buzzed freshmen. Maria was third to get across, and immediately chugged the first beer down. She downed it in less than 10 seconds. She threw it down on the ground, shook her head, and started the run back to tag Chloe.

Chloe took off faster than any of the other girls and got to the table quickly. Then came the moment of truth: her first beer. Chloe never pictured herself chugging a beer in a relay race with someone she met a few hours ago as her first encounter with alcohol, but here she was. She put it to her lips and took a big gulp. At first Chloe's face puckered at the tangy bitterness, initially hating the taste. But Chloe needed to finish! For her sake and Maria’s. She finished the first beer and rushed back, a little slower this time, to Maria.

Maria took off for her second turn, and Chloe felt funny. She wasn’t necessarily feeling drunk or even buzzed. She felt her stomach gurgle and bubble as it processed the new liquid. “Buuurp! Oof excuse me!” Chloe said to herself. A series of smaller burps escaped Chloe’s luscious lips, however before she knew it Maria was on her way back and ready to tag Chloe. Maria was going a little bit slower, and her belly was looking a little fuller than it was a few minutes ago.

Chloe ran as fast as she could to the table and immediately opened her second beer and chugged. This beer went down easier, and Chloe actually started to like it! She surprised herself with how fast she drank it, but the real surprise came when she turned to run back. She was a little off balance, and as she tried to run, she was slightly veering off to the left. As Chloe corrected herself, she let out another burp and lunged towards Maria’s outreach arm.

Maria carefully ran to finish her last beer, and Chloe was feeling good. She liked the bubbly sensation she was getting, both in her head and in her stomach. She started to hiccup and burp as the carbonation, alcohol and exercising were all combining to make Chloe a noisy girl. “Buuurp. Ooh, hic, excuse, hic, me! Gosh I’m acting crazy, I need to focus, we need to do good, hic!” Chloe managed to get out.

Maria had finished her beer and was just now starting to feel the effects, as she was slow in her return to Chloe and also staggering her path. Maria was more bloated and stumbled her way to the outreached hand of Chloe. Chloe had composed herself enough to do a straight, but slow, line to the last can. Chloe had a little bit harder of a time chugging this third one, as her stomach was trying to get used to the influx of empty calories entering it. She finished her final beer and immediately belched. She made the final sprint towards her partner, and almost fell over in the process. She recovered pretty well, and jogged to a fourth-place finish, which meant her and Maria made it to the next day! Chloe and Maria hugged each other, and both let out some rather large burps and there started the giggle and hiccup fest.

“You did soooo good hic!” Maria happily said.

“You buuurp did great too! How??” Chloe asked.

“Well, see hic I was like you, never drank and stuff, and then school ended and I said ‘What the hell?’ and let loose this summer! Burrp now look at us, we’re rushing together! I started drinking with my friends and it was super fuuun! Wanna come back to my room Chloe?? I have some mooore if you wanna” Maria gave a teasing glance at Chloe.

“Hmmmm, I dunno, I’m feeling gassy and a little dizzy, maybe I should go home.” Chloe answered.

“Naaah, you just haven’t eaten anything in awhile. We’ll get some food from the late-night dining hall and drink some more!” Maria made a compelling case.

“Deal! Let’s celebrate!” Chloe cheered.

“Alright, down to the Top 20! Wooo, good job girls. Did I hear someone correctly saying it was their first time drinking tonight?” the second-in-command girl with the clipboard, Kathleen, snickered at Chloe.

“Awwww, well you’ll be drinking enough with us to make up for lost time, don’t you worry.” The president of the Sorority smiled. “For those top ten teams, meet us at the house tomorrow night for round two! Bring your partners and your best ‘shots’ hahaha” she emphasized the shots part.

“Uhh ohh, I’m not sure what they have planned for me hic” Chloe said worryingly.

“It sounds like tomorrow’s problem, let’s celebrate!” Maria whined.

“Yeah let’s!”

The girls went to Maria’s place and on the way ordered a large cheese pizza with some mozzarella sticks on the side. They got to her dorm almost the exact time as their order did, and without further ado, the girls cracked open some more beer, better ones this time, and got started on their late-night snack.

“Okay, huff, I’m really full” Chloe struggled to get out. She had three slices of pizza, 5 mozzarella sticks, and three more beers. “Buuuuuurp, and pretty gassy….and maybe a liiiil drunk too haha buuurp.”

“Hahaha you like it?? It feels good doesn’t it buuurp?” Maria said.

“What does?” Chloe asked confused and semi-focused due to her full state.

“I don’t know, everything hic”

“I mean, oof, I like the buzzed feeling, but I don’t know about the burping and gas and the late-night binges haha buuurp” Chloe gathered as she adjusted her position on the couch.

“You get used to it after a few weeks. You’ll be able to drink more without getting as gassy, and the eating part will come easier too hic!” Maria explained.

“Yeahhh but the eating part is what I’m afraid of! I already stuffed myself way more than I did last night, and I wasn’t even trying! This place is going to make me buuuuurp blow up before I know it!”

“Relax Chloe! It’s College, we’re here to let loose and have fun! Besides, you have a perfect body, a little extra isn’t going to ruin it overnight. If anything, you’ll get a little beer belly like mine.” Maria said with a slap and jiggle for emphasis. “Buuuurp, excuse me haha” Maria let out a cute but loud burp.

“I don’t know, we’ll see hic” Chloe said unsure about Maria’s proposal.

They ended up falling asleep in Maria’s room and come morning Chloe woke up to a slight headache. “Great, my first hangover” Chloe drowsiness muttered to herself as she cleaned up a little before heading back to her place.

“Hey Chloe! Missed you last night! How did it go?” Emma cheerily greeted Chloe in the common area as Chloe entered the door.

“Hey, it went pretty well. Tired now, but good” Chloe groggily responded.

“Chloe did you drink last night?”

“Yeah, a little, why?”

“Interesting! It was your first time, right? How’d you like it?” Emma was full of energy this morning, in stark contrast to the hungover Chloe.

“It was really good, until I woke up with a headache.” Chloe said, trying to give Emma a hint.

“Aww, your first hangover! I know what will perk you up, a nice greasy breakfast!” before Chloe had any time to object, Emma had started on some bacon and eggs.

“Thanks, but I ate a lot last night, I don’t know if I should.”

“You look as good as ever Chloe! And besides, greasy food and some water will make you feel brand new!”

True to Emma’s word, the breakfast helped Chloe recover. Granted, Emma also included some hash browns to round out the meal, pushing Chloe towards being stuffed first thing in the morning. Chloe would have stopped about half-way through, but Emma was a really good cook! Chloe thanked the pretty redhead before going to shower. She normally would’ve gone for a run or done some gym workout but being hungover and full of greasy food made her want to get some sleep. She wanted to get rid of the hangover primarily, but the fit blonde had a suspicion that the rest of the week was going to be like last night.
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Shivian84 1 week
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 2 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 2 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 7 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 7 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!