Chloe's college years

Chapter 9: Last Breakfast

The next morning came, and Chloe was hurting bad. Her head, her stomach, and her heart. She didn’t remember a whole lot from last night, but she remembered Zach standing her up after she had promised her friends that they could finally meet him. He had wanted to meet her today at breakfast to apologize and see her before she went home for a whole month, but she still didn’t know if she was up for it. She still wanted to see him; she was head over heels for him. But Chloe wanted Zach to know that she was still upset for what he did. Chloe tried to sit up in bed but got resistance as the killer hangover forced her to reconsider. She rolled over to her side to check her phone for any messages. There were a couple from her parents, letting her know that they’d be there to pick her up at noon. ‘Great, I still have to pack.’ She thought to herself. Then there were a bunch of photos from the Sorority freshman and sophomore group chat from last night. Chloe would make sure to look at those later. Of course, there was one from Zach that she didn’t even open, perhaps another attempt to apologize. Then there was one from Emma, which was weird since she lived in the same dorm as her. She read it and it said:

“Hey Chloe, sorry if we creeped you out last night. We were all drunk and…stuff, and just got carried away. Mandy and I are really sorry. We’re going to get one last breakfast before we head home, you’re more than welcome to join us if you’re not totally weirded out. Sorry again, if not, have an amazing break. Love you!”

What the hell was Emma talking about? What happened last night? The last thing Chloe recalled was seeing that Zach wasn’t going to make it and Emma comforting her. What could be so wrong with that? After that, things admittedly got a bit blurry. She checked to see when that text was, and it was only from five minutes ago. She could still catch Emma and Amanda and say a proper goodbye and hopefully clear up whatever happened last night. She texted Maria to see if she wanted to come and decided to quickly get ready. She swung her legs over and heard something crash to the ground. She tried to bend over to see it but got a wave of nausea and an immense pressure in her tummy. ‘Oh God, today is gonna be rough’. Then she noticed all the crumbs that were scattered throughout her sheets and on her chest. She had decided last night to only sleep in her lacy black thong, stripping everything else off for some unknown reason. She looked down at her body and saw that her tanned tummy was bloated and was pushing out over her underwear! The thong did seem tight on her yesterday, she recalled. She didn’t want to waste time inspecting her body, so she unceremoniously flopped out of bed and rummaged through her drawers to grab baggy sweatpants and an extra-large hoodie. If she had taken the extra time to study her figure, like every guy still wanted to, she would see that her underwear was creating a muffin top and was swallowed up by her budding hips.

Chloe put her comfy clothes on and slowly made her way to the cafeteria. Her head was pounding and she was groggy, but the cold morning air woke her up at least enough to not be totally miserable at breakfast. She put her hands in the front pocket of her hoodie, and subconsciously started cradling her still-bloated food baby. ‘Great, hopefully I’m not on my period.’ Chloe thought. She was still in denial about the last few weeks and the effect it had on her glorious figure. Otherwise she would be more in-tune with her ass cheeks swelling and pressing up against her normally baggy shapeless sweats. Chloe walked in and made a beeline for the griddle, where they were making fresh omelets. Perfect! She stood in line, which moved fairly quickly, and before thinking she blurted out, “Hi! Can I get two ham and cheese omelets with the works, double ham and double cheese please?” The lady behind the counter looked a little startled, but quickly disguised it with a pleasant smile and instantly got to work. Chloe looked around to see if she could find her friends, and sure enough, she found Emma’s striking red hair in a booth, next to a greedy blonde who was scarfing down food like she’d been starved for a week. ‘I don’t know how Amanda does it.’ Chloe was lost in thought as the server handed the buxom blonde her tray loaded with two giant plates completely covered with the monster omelets Chloe’s eyes bulged out of their sockets, she didn’t even remember ordering this much! Gulping, she nervously went over to the sides counter, where she grabbed a bowl and loaded it with yogurt and extra granola, and another side plate for a handful of mini chocolate chip muffins. ‘What am I doing? I can’t eat this much!’ Chloe worriedly thought. ‘But I can’t stop myself, quit it, hands!’ Chloe’s tray was heavy, and her arms actually started to burn slightly from carrying it over to her friends’ table.

Emma and Amanda were in their own little world. After being caught by Chloe last night in a compromising position that would have exposed their kinks to anyone else, they were shell-shocked. Chloe thankfully was too wasted to know what was going on, but the run-in sobered the young couple up in that moment. They both really enjoyed each other’s company, and their common goal: to make Amanda huge. While initially they had kept their relationship and their deal a secret, with each passing day, with each passing meal, it was getting harder to hide. Every time Amanda got out of breath from eating too much, or whenever clothes got too small or ripped, they were both so extremely turned on that it got to the point where they were starting to get inappropriate in public. Before meeting Amanda, Emma was a shy girl who would never act so naughty in public. But something about the chubby blonde awoke something inside her. It was as if all of her hidden desires had been unlocked with their first kiss. Emma’s growing need to care for someone and to pamper them and watch them grow may have started with Chloe and Maria, but Amanda seized on it and took advantage. Every pound gained, every inch added to Amanda’s ass or belly caused Emma to fall more and more into a perpetual state of horny, feeder frenzy. She was finding it harder to separate their bedroom fantasy from reality, and Amanda was all too happy to enable the poor girl.

Emma had spent practically every day with Amanda, but she still shared a room with Chloe and still considered her her best friend. While her main focus was her greedy girlfriend, Emma wasn’t blind to the changes in Chloe’s body. She noticed Chloe start to slowly swell with each day neglecting the gym or any exercise, and her old feelings gradually returned. And Maria, God that belly! Emma was constantly around beautiful girls who were throwing away their traditionally perfect figure, and her libido was in overdrive. She couldn’t help herself to stuff Maria like a tick or to invite Chloe over to their fattening orgy the night before. But after Chloe had actually turned up, she froze. Amanda caught on, and realized that she may have created a monster. So, after Chloe walked out of their room, they had a heart to heart.

“Did, huff, did you invite her BUURPP over?” Amanda, still delirious from her feeding, asked her blushing crush. “Maybe…” Emma admitted.

“I knew BUURRP it. Am I n-hic-not enough for you hic?”

“Of course you are baby! Look at you! You’re so sexy!” Emma defended herself, but Amanda, while accepting the compliment, wasn’t buying it. “Look, Em, I g-buurp-get it. You wanna get every-hic-one fat. That’s okay, you are a feeder. But huff ask m-hic-me first. It can end friendships, or us. I l-BUUURP-love you Em, and I want to grow for y-you, but let’s hold off to invite others, just for a li-hic-ttle bit, okay?”

“Ohh, Amanda, I’m so sorry! I thought you’d like Chloe coming over and all! And I love you too! You’re enough for me, but sometimes, I get just carried away and I don’t know why and stuff! Ugh!” Amanda knew Emma truly cared for her and didn’t mean any harm by her actions. Amanda had to think of someway to show that she cared and to forget this situation.

Emma and Amanda were giddy and staring at each other when Chloe plopped her tray onto the table across from them and took a seat. “What are you two so giddy about?”

“Ahem, oh, hi Chloe. I uhh didn’t think you’d be joining us, or seeing us again, after last night I mean.” Emma stuttered out.

“About that, mmph, what happened?” Chloe couldn’t wait to dig into her omelets. Amanda matched Chloe’s eagerness to eat and continued munching while Emma tried to explain the situation to the forgetful Chloe.

“You um, don’t remember anything?”

“Nope, mmph, I just gulp remember Zach not coming and mmph ush hugging ughh.” Chloe couldn’t even stop eating to have this important conversation.

“Well, after a little bit, you heh came over and um, well-“ “you wanted some of our pizza, so we gave you a box and then you went to bed!” Amanda saved her sinking girlfriend. Taking the hint, Emma backed up her story. “Yep! That’s all! Ha!” Emma was nervous that she might slip up.

“Oh, that’sh not bad mmph. What’s creepy ‘bout that?”

“We um, we were just sleeping is all, nothing too crazy.”

“Emma, please, it’s not a secret, I know you two are a couple, you guys suck at keeping secrets haha!” Now that the cat was out of the bag, Emma and Amanda were relieved beyond a doubt. They still weren’t going to tell Chloe about their feedism, at least not yet. But at least they could be open about their relationship. “When’d ya know?” Amanda asked.

“Well, Halloween weekend I knew you ughh hooked up. Since you kept coming around, I just put two and two together mmph!” Chloe was almost done with her first omelet and savoring every bit. Amanda and Emma looked at each other, knowing that Chloe was about to stuff herself silly. Chloe walked over to go fill up on chocolate milk, and then Emma and Amanda shared a knowing look. Despite their talk last night, both girls were now on board, at least for today, to fill Chloe with enough food at breakfast to roll her out of the dining hall.

Chloe came back to the table with two full glasses of milk, and Maria had met them at the table. She looked like a mess, not even bothering to change out of her pajamas from last night. Her pants were painted on to her thunder thighs, showing her panty line to anyone who was staring at her ass. Her belly was still bloated from last night and her two AM dining hall binge, demolishing seven chicken tenders and a plate full of fries before passing out in her dorm. She only had a jacket on to hide her dome of a belly to onlookers, and frankly it wasn’t doing the best job. A thick layer of pudge from just under her belly button to her pants, a solid two inches, was fully exposed, with the cold air bringing goosebumps to her tanned skin. Maria’s plate was skimpy on options, probably because she was severely hung over, but she wasted no time chomping down on her bagel coated with cream cheese. Chloe resumed her feast, while Amanda matched her bite for bite. Emma was rubbing Amanda’s thigh, squeezing every time she got a horny thought about Maria or Chloe or Amanda, which was constantly.

“So, since Chloe knows, Maria, I thought you should know that Amanda and I are officially a couple!” Maria was happy for them, but she felt terrible, so she gave them a weak smile. “Congrats guys! I’d be down to celebrate tonight, but we’re leaving and I can’t handle anything today. It kinda stinks, going official right before break though.” Amanda took a break from eating her pancake stack and her and Emma smiled at each other. “Well, yeah, but, actually, I’m going over be spending two whole weeks with her! Just us and her sister at her place! Mandy’s sister is a bartender nearby so we’re going to hang out there until school starts again! I’m so excited!” Emma giddily hugged Amanda, who was still shoveling forkfuls of pancakes into her mouth. “Mmph yeah it’ll be hic nice to spend some alone time, just us, hic.” “That’s mmph awesome you guys! I’m so huff happy for you! I’m just spending time with my parents and some friends from high school, catch up with mmph them BUUURPP huc ‘scuse me mmph.” “Chloe, you okay? You have’t stopped eating since last night, haha slow down girl! Maria called out Chloe for her piggish behavior, but something inside Chloe ignored that and kept putting away food into her awaiting mouth. “Mfine.” Chloe wasn’t fine. She was trying to make the anxiousness and nerves from the situation with Zach go away. She wasn’t fully aware of it, but she was stuffing down her feelings with food, and a lot of it.

The girls were talking and watching Chloe and Amanda have their silent eating contest, enjoying each other’s company one last time before the long break. They didn’t notice the tall handsome man a few tables over watching their every move, waiting for the right moment to single out the sexy blonde in an oversized hoodie. And man was Chloe sexy, even if she was burying her face in a loaded omelet and chocolate milk. Her eyes were still the purest shade of blue, and her smile was mesmerizing. Her laugh was infectious, and her outgoing personality drew everyone in. Zach smiled as he watched his new girlfriend, although when his gaze wandered down below her chin, it gave him a slight pause. Sure, she still had a body that most men would die to be with for a night, but the last few weeks of overeating and lack of exercise couldn’t be ignored. Chloe’s thicker hips and booty were still fun to play with, and they could take a good spanking, but they were eating up all of Chloe’s underwear. Her breasts were growing out of her smaller bras, also something Zach enjoyed, but her arms were getting noticeably thicker. And, as Zach could see, she was getting a pretty permanent belly. It wasn’t huge by any means, but every day it crept out a little further. At the beginning of the semester, and when they had first hooked up, Chloe had a flat stomach. She never truly had a six-pack, but there was some definition. The definition had all but disappeared by Thanksgiving, and every day since it’s been getting softer, wider, and bigger. As Chloe munched away at her massive breakfast, he could see her rubbing her stuffed gut with her free hand, and as she was hunched over, it was starting to get rolls! Zach was worried for a number of reasons, and that’s partially why he skipped out on last night. But that may have backfired, and he truly cared for Chloe, even if she was getting a bit bigger. So, mustering the courage to see his assumably upset girlfriend, he made his way to the table.

Maria was just finishing describing the rest of her night after she and the other Sorority girls had left the party, and her plans for break, when she spotted him. “Oh, my God, who is that?” Maria dragged up any emotion that wasn’t hungover pain and spoke it into a dripping lust for the total bombshell that was making a beeline for their table. She quickly fixed up her hair a little bit, while the other girls scanned the room and all made awkward eye contact with the hunk walking over. Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes. “No way.” Amanda noticed and asked, “Is that him Chloe?” Even for a lesbian, Emma was impressed. “That’s Zach? Damn, girl, look at you.” Chloe couldn’t take it anymore, so she got up and intercepted his trail and met him halfway. “Ooooh, Chloe’s gonna give him a good one after last night.” Emma told the table. The other three girls half-heartedly tried to carry on, but they were all trying to eavesdrop on the ensuing argument that was about to commence.

“What are you doing here?” Chloe bluntly asked.

“Look, I’m sorry, about last night. I just, I was really exhausted after finals, and I had to pack too, and I have a long drive ahead of me.”

“So? I have all those things too, I still made the effort.”

“I know, and again, I’m sorry.”

“So, what, you just didn’t want to see me? Are you embarrassed by me or something?”

“No, no, of course not! I mean look at you! You’re amazing, and of course I want to be with you.” Zach was telling a little white lie to save the poor girl’s feelings. In fact, he had thought she was even sexier when they first met, and about fifteen pounds ago. “I don’t know, I guess…I guess I just got a bit nervous about meeting everyone at once.”

“You? You were nervous? You’re the definition of confidence. I’ve never seen you nervous, what was it?”

“I don’t know. I’m sorry, I guess, I just knew that this would make us official, and I got, kinda scared, I guess.”

“Oh. I see.” Chloe didn’t know what to think. Everything up until last night was so perfect in their new relationship. Maybe they had moved out of the honeymoon phase and into the real world. “If you were so nervous, why didn’t you just say something instead of ghosting me?”

“I know, I should have, but you were so excited, and I just didn’t want to let you down.”

“Well, you still did, so I hope it was worth it.” Chloe wasn’t having his excuses. She was better than this. She didn’t need some guy that wasn’t sure of himself or her wasting her time. Chloe decided she had had enough, and turned to walk to back to her friends, when Zach cried out for her to wait and grabbed her hand.

“What is it, Zach?” “I’m sorry, is there any way I can make it up to you? I still want to be with you, just tell me what I need to do. Please?” Chloe wanted to stay mad at him, but his eyes, like hers, drew her in. She gave a little chuckle and crept up close to his face. She leaned in for a kiss but stopped just short. “Meet my friends. Now. There’s only three of them here, shouldn’t be too much for a tough guy like you. Zach really wasn’t keen on meeting them right now. He had secretly just hoped to win Chloe back with some sweet talk. But she meant business. Taking a deep breath, he accepted her terms. “Okay, but just for a couple of minutes, then I really have to get going.” Chloe seemed satisfied. “Good boy, now come along.” She kissed his cheek and dragged him by the hand to the table, where her friends were staring daggers through the man that had hurt their best friend last night. Amanda actually stopped eating to look up and judge this guy. “Guys, this is a long time overdue, but this is Zach. Zach, this is Emma, Amanda, and Maria.” They put their distrust and girl code aside to be polite and pleasant to him, and he turned on the charm to win them back over.

At first it was a frosty reception, but he found a way to eventually turn them at least to not hate him. Even Amanda, who was currently anti-boy, chuckled at some of his jokes. He spent most of his attention to Emma, who, if not for Chloe, was the most conventionally attractive one of the friend group. Emma was oblivious to the subtle hints, as was everyone else, so it went unnoticed. After a few minutes of getting to know everyone a little better, Zach looked at his watch and realized he was running behind schedule. “Crap! I gotta get going, I have a long drive ahead of me. It was really great meeting you all! I’m sorry I couldn’t make it last night, but I hope to see you all soon, have a great break!” He waved to everyone and gave Chloe a passionate kiss goodbye. They whispered goodbyes and assurances that they would talk once they got home, and soon he left. Chloe was drawn in again, and her friends were reluctantly accepting him as well.

Soon, they finished eating, and Chloe and Amanda had stuffed themselves yet again. It was a slow walk back to their dorms, but eventually they all made it back and said their long goodbyes. They all packed their bags and waiting for their first long break away from each other. They all imagined what six weeks apart would do, and how they would each change. The four friends hadn’t left Sterling yet, but they all couldn’t wait to come back.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 1 week
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Shivian84 3 weeks
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 3 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 3 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 8 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 8 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!