Chloe's college years

Chapter 8b: Finally Free (cont.)

An hour later, the four girls were on the couch, pregaming with some mixed drinks and recapping their final exams with a mindless TV show on in the background. A couple of the girls from the Sorority had texted Maria saying they’d be there in another 30 minutes. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Everyone got excited at the prospect of the first guests arriving. Chloe even hoped that Zach would show up early so that she could introduce him to her closest friends before the party started. But Emma beat them all to the door, almost jogging over. She practically threw the door open, and there was the savior she had been looking for. The pizza delivery boy, who was handsome in his own right, for a younger guy, He was seventeen, a local from the town where Sterling was situated. He was a scrawny kid, with dirty blonde hair that came down over his ears and just over his blue eyes. His mother had always told him to cut his hair so that any prospective girls could see them, but it wasn’t his style. He was average height at about 5 foot 10, and he was trying to grow his facial hair a little bit. He’d delivered to his share of parties, and plenty of girls had opened the door. He was expecting a loud party with the amount of pizza he was delivering, but when a beautiful redhead opened the door, he was caught off guard to say the least. She bounced up to him and gave a beaming smile, and he couldn’t quite shake the carnal hunger in her eyes.

“Hi!! You got them all? It doesn’t look like it?” She pleaded with him, Emma flashing her big emerald eyes. He lost his breathe in his throat before coughing out “Ahem oh huh yeah I got them, I just needed a cart to bring them all haha.” He was blushing hard at this knockout redhead so eager to get pizza. She lowered her head so that she gave him doe eyes through her glasses and bit her lower lip, knowing that she was flustering the poor kid. “Um, I have a lot, do you. um want me to come in and um heh put them somewhere?” “Yes pleeease” Emma smiled and moved to the side so that the delivery boy could place the pizzas on the kitchen counter. He had to make three trips to unload all the pizza, and he would have made another three trips when he looked over and saw Emma twirling her bright red hair and bite her lip in anticipation. He mustered up the courage and tried making small talk, “So, umm, big party tonight?” “Ohh noo, just some friends, last meal before break. Anyway, thanks for being a life saver tonight…Nick!” As she scooched in to read his name tag, she gave him a twenty for a tip and gave him a peck on the cheek. Nick was over the moon as the door was closed in his face and was left to finish his night in hopes of something like that happening again.

“Who’s hungryyy?” Emma called her friends over to the kitchen, where they all stopped in their tracks. “Holy sh*t Emma, how much did you get?!” Maria scanned the towers of pizza. They were all extra-large, steaming and ready to be savored. “Ohh, not much, just a dozen or so.” Emma innocently answered. “A dozen! Emma! We only have like maybe a dozen people coming, including us! All of this is going to go to waste!” Chloe couldn’t believe her roommate would do something so crazy. Maybe she was hitting the weed a little too hard. Emma looked at her girlfriend, who was drooling at the glorious site of a dozen extra-large pizzas waiting to find their way to Amanda’s never-satisfied tummy. Amanda licked her lips and rubbed her gut. “Oh, I think it’ll be just fine, Chloe.” Emma said while not breaking eye-contact with her gluttonous lover. “Well, let’s eat, I guess.” Chloe got paper plates for each of them, which they happily all got two slices to start. Emma and Amanda played along with the plates, just biding their time until everyone got drunk enough where they could have some fun on their own later.

The pizza was immaculate. It was a new place that opened up down the road from Sterling University called Sarducci’s Pizzeria. It was started by a couple of recent graduates and they knew the student body's ravenous collective appetite, so opening up a pizza place right near all the party spots was a no-brainer. The pizza was a perfect blend of fresh sauce, hand-made dough, gooey cheese, and slightly spicy pepperoni. All four girls reacted with total bliss and pleasure from the pizza. “Ohh. My. GOD! This is sooo f*cking good!” Chloe’e eyes fluttered as she finished her first slice. “I know! We have a new spot, right girls?” Maria hoped they agreed. “Good God yes! This sh*t is orgasmic, Right Mandy?” Even Emma, the normally lighter eater, couldn’t help but fall victim to the addiction of Sarducci’s. Amanda just gave a sultry moan as agreement as she couldn’t stop eating her third slice already. They were all delighted with this new find. “And, not for nothing, but the pizza boy was pretty cute. He’s a kid, but give him a couple of years and he’ll be a looker.” Emma said, hoping to get Maria, the only surely single one of the group, an idea.

As the quartet of cuties chomped down on the heavenly pizza, the door was open for a couple of the girls from the Sorority to make themselves at home and start partying. Each new person was forced to try Sarducci’s, and all of their eyes lit up in excitement from the new savory pizza joint. More and more girls came, some had brought their boyfriends, but everyone was mingling, and the small shindig was a hit! Small drinking games were being contested, conversation never stopped, and core memories were made. It was a fantastic night, and soon the girls all lost track of time. The four hosts, in addition to forcing their new favorite meal on everyone, never seemed to have an empty hand. Emma included, they all had a plate with at least two slices of pizza, and a full cup of either beer or a mixed drink. They would float to one group and join the conversation while munching on the pizza, then go to another and gulp down half of their drink, then make their way to the kitchen to refill their gluttonous hands.
While no one either noticed or was too polite to say anything, the hours of drinking and eating were starting to catch up to the young hostesses. Amanda was too enamored with the fullness to really try and move around, so she claimed a spot on the couch and decided to relish in the fullness that she was feeling. She had coaxed Chloe into getting a twelve pack of hearty IPAs just for her, so she had Emma grab her case and a whole pizza to herself. Amanda was in heaven, the only thing that would make it better was if Emma was there feeding her immobile! Emma was doing her best to be a feeder and keep the booze and food flowing into her friends’ mouths, but she was so caught up in the tastes and fun that she was starting to slow down to lug her stuffed gut around. It was almost where it was this morning after breakfast. Maria was focusing more on mingling than paying attention to what she was putting in her mouth, but she should have been paying attention to her figure. Her pajama bottoms were riding down to make room for her growing belly, as was her shirt was creeping up towards her belly button. The gap was widening, and Maria was none the wiser to her tan tummy being exposed to the party.

Chloe was nervously hovering around the kitchen, waiting for her beau to arrive so everyone could meet him and see how amazing he was. She would still chat with everyone, but as the minutes turned in to hours and still no Zach, she couldn’t hide her anxiety anymore. Emma, on her millionth trip to the kitchen, noticed her best friend’s nerves. “Still no Zach, hic hmm?” Emma was swaying as she tried to plop more pizza onto some paper plates. Chloe was going overboard too, but just to try and calm her nerves. “Mmmm where is heee? He’s hic gunna miss the fun and me, I just wanna see him sooo badly.” With Chloe’s melodramatic drunken mind calling the shots, she bounced up and down in anticipation, like a spoiled child not getting her way. But with her overstuffed belly and drunken haze, she hadn’t been paying attention to her clothes all night. She hadn’t exactly been doing her body any favors after Thanksgiving, and this sudden barrage of calories wasn’t helping the cause. As she bounced, her C-cups started trying to escape from her V-neck shirt, which was pretty tight on her before cramming almost a whole extra-large pizza into her gut. Between that and pounding down mixed drinks, mainly vodka and Sprite, all night, the shaking and bouncing didn’t sit well with her. She tried covering her mouth to hide the upcoming noises, but it was no use. Soon, one tiny burp came up, then another, louder this time, then the rumbling set in. Chloe was drunk and stuffed; a feeling she should’ve been getting used to by now. “BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPPP Uggghhhh, my tumm hic yyyy BWWWOOOAARPPPP!!” Heads in the other room turned to see where those thunderous burps came from, but Emma came to the rescue. She helped her roommate with some water and some medicine to soothe her stomachache and stayed with her until the gas went away. That took a few minutes, and several louder burps, before she felt a little better.

“BUUURRPPP thanks Em hic I guess I BUUURRPPPP overd-hic-id it BUUURRRPPP” Chloe lamented to her caring roommate. Being a genuine friend, Emma was happy to be the shoulder to cry on for Chloe. And the tears eventually started to come. “It’s just hic that I thought Zach would come hic but he BWOOORP hasn’t said anything all n-night hic!” Emma nodded in support and rubbed Chloe’s back to calm her down. “Shhh it’s okay baby. I’m sure he hic had a reason if he’s as good as you say he hic is. If not, it’s his loss! You’re amazing Chloe! You’re sooo pretty and funny and smart and talented and hard-working and just, just so fun! You made my life amazing this year, and anyone who doesn’t see that is a jerk!” Chloe cried a little more, but out of joy from Emma’s reassurance and praise. Chloe smiled through the tears and wrapped Emma in the tightest hug. They shared a genuine moment of appreciation for each other. “I love you, Emma” Chloe cried as she gave her redheaded roommate a peck on the cheek. Emma, not wanting to ruin the moment, just smiled and happily said “I love you too Chloe!” As they broke their hug, Emma couldn’t help but guide her hands to Chloe’s exposed midriff, and to her surprise, Chloe was actually starting to get some love handles! It was probably just the stuffing results from tonight, but her tummy felt soft, and slight cold due to being exposed, but it sent Emma back to their first week of the semester, when Emma was crushing on Chloe hard. Those feelings started running back into her mind. Before she had a chance to act out and say or do anything, she heard Amanda calling for her to get a refill and to possibly move their party to Emma’s room. Emma chuckled and grabbed two full boxes of pizza and a six-pack of beer. “I gotta go, girlfriend stuff hehe. But Chloe, umm, if Zach’s a no-show tonight, you’re welcome to spend it with usss. It’s gonna be a lot of hic fuuunnn.” Emma playfully winked at Chloe. Chloe laughed, “Haha we’ll see, goodnight, guys.”

With that, Emma went to bring the food and beer to her room to meet her anxious Amanda. The bulging blonde could not get enough of Sarducci’s pizza, having already eaten almost two full pizzas on her own. She was in a trance, under the control of the gooey cheese and crispy New York style crust. The slices were so light and easy to pop into her greedy mouth. And to wash them all down with the hoppy tasty of the IPAs she was drinking pushed her pleasure sensors to ten. People kept coming up to introduce themselves to her, and she would politely nod and talk with them for a little bit, but she wasn’t focused on them. Instead, Amanda was focused on her next bite, her next sip. Her too tight pajamas were constricting her swelling stomach, so after her fifth slice of pizza she rolled them down to let her gut breathe. After that and some deep burps, less girls came to talk to her. Good, they finally left her alone with her new love. After polishing off her first whole pizza and her third IPA, she reached over to the coffee table to get her next pizza, but her button-up had had enough. The button just at the crest of her belly had popped right off on the floor next to her. Maria seemed like the only one to notice, but she didn’t know what to do, so she gave an awkward smile and walked away. Amanda had felt the blood rush to her cheeks from exertion and extreme arousal. She needed Emma to find an excuse to move to her room, but Emma was too busy being the life of the party. Amanda was barely able to reach the button, so she grabbed it and saved it as a trophy for her girlfriend to admire. Amanda had impatiently waited to be paid attention to, so she kept cramming more food and IPAs into her dome of a belly. Almost finishing her second pizza and half of the IPAs, she was making more and more noise. It was a three-part mix of pain from being stuffed, pleasure from being stuffed, and trying to get Emma’s attention. Emma glanced over and made eye contact, which was the exact moment that Amanda gulped the last bite of her second pizza and sixth beer. Amanda gave a wink and exploded with a loud

Emma got the message, and she rushed over to get more sustenance for her lover and her bottomless belly. Amanda rocked herself up onto her feet, which were slowly disappearing under her belly with each passing day, and steadied herself for the walk to Emma’s room. In standing up, she popped another button on her shirt, leaving an oval of milky flesh fully exposed. She stumbled and hiccupped her way to Emma’s room, where she crashed onto the bed and barely had the energy to get undressed. Her beach ball of a gut heaved up and down with each shallow breathe. Emma walked in a few seconds later to see her tubby girl pinned down by her own gluttony. “Well, well, what do we have here, hmm?” Emma’s wicked feeder came out after spending all night hiding away. “Someone enjoyed themselves tonight, huh?” Emma placed the pizzas on the bed and knelt over her feedee. She started kissing all over Amanda’s exposed stomach, and her fingers traced the hole her buttons had shown the party. “And what’s this? You broke some buttons, did you? My my you’re getting fat.” Emma teased. Amanda handed over the button clenched in her fattened paw before feeling Emma’s own bloated middle. “Look’s like huff I’m hff not the only hic one.” With that, they passionately shared a drunk make out session that tasted of strong IPAs and crust. Emma got a little frisky, sliding a hand down to Amanda’s wet and warm pussy, and started toying with her. Amanda moaned and bucked her hips before grabbing Emma’s slightly meatier ass and brought her close to her ear. “I’m not done yet, hand ‘em over!” Looking over to the pizzas. “You sure you can handle it, tubby?” “I need more, you’re gonna feed me until I pop all these buttons! Even if you have to force it down my throat. Then, I’m all yours baby.” Amanda purred. Emma propped her subject upright on the bed, grabbed the pizza and beer, and straddled her helpless lover. “Challenge accepted. Now say ahhh”

During their bonding, Chloe had missed two texts and a phone call from Zach. She unwisely decided to make another drink before checking the messages. Zach had gone on about how he was really sorry for not showing up and how his final had run late and that he just wanted to relax and not socialize tonight. He had promised to see her in the morning for breakfast if she had wanted to, but Chloe was too hurt. She couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to see her. She had promised all her friends that they would finally meet the mystery man she loved. Was that how she felt? Is this what love is? Well, she had been over the moon with Zach up until tonight. But if she was objective, she would see that Zach had been slightly pulling away the last week or so. Chloe chalked it up to finals, but something was starting to brew under the surface. She didn’t want to bring it up, as he was her first real boyfriend, and maybe her first love, among other things. She didn’t want it to end so quickly, but she was still pissed at him and really upset by him flaking on her like that. She had wanted to send a really long drawn-out message telling him exactly where he could go, but there were a couple of issues with that. First, Chloe was drunk, like really drunk. She had always been told not to be that girl who drunk texted their boy when angry. Second, if she had gone that route, the text would have been gibberish from mistyped words. Finally, her phone was almost dead. So, she opted for a colder, “We’ll see.” He’d get the point.

Chloe slammed the rest of her vodka soda down and felt that the party was winding down. Emma and Amanda were in their room, some of the other girls had already left, and Maria and a couple others were about to leave, too. Maria, who had once again gone too hard and made a mess of herself, flung herself over to Chloe, checking in on her friend. Maria’s hair was in a mess and there were drops of beer on her shirt, that was quickly becoming a crop-top. Her belly button was long exposed, and her love handles were pouring over the sides of her pants. “W-where’s Zach? Hic buuurp” “He’s, he’s not coming.” “Aww, poor baby hic! Hey! We-we’re going to the dining hall to get more hic food! Wanna come?” Maria pleaded, but Chloe wasn’t really up for it. She honestly just wanted to go to bed. “Nahh, hic I’m okay. I’mgonna go t’bed m’kay? Love you Maria! Wear a coat too!” Chloe warned Maria to cover up her tummy, but Maria took it as motherly nagging. “Hic yeah yeah. G’night!” Maria and the last of the girls stumbled out the door to put more calories in their poor bodies. Chloe was all alone. She was feeling depressed that her night ended with the first fight of her and Zach’s relationship. As much as she didn’t want to go out with Maria, she also didn’t want to be alone tonight. With that, she went to the kitchen, where there were still three untouched pizzas. Chloe decided to try and hang out with Emma and Amanda and brought a box as a gift. She slowly made her way to their door and, being drunk, didn’t bother knocking on Emma’s door. Instead, she crashed in the door and started, “I know you guys are probably asleep but I just don’t wanna be alone right now and I brought pi-“ Chloe knew she was drunk, but there was no way she was this drunk, right? There was no way what she was looking at was real, right?

She swayed and rubbed her eyes to see, but sure enough, the naughty image in front of her remained. On the bed were two practically naked girls, one significantly bigger than the other. Emma was on top, her shirt and bra off, leaving her only in her panties. Her belly was bulging out over her underwear, hard as a rock from today’s onslaught. Amanda was deliriously full, there was an empty pizza box, the other box only had two slices, next to her. There were empty cans everywhere, and attached to Amanda’s lips there was another can being poured into her hung jaw by Emma’s forceful hand. Amanda looked comically bloated, her belly covered in crumbs and sticking out past her impressive C-cups. Her top looked like it was burst open, and her bottoms had been removed so she only had the tiniest red thong on, that was practically hidden by her budding fat rolls. They looked at Chloe, then looked at each other, trying to find an excuse. When none could be thought of, Amanda lolled her head to face the blonde and let out a massive “BUUURRRPPPP, wanna hic join?” Chloe was dumbfounded, she didn’t know what to do. So she ungracefully excused herself to her own room, where she took her own pizza box, grabbed two slices, and started digging in, so confused by everything she saw and felt tonight. Being offered to join in, whatever the hell that was, felt so wrong, but hot.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 1 week
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Shivian84 3 weeks
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 3 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 3 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 8 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 8 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!