Chloe's college years

Chapter 10b: Wintertime Blues (cont.)

If Chloe was stuffed before she got home, she was full to bursting after devouring two meaty calzones. Chloe lumbered up the stairs, summoning her willpower to trudge her packed body up the stairs to her room, where she unceremoniously plopped on her back, moaning as the impact upset her tummy. Chloe lifted her sweatshirt up and tucked them under her C-cup boobs, while rolling her leggings down to let her belly breathe. She spent the better part of twenty minutes massaging her swollen gut, and her fingers traced around her belly button, where her leggings dug into her silky-smooth skin as she stuffed herself silly. “Mmmhmm much better.” Chloe breathed in pleasure from the food coma taking over. She felt herself drifting off to sleep under the weight of her full tummy.

Chloe jolted awake a couple hours later, confused as to what was happening. She looked down and realized that she was cradling her tummy that was poking out of her clothes. Her bloat had mostly subsided, but there was some residual chub starting to make its presence known. Her lower tummy now rolled out over the waistband of her leggings, while her hips blossomed out to give her lower body an alluring appeal of womanhood. She rolled over and checked her phone, where she was relieved to have received responses from her main friends, as well as some from the Sorority.

Amanda and Emma were coping being apart for a couple of weeks, and being back with their parents was a little bit of a culture shock after the freedom of college, but otherwise they were okay. The lovebirds were going to spend a few weeks together after New Year’s, but it was the agony of separation that was making their love grow deeper. Maria was at home, spending her time catching up with her old high school swim team as they started their season. Maria certainly wasn’t in peak swimming condition, but she offered her advice to the young team. Maria went on and bragged about this one girl, Sasha, who was basically committed to Sterling and had Olympic aspirations. Chloe was glad that her friends were somewhat enjoying the start of their breaks, while she answered with her plans about going to Claire’s game tonight and some plans for hopefully catching up with family, friends, and Kelly. Chloe still hadn’t heard from her portlier friend; she was going to give her until the weekend before giving up on meeting her over break.

While her friends were doing well, Chloe had heard very little from her boyfriend, Zach. It was only the occasional text here or there, he never called. Chloe knew he was busy seeing family, but she still believed they should talk, she wanted to hear his voice. Getting herself more awake, Chloe dialed Zach’s number. It rang a few times, but it finally hit his voicemail. “Hey baby, it’s me. Just calling to say hi. I miss you; I miss hearing your voice. Give me a call when you get a chance, bye.” Chloe was starting to grow more concerned about her relationship with Zach. It was like he was avoiding her, only responding when she sent him that naughty video or other explicit messages. He never wanted to actually talk or have deeper conversations lately. Chloe stewed over this while instinctually reaching for a bag of chips. She flipped on her TV and started putting handfuls of chips into her rumbling tummy with one hand while scrolling on her phone with the other.
Chloe had polished off the large bag of chips and was feeling slightly better. She finally decided it was time to get ready to go back to her old high school for the first time since going off to college and cheer on Claire’s volleyball game. She decided she wouldn’t wear anything too fancy – it was a high school volleyball game after all – but she decided to still put on her full makeup routine and do her hair so she could show off. She paraded downstairs, ignoring the bounce of her thick booty trying to escape her skin-tight jeans with each step. Her parents were waiting for her and they eventually drove off to the game.

Franklin High School was a standard mid-sized high school, with different wings sprawling out from one central nucleus of offices. The gym was on the west wing of the school, with a parking lot that linked the football field and track, where Chloe used to dominate every spring running laps around her competitors and racing up and down the soccer field to score her team’s goals. It felt surreal going back to her high school after graduating, like she was stepping back in time. While she never admitted it, Chloe was considered a queen bee of the school. She was too modest and nice to be a mean girl, but was never with a boy, so she was idolized by everyone. Her bubbly personality won her over with basically every demographic, but Chloe was still nervous about making her return. She walked in with her parents and scoured the stands looking for her friends. She got worried for a minute when she couldn’t find them, but she was elated when she saw a group of girls sitting together towards the front. Chloe excitedly skipped over, and the small group let out a collective shriek of joy as they all hugged each other.

Chloe got situated and sat with the small clique of ex-soccer stars that dominated Frankling High a year ago. She sat with Christina, Joy, and Holly, all of whom looked like they hadn’t changed in the slightest. They were all brunettes that wore their hair in either ponytails or messy buns. They all wore leggings that highlighted their ample bottoms and thick thighs. Joy was the tallest, and Christina was a little tanner, but they all could have been sisters with matching Franklin soccer windbreakers. Chloe wore her jacket, like the girls had discussed, but she stood out with her beach blonde hair and jeans. The girls were so happy to see each other that they hardly noticed Chloe having to hike her jeans up to avoid showing them her crack, or the extra wobble her voluptuous booty had. Chloe was in her element, hearing stories of each girl’s college experience up to this point while divulging her own story about Zach and her sorority. They all had gone to different schools and were anxious to catch up. Chloe, riding her deviant streak, had suggested that they each sneak in some vodka premixed with Gatorade to sip on while they cheered on the volleyball team. The other girls giddily agreed, enjoying the bad girl side of Chloe. They cracked open their contraband and sipped while swapping boy stories and cheering on the team.

After the first game, Chloe needed something to snack on, so she convinced Holly to get snacks with her. The girls gave Chloe their orders and she ran over with Holly to get the group snacks. Chloe bounced on each bench before hopping onto the floor, sending her lower half jiggling. She and Holly laughed while walking away, not noticing Christina and Joy staring at their friend’s swaying booty. “Is it me, or is Chloe looking like extra thicc?” Joy leaned over to Christina. “OMG! I was thinking the same thing! Her ass is enormous. Like it was always big, but now it’s like super big!” Christina tipsily agreed with her ex-teammate. “I mean, she still looks hot, but she better be careful. She could split those jeans with one wrong step hahaha!” Christina laughed. Joy giggled, but countered her friend. “Oh, please, she landed some really hot older guy. I’m sure she’s fine!”

Chloe and Holly made their way up to the concession stand, when Chloe ran into a familiar face. “Katie?? Hiii! How’s it going? You’re looking good!” It was Katie MacDougall, Kelly’s younger sister. Chloe remembered Katie had blown up considerably this year from being injured, but now she looked thicker and stronger. Katie smiled, still battling with some self-confidence issues. “Thanks Chloe, you look good too!” Chloe smiled before remembering. “Oh! Is Kelly home yet? I texted her yesterday but I got no answer.” “No, she said she was coming home Saturday instead. I’m sorry she hasn’t answered you, but I’m sure she will. If not, I’ll let her know. She’s been kinda spacey lately haha.” They said goodbye as Chloe had renewed hope for meeting up with the elder MacDougall. Chloe and Holly finally made it to the concession stand, and the smell of warm buttery popcorn overwhelmed her senses. She sighed and knew what she wanted. Holly ordered for the rest of the group, just a couple plates of nachos and some waters. Chloe took over, “Can I have a large bag of popcorn and a Coke please? Extra butter!” she blurted a little too excitedly.

The girls made their way back to the bleachers and Chloe instantly started grabbing fistfuls of popcorn and shoveling them into her mouth. There was a faint layer of butter forming around her lush lips, but Chloe kept snacking. The talking had mostly ceased as the girls were focused on the game. It was close! It was a tie, and the crowd was getting anxious. Chloe’s eyes never left the court as she was so nervous about wanting Claire to win. She finished her bag of popcorn and decided to chug the rest of her soda. The button on her jeans was holding on by a thread, keeping the floodgates of her belly paunch at bay. Chloe sipped on her vodka drink as the game came down to the final point. Chloe’s nerves were spiking, so before the serve she finished the last fifth of the bottle. The little bit of alcohol momentarily numbed her senses, and the pain her too-tight pants caused her. The ball was served, and the rally was never-ending! The ball was arcing in the air right towards Claire, who was licking her chops at this moment. Her toned legs propelled her in the air, and she smacked the ball with all her might. It flew by two defenders and hit the floor. The game was over! Claire had hit the winning spike! The crowd erupted into a frenzy and the team rushed over to hug Claire. Chloe and her friends jumped up in celebration, and luckily no one noticed Chloe’s jacket and shirt rising up to flash the crowd her stuffed tummy begging to burst out of her jeans. Her tummy looked so soft and silky smooth and was starting to roll out past her bra. Chloe was too caught up in the celebration to realize that her jacket was stuck on the little bulge of her belly, so there was a sliver of tummy exposed for all to see.

The school was caught up in the rush of victory, and the old friends went their separate ways. They promised to see each other soon over break, and Chloe caught up with her celebrity sister and her parents. Claire’s boy toy opted against joining the Simpson’s to dinner, as he hadn’t met the whole family yet. Besides, their parents didn’t know about her hookup. Chloe was out of breath when she found them, as her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and the fervor of the night. As a celebratory dinner, Diane, Chloe’s mom, suggested they rush over to the Italian buffet that they saved for special occasions, much to the agreement of the rest of the family. It was only a few minutes from school, and they decided it was a special treat as Claire led the school to a finals appearance.

The Simpsons were shown a table that was larger than the average four-person table, and they were quickly reminded why. Everyone was given a full pitcher of water and their own basket of breadsticks. This buffet, Rocco’s, was a very popular spot in Franklin. Not only was it amazing Italian food, it was also all you could eat, and the servers brought the food to you! It was a perfect way to celebrate, and Chloe was hungry, yet again. She was still a little buzzed, but it was slowly subsiding as the aromas of the restaurant met her nostrils. They all dug into their breadsticks while planning out their feast. Tom and Diane only got modest plates of chicken parmesan and a small side salad. Claire, who was starved from spending so much energy, planned on getting a plate just for baked ziti and another for eggplant parmesan. Chloe’s eyes expanded at the sight of the menu. There were so many options she couldn’t decide! When the waiter came by to take their order, she surprised everyone when she ordered a whole side of calamari and a whole plate of fettuccini alfredo.

The family heaped praise onto Claire until the first course came out. Everyone got a complimentary salad, and Chloe’s steaming pile of calamari was presented. Chloe’s mouth was watering and her tummy rumbled in anticipation, but her mom, sentimental as always, made a toast to Claire’s amazing game. “Cheers to Claire, you did such an amazing job hunny, we’re so proud of you! And to Chloe on being home for a few weeks now! It’s such an amazing night!”

“Here here!” Chloe eagerly ended the toast and attacked her appetizer. The calamari was so good! She dunked each bite into the special sauce and plopped it into her mouth. Just as she finished the last bite, the first round of entrees arrived. The portion sizes were enormous, to put it nicely. Everyone had their work cut out for them. Chloe’s plate of creamy alfredo was at least two whole pounds! She was feeling a sense of pressure from her abdomen. Any normal person would have deduced that it was because of her suffocating jeans cutting her in half. But Chloe, who still had lingering connections to being stuffed and immense sexual pleasure, found this pressure as a trigger to stuff herself silly. She leaned forward as much as she could and scooped the buttery noodles into her awaiting mouth. She slurped up each bite and let out little moans of ecstasy with each swallow. She was fighting an internal battle to remain part of her parents conversation and maintain her decency, but that part of her brain was slowly fading.

Chloe finished about three quarters of her humongous alfredo plate when the waiter came by asking if they wanted to get another round of food. Her parents had a moderate amount of their food, while Claire was still trudging along with her ziti. Chloe was so lost to her inner pleasure that she blurted out, “Mmm yeah can I have some lasagna please hic!” The waiter, and her family, gave her a worried look, but he did as he was told. Wanting to have a little break before the lasagna arrived, Chloe greedily took some breadsticks and swirled them in the alfredo sauce, soaking up the last drops of the delicious sauce. Chloe did this three times before the lasagna plopped in front of her. It was huge! There were at least seven layers of meat and cheese and noodles begging to be eaten. Chloe was stuffed, but she couldn’t ignore the voice in her head and her panties to keep going. The Simpsons made small talk while Chloe laboriously chewed through half of the lasagna. It tasted amazing, but Chloe was becoming numb to taste and more focused on the filling feeling she was getting.

A couple more bites and her jeans finally had enough. Chloe had leaned back to breathe but mustered up enough room to fit one more bite of the amazing lasagna. So, she spread her legs to make room and leaned forward, bringing her face practically into the lasagna. This lurch forward proved too much for her poor button, as it blasted into the floor in front of her. Luckily, it seemed no one noticed, but Chloe finally felt some relief after cramming her stomach with far too many calories today. She should have been scared, she burst through jeans! But oddly she was feeling a desire to keep going, to push her boundaries to see what was acceptable and how much she could take.

After catching her breath, she scooched her chair in to be closer to the lasagna and keep eating. Slurps and heaving breathing from Chloe’s corner were dominating the family dinner. Claire shot Chloe a look mixed with disgust, shock, and intrigue. Tom and Diane exchanged worried glances about their eldest daughter. “Everything okay Chloe?” Her mom asked. “Yeah, we can take some home ya know.” Her dad pointed out. Truthfully, Chloe wanted to keep going, but she opened her eyes to see everyone staring at her. She was so embarrassed! Why did she let this happen? Now panic started to set in. She really needed to get whatever this horny impulse was under control, because now she could barely contain herself. It took everything she had not to reach down and finger herself at the table! “Huff, sorry, I was hic hungry is all hic!” Chloe managed to get out. The waiter came by, and Tom mercifully got a box for Chloe. She still had a quarter of the heaping pile left, but somehow that felt small to the greedy future Chloe. “Actually, can I get a slice of tiramisu and two cannoli’s to go please hic!” Everyone blatantly gaped at Chloe. Realizing the shock, she quickly added. “They’re for everyone, relax!” Not wanting to press the issue, they let Chloe’s odd behavior slide.

Chloe took some deep breaths and composed herself enough to waddle to the car. Her mind was in a million different places right now, but the most prominent place was a feral horniness. She needed to be home to release this growing inner demon! The road was a little bumpy, with each hit sending vibrations through Chloe’s bloated middle. It took all of Chloe’s discipline not to moan like she was being plowed each time. They finally pulled in to the garage and Chloe bid everyone goodnight before shuffling upstairs, holding her gut and jeans up with one hand and her leftovers with the other. Chloe closed the door behind her and took her jacket and shirt off, leaving herself staring in the mirror with her too-tight bra and busted pants. Chloe started rubbing her crotch outside her jeans, and she felt herself leak with fluids. She was moaning loudly, so she opened her leftover box and crammed a cannoli into her face. “Mmfph f*ck this ish hot! Mmmph!” Chloe stated through a full mouth. Chloe felt herself closer to climax, so she quickly gobbled up the second pastry. She needed more! Chloe frantically thought of something so desperate that only a true pig would do. Needed more food to further destroy her jeans and to stifle her orgasmic screams, she got down on all fours and planted her face right in her tiramisu! She held herself up with her left hand while her right was frantically rubbing her clit. God this was so wrong, but Chloe felt it was the only option. It felt soooo good to be this stuffed. She was busting out of her jeans. What would Paige say? Her and the rest of the Sorority would tease her for getting so chubby and eating like a piggy. Recollecting those memories, she burrowed through the tiramisu, and as she was coming, she let out a breathy “ohhh f*cckkk mmphhh oiiiink mmmph *snort snort* oiiink mmmphhohhhh*

With that, young Chloe Simpson collapsed onto her bed, not bothering to clean up the mess she made, opting instead to wallow in it like the pig she pretended to be that night. The pretty blonde fell asleep in a blissful haze, with thoughts food and sex swirling in her mind, only interrupted by the reminder of her doctor’s appointment tomorrow lighting up her phone…
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 1 week
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Shivian84 3 weeks
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 3 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 3 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 8 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 8 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!