Chloe's college years

Chapter 10: Wintertime Blues

Chloe slept most of the drive home. Her dad picked her up, like for Thanksgiving, but this time Chloe had brought most of her clothes and belongings with her. She was excited to see her dad, and eventually the rest of her family, but she was not feeling well at all. Her heart was a little better now that Zach had finally met her friends and they temporarily patched things up after he ghosted her party last night. Her head was still pounding from the hangover, futilely swearing off alcohol for the umpteenth time. Her stomach, which wasn’t great this morning, was churning and bubbling from stuffing herself yet again at breakfast. She got in the passenger seat of the truck and immediately shut her eyes. The only stop and time she really talked to her dad was when they stopped for gas, to which Chloe insisted on getting McDonald’s. She ordered a Big Mac meal with large fries and a Coke, as well as a ten-piece chicken nugget meal. Chloe paid no attention to any passing glances by her concerned father about her growing appetite. Chloe talked to him briefly between bites and was feeling a little better, but still decided to sleep the rest of the way home.

They rolled into the driveway to their quaint suburban house as snow flurries scattered across the gray mid-afternoon sky. Like last time, Claire, Chloe’s younger sister, was at school, and her mom had to work the rest of the week. So, this week was going to be focused on spending time with her father, something they were both looking forward too. Chloe rubbed her eyes when Tom parked the truck and helped bring her many bags up the stairs to her room. She decided she needed a shower, that would wake her up! After her dad went downstairs, she stripped down and decided to take a nice long hot shower. Chloe carefully slipped out of her clothes, which were growing tighter by the day. She took off the giant sweatshirt she was wearing and stood in her sweatpants and tight white undershirt. Chloe hadn’t done herself any favors ordering a feast from McDonald’s after her many plates of fatty breakfast food. Her gut was pushing the band of her pants down to make room. Her hips flared out to highlight her massive booty, and to make her gut smaller by comparison. There was a band of skin peeking out between her pants and shirt, to which Chloe ran a finger along the band of her sweats, trying to find any room. She caught herself mid stroke, and finally realized how much bigger she looked.

Chloe was still a knockout however she was looking thicker with each passing day. She hadn’t weighed herself in over a month, but she naively thought she hadn’t gained that much. Maybe ten pounds, tops. Her sweats, which were meant to be baggy, now were hypnotizing as they showcased her famous rear bouncing and bobbing with each step she took. Chloe noticed her hips and thighs looking fuller, as well as her tits fitting perfectly into C cups. She was getting womanly curves that she, nor Zach, nor anyone else, could deny. However, she noticed that her belly was starting to have some growth. It was still distended from her last few weeks of overeating, including her feast from today. When it was firmly full, the crest of her upper belly stuck out just past her boobs, while the rest of her tummy bulged further out. When truly stuffed, her gut stuck out far past her breasts and she looked pregnant. On an empty stomach, Chloe now had some chub that insulated her tummy. She had never noticed how much she had until right now. She was taking off her sweats when her fingers caught some of it, and she decided to pinch it.

Chloe instinctively shook her chub and watched in awe as her torso and meaty tits jiggled. She slid her T-shirt off to reveal her still protruding belly and her big, beautiful breasts encased in her bra. She marveled at the shape of her tummy, noting how solid it looked and how it made her look more feminine. In her sweats, she jiggled, slapped, and rubbed her new curves, getting aroused from the touch and movements her body gave. She bounced on her feet, simulating riding on top of Zach’s massive cock, when she noticed her ass bouncing wildly in her sweats. “Ohh my God, is my ass really that big?” She slid her grey pants down to her ankles and kicked them to her laundry basket, noticing the feeling of her thighs wiggling freely. Now in her bra and black thong from last night, she really caught a glimpse of her fuller figure. She gasped at how big and shapely her butt was. She turned to away from her full-length mirror and looked back, marveling at the Kardashian-esque figure her ass created. She leaned forward on her bed and shuddered at how full and mesmerizing her rear-end was. She rocked back and forth, making her ass clap while picturing Zach bending her over and destroying her. She moaned while sliding a finger into her soaking pussy. Chloe was careful not to be too loud but took her bra off to let her tits bounce with the rest of her. Looking back at it, Chloe was so turned on! She got a naughty idea and grabbed her phone. Still bouncing her fabulous booty, she started filming a short clip of her simulating sex with Zach. She played it up, moaning and grabbing her tits, sliding her hand down her body to slap her wobbling cheeks before resuming fingering herself. She kept going, looking back at the mirror and stifling moans as she made herself come. After a few seconds of post-orgasm twitches, she blew a kiss to the mirror and breathed, “I wish you were here baby, I miss you.” Before hitting send to her lover.

Chloe spent almost 40 minutes in the shower, just soaking up the water and letting the heat and steam radiate over her sexy young body. She felt much better after her shower, ready to be sociable towards her dad. She got dressed in some leggings and a long-sleeve shirt, perfect for lounging around and doing nothing. Chloe hopped downstairs and joined her dad on the couch, catching up on the last few weeks with the TV mindlessly playing in the background. They were in the middle of swapping stories when the door opened. In bustled Claire and Diane, who were shaking off the snow. “Chloe honey we’re home!” Diane announced as Chloe leapt off the couch and embraced her mom in a tight hug. “I missed you guys so much!” Chloe passed from Diane to her sister Claire. They hugged before separating to check each other out. Claire took off her coat and was still in her volleyball practice outfit. She looked simply stunning! She trimmed down another little bit, losing whatever weight she may have added during Thanksgiving and a few more pounds, putting her at a sleek 129 pounds. She looked lively and more confident as her figure was coated in lean muscle and barely any fat on her. “You look amazing Claire! Volleyball must be doing wonders for you.” Chloe sincerely offered.

Claire gave her shorter and thicker sister a smirk. “Thanks, I’m starting now, can you believe it? We’re in the playoffs and we have a game tomorrow night, you’re coming right?” “Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Chloe excitedly answered. She was going to be home for over a month, so she needed plans to occupy her time, and a volleyball game would be perfect. Claire looked at her sister and hid a gasp. Chloe was looking thick! Her leggings left little to the imagination as her ever-expanding ass jiggled freely with each step. Chloe’s hips were so wide! They were coated with a slight layer of chub, exaggerating her curvy figure. And Claire thought her eyes were deceiving her, but there was a not-so-tiny amount of tummy chub pressing up against her leggings. Her shirt covered the rest of her belly along with her breasts. And there was a hint of softness on Chloe’s face that Claire didn’t quite remember. Clearly someone has kept on eating. “And you’re looking good too chica! Look at you, that ass is incredible!” Chloe giggled in acknowledgement.

The rest of the family settled in as dinner was made. Nothing fancy, just some pork chops and mashed potatoes. The Simpsons caught up and told stories, all while filling up on some home cooking. Chloe, following her greedy appetite, got seconds without a second thought. As she was finishing up, Diane blurted out something to interrupt the stream of eating. “Oh, Chloe! Remember, you have a doctor’s appointment in two days, I set you up before you left in the summer, remember?”

“Oh, crap, that’s right. Is there any chance I can go after the holidays? I mean it’s just not in the spirit, ya know?” Chloe tried skirting her appointment, but her mother wasn’t budging.

“No, Chloe. Your health is not something you can put off. And besides, it’s just a check-up, nothing too serious.”

“Mmm, fine.” Chloe muttered in reluctant agreement. It was a normal check-up, but Chloe was never the biggest fan of the doctors. And, she had something she wanted to bring up with the doctor, which made her more nervous about her upcoming appointment.

For once, Chloe refrained from glutting herself like a pig and kept a modest two plates. Everyone went their separate ways after dinner, meaning Chloe and Claire went upstairs for some girl talk. Once they got into Claire’s room, they started the latest gossip about friends in Franklin as well as an update on their dating lives. Claire filled Chloe in on an update about Katie MacDougall, one of their friends who had gained a substantial amount of weight. “Oh yeah, she’s still fat, but she’s been hitting the gym recently, so she just looks like a she-Hulk now, super thick and all. Have you seen Kelly at all?”

“No, I haven’t! I’ve just been so caught up in finals that I lost track. I’ll text her now though to see if the four of us can hang out!”

“Yeah, that would be cool. Hopefully Kelly’s pulled herself together, she was huge! And hopefully their creepy cousin isn’t around. What was her name? Lisa? Or Lauren? Or Liv? Liv! That’s right, Olivia! God she was so weird, just ogling everyone and lingering around the food and booze and stuff. What’s up with that?” Chloe was mid-text to Kelly when Claire brought up Olivia. Chloe vaguely remembered the bold skinny girl who kissed and fed her before giving her number to Chloe.

Chloe gulped, “Yeah, she better not be there, heh.” Claire raised an eyebrow. “You sure? You’re acting awfully nervous for someone who doesn't know her.” Crap! “Nothing, just agreeing with you is all. So, are you still with the guy from the party?” Now it was Claire’s turn to blush. “Hehe yeah, we’ve been kinda hooking up the past few weeks! He’s sooo hot! And we’ve been hanging out a couple of times too! Besides doing it, obvs.”

“Eww, Claire, I’m your sister. I don’t need to hear all the details. But I’m happy for you! Is it getting serious?”

“Not really, we’re just kinda doing a friends with benefits thing, but who knows. He might come to the game tomorrow. What about you and your boy? You two still a thing?”

Chloe sighed and smiled. “Yeah, we’re still seeing each other. He met my friends yesterday, but I dunno. It feels like something’s…off. I don’t know what, but he seems kind of distant, I guess. We’ll see. I’m going to keep talking to him over break and hopefully it’ll be better when we get back. Like the distance will bring us close or something.” Claire could see Chloe was sensitive about Zach and decided to lay off for the time being.

They kept talking about school and volleyball when Chloe’s phone pinged. Chloe ignored it for a few minutes, but then it kept pinging, and pinging. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. Hoping it was a response from Zach about the racy video from earlier, or one of her friends, or even Kelly, she checked her phone to see what was so important. To her mild disappointment, it was just pictures from last night’s party being posted to Instagram by other girls at the party from her Sorority. Chloe was tagged in them, so it made sense she got the notifications. She flipped through the pictures, and most of them were really cute. There were some poses they all did together, with Chloe pushing out her best asset. There were others of them laughing and Chloe displaying her angelic smile. But then there were some others that Chloe had to take a second look at. She wasn’t in the forefront, but she noticed herself in the background of some candid pictures. She was in the kitchen, hunched over some pizza, wolfing down slices like a greedy little girl. Chloe gasped when she saw how…fat she looked! Her cheeks were puffed out, her stomach was relaxed because it was pressing up against her clothes, and her thighs were humongous! Not to mention the crumbs she had on her lips, and there was even one photo where she was rubbing her belly! This was a nightmare. Chloe had a slight panic, but eventually calmed down, realizing that no one could probably recognize her in the back.

After her momentary freak out, she went to bed, hoping for the situation to resolve itself. She woke up the next morning and instantly checked her phone. She breathed a sigh of relief as no one commented on the pig she made of herself. Still no word from Kelly, but she got a reply from Zach. He wished he was there to make her bounce for real and went into more explicit detail, which got Chloe’s motor running. She checked in with the rest of her friends seeing how they got on with the start of their breaks before getting out of bed and ready for a day of lounging around with her dad. She started with a big bowl of cereal and some toast for breakfast, which used to keep her hunger at bay for the morning, but now it just felt like an appetizer. Sure enough, around 10am, she was feeling hungry again, so she rummaged through the cabinets to see if there was anything good in the house. To great disappointment, she found only healthier options that used to fuel her active lifestyle. Now that she was only running or lifting for maintenance, Chloe wasn’t as keen to follow the healthier diet options. Her stomach was rumbling, and she hadn’t felt this type of hunger in months! She quickly got dressed and decided to head out to the store. She forgot she had her car and was able to do practically whatever she wanted! Chloe called out to her dad that she was running some errands and said goodbye before peeling out of the driveway to the grocery store.

Rule number one about grocery shopping is never go on an empty stomach. Chloe never learned this rule as her big blue eyes grew as big as saucers as she entered the store. They had everything she could have ever wanted! Chips, crackers, pastries, candy, ice cream, soda, and so much more! Chloe quickly scanned the aisles to find goodies to stash away. She didn’t want her parents, or Claire, to know that she was hiding junk food, but she couldn’t stand not eating what she wanted. She perused the different sections and loaded her cart with a vast array of junk. She got multiple boxes of chocolates, along with at least four family-sized bags of chips, some bags of candy, two boxes of donuts, and tray of double chocolate chip muffins. Chloe bounced in line like nothing was wrong, and when she finally came up to the counter, she hardly noticed the clerk giving her a side-eye glance of skepticism. There was no way all of this junk food was for this bombshell, he thought to himself. “Is that all?” He asked hesitantly, expecting a story about how she was throwing a holiday party. “Nope, that’s it.” He rang her up and watched the bouncing blonde stroll out of the store with a cart full of fatty foods.

She was driving home when she looked down at her watch and was surprised to see it read 11:30. Perfect, Chloe thought, just in time for an early lunch. She was scanning the road she’d driven a thousand times before in search of something to quell her hunger. That’s when she saw the Burger King rise on her right. She pulled through the drive-thru and excitedly placed her order. “One large whopper meal with fries and a chocolate shake, and an order of nuggets please!” She paid the server and immediately started munching on her food. Chloe ‘s troubles about those pictures, or Zach, or her friends, faded away as she savored bites while navigating the back roads to her house.

Chloe slurped up the last bit of her thick shake as she pulled into the driveway. That hit the spot! Chloe gave her full tummy a tender pat, forcing out a cute burp before figuring out what to do with the trash, and her goodies from the store. Her tummy was pushing up against her leggings, but her big faded pink hoodie covered any evidence of her fattening lunch. Chloe decided to put the trash in the garage bins and sneak her way through the living room then upstairs to stash her treasure away in her room. Something about being so sneaky gave Chloe a little thrill. Her heart rate increased, and her breath shallowed as she opened the door ever so gently with her hands full holding the loaded bags. She tiptoed throughout the house and was halfway up the stairs when her dad called out to her. “Chloe, you home?” Crap! She was surely caught. “Yeah Dad, I’m heading upstairs real quick!” “Well hurry down, I made some calzones for lunch.” Her dad boomed from the kitchen. Chloe just scarfed down a whole large Burger King meal, and a huge shake! But at the mention of food, Chloe felt herself perk up, as her spine shivered and butterflies arose in her full tummy. She smiled. “I’ll be right down!”
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 4 hours
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Shivian84 1 week
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 2 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 2 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 7 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 7 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!