Chloe's college years

Chapter 2b: Rush Week Continued

Sure enough, Chloe was right. The next two nights were more trivial and knowledge-based challenges, so no one really got eliminated. They did have a penalty for answering questions wrong however: shots. Chloe and Maria did pretty well, however after a couple of missed answers, both girls had been introduced to tequila shots. It was close to midnight on the third day when the leader of the Sorority, Paige, decided to end the game, as most teams were drunk, on the verge of being very drunk.

“Alright girls, there’s eight teams left, and as you know, Alpha Alpha Chi is very selective. But you all seem like a good group, so this year, we are opening the doors for eight new members! Tomorrow night you will get back to your teams and compete in a House tournament to see who makes it! See you here, eight pm sharp! Don’t pregame, as there will be plenty of game to go around!”
Chloe and Maria stumbled out the house, Chloe drunk on tequila for the first time, while Maria, slightly more sober, supported her teammate.

“Man hic I had sooooo hic much fun tonight!” Chloe beamed.

“Yeahhhh haha I know you did, after your sixth, or seventh? Shot you were giggling so much you couldn’t even get out any answers. Tequila makes you giggle, good to hic note”.

“Hihihi hic yeahh, hey!! I’m hic hungryy, wanna do our usual?” Chloe suggested.

“Hmmm, I don’t know, tomorrow sounds pretty intense, but I don’t think some food would hurt buuurp” Maria said with a grin.

“YAaayyyyy!! I can’t wait! Do you hic have any hic thing to drink? Ooooh”

“I think I have some beer to level off your tequila haha, but I need to get more soon.”

“Okay deal! I’ll pitch in hic, but wh-where do you, um, get it?”

“I got a fake this summer haha”

“Oooooh burp rebellious hahaha. Let’s go to my place though! I feel bad for Emma, she’s just soooo nice, and I wanna see her too!”

“Huh, oof, um okay! Let’s stop by my place to grab drinks and we’ll head over.”

Luckily Emma was still up playing the newest computer game when Chloe and Maria tried, unsuccessfully, to quietly sneak into the place.

“Hello?” Emma peeked out of her room, only to find her roommate and a new girl holding boxes of food and a heavy backpack.

“Ohhhh hi Emma!! I’m sorry if we woke you, I just hic wanted to seeee youuu haha” Chloe joyously said.

“She insisted haha, I’m Maria, Chloe’s hopeful new Sorority sister!” Maria went to hug Emma.
“OH! Umm, nice to meet you. What do you guys have? Are you okay? You guys smell like booze.” Emma half-joked.
“Yeahhhh we’re great!! We got some pizza and beer if you wanna try some!! We got extra for youuu for being a great roomie and for breakfast the other day hic I didn’t forget” Chloe cutely rambled.

“Awww thanks Chloe, but I’m not that hungry, it is one am after all”

“Awwww please!! It’ll be fuuun” Chloe begged with her puppy dog blue eyes.
“Mmmmm okay fine, only because you’re cute” Emma boldly stated. She normally wouldn’t be comfortable saying something so openly but she figured the girls were both drunk enough to not remember a little slip.

“Yay! Let’s get it!” Chloe and Maria started digging in, while Emma modestly grabbed a lone slice and a beer. She wasn’t much of a beer drinker, or a drinker at all for that matter. She liked fruity drinks, but this beer wasn’t half bad.

The girls, mostly Chloe and Maria, stumbled their way through talking about their weeks while Emma was content observing and listening. Just as 2am was approaching and the girls were getting ready for bed, Emma couldn’t help but notice something. The girls had finished both boxes of pizza and the mozzarella sticks! Granted they were only mediums, but still, sixteen slices was a lot! Emma looked at her plate and realized she had another two slices and another beer.
Chloe had eaten five slices of pizza and polished off another four beers! For a girl who said she never ate or drank before, Chloe can sure put it down, Emma thought to herself. Emma was still really curious as to how Chloe would stay at 125 if she kept this up much longer. Emma would have to talk to Chloe in the morning about being careful.

Just then, however, Emma caught a glimpse of Maria, who had absolutely housed a whole medium pizza and another six beers! She was talking a lot earlier, so maybe she didn’t realize how much she was taking in, but as the night wound down, Maria slowed down considerably.

“Oooof where did the time go?? I’m buuuuuurp so full” Maria whined.

“Yeahh phew I’m hic soooo tired noww” Chloe said

“I don’t think I’ll make it back home, I’m drunk, stuffed, and sleepy” Maria dazily said. She must’ve had a lapse of clarity, or didn’t care, as she undid the button on her jeans.
Emma couldn’t stop staring at this act of unabridged gluttony right in front of her. The short brunette, about two inches shorter than Chloe, was rocking a full tummy in plain view. Emma was at a loss for words.

“Ha, you, um can sleep on the couch for the night, if um you want to” Emma stumbled as her blood rushed to her face.

“Hic thank you Emma!!! You’re soo cool for staying up with us and being awesome burp excuse me” Maria said as she started struggling to her feet to make it over to the couch.

As Emma went over to help her new friend over to the couch, Emma just couldn’t help herself but put her arm around the bloated, drunk girl's waist. Her hand was flat on Maria’s tummy, and she was surprised at the hardness from being stuffed, but even more so at the softness of the growing layer of pudge cushioning it. Every step and hiccup that came out of Maria sent her little stuffed body jiggling, and sent shivers down the spine of Emma.

Maria laid on the couch, and before she could pull the blankets over her, her shirt rode up to reveal her round belly to the world. That combined with her unbuttoned pants made quite the site for Emma and Chloe.

“Awww Maria, your little tummy is poking out! That’s sooo cute haha” Chloe observed her friend splayed out on the couch.

“Shut up Chloe, it’s just bloated is all”

“Or it could be from all the drinks and pizza haha”

“Plus all the partying I did this summer, but it’s not that bad right?”

“No no you look fine!” Emma said trying not to make eye contact and trying to process what she was feeling. She was lesbian, and she was sure she had a crush on Chloe, but was she getting turn on by Maria’s beer belly? Or maybe it was Maria being drunk, stuffed, and pretty much helpless? Either way, Emma had some thinking to do.

“Yeahhhh fine for three months pregnant with a food babyy hahaha burrp!” Chloe joked.

“Haha funny Chloe, keep eating and drinking like me and you’ll end up like this too! It hasn’t caught up yet, but it will!”

“Nuh uhh” Chloe childishly retorted. “I’m going to stay fit this year”

“Whatever you say girl. Good night, see you in the manana!”

“Yeah I’m going to turn in too haha, good night Maria, good night roomie!” Chloe was in such a good mood but really tired. She went into her room with an ever-so-slightly bulging little belly, stripped to her underwear and immediately passed out.

“Goodnight” Emma muttered before closing her bedroom door gasping for air at the evening’s events. This was going to be a wild semester, the skinny redhead thought to herself, for me, Maria, and especially Chloe.
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Shivian84 3 weeks
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 3 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 3 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 8 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 8 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!