Chloe's college years

Chapter 2: Rush Finale and Acceptance

“Uggghhhh, what happened?”

Chloe Simpson slowly and carefully opened her eyes to adjust to the midday sun rays that were making their presence felt on her face. Rolling over, Chloe looked at the time on her alarm clock: 12:30.

“Great, I slept through breakfast and half the day.” Chloe was not amused that she slept in so late.

Come to think of it, Chloe had a hard time really remembering what happened last night, or how she got into bed. Eyes still closed, Chloe felt around her bed and tried to find her phone. She eventually realized it was in her pocket, which raised the question of why she fell asleep with jeans on. Chloe looked at her body and saw that her bra was falling off one shoulder and her jeans were undone but still on. Her flat tummy greeted her with a fresh set of rumbles, Angry that it hadn’t received the full breakfast it had grown accustomed to over the last week.

After deciding it was time to get up and try to recover the day before her final Sorority challenge tonight, Chloe struggled to her feet. She didn’t understand why her legs were still wobbly, but she stumbled her way into the kitchen. Emma was watching TV in the living room when she caught a glimpse of the booze-filled beauty that she called a roommate. Emma could tell that Chloe felt like death, because she honestly looked like it too.

“Morning sleepyhead, how are you feeling?”

“Terribble” Chloe slurred out. As she spoke, Claire understood her current condition better: she was still a little drunk from last night!

“You sound like you had a long night, I guess Maria wasn’t messing around. Here I brought some leftovers from the dining hall. I got you pizza and a burger.”

“Wha? What happened last night? How’d I get here?” Chloe started to come to her senses as Emma pulled out a to-go box stacked with two slices of meat lover’s pizza and a thick burger with cheese bacon and onion rings with ranch sauce drizzled on the patties. Chloe started digging into her feast while Emma recapped the events from last night to the best of her abilities.

“So Maria brought you home at like 5am, and I woke up because I heard someone in the house. After she brought you in to your room, she told me about what happened, and frankly I didn’t think you swung that way but good for you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You mean you don’t remember? Apparently, you made quite a lady friend last night. But I would talk to Maria, she would probably know more.”

“I don’t, I mean, at least I never have before. Mmph. I’ve never had a boyfriend before, but I like guys.”

“You’ve never had a boyfriend?!? You’re lying!”

“No, m’serious. I did sports and was always studying. Never had time.”

Sensing Chloe was focused on eating and not wanting to push the issue further, Emma left Chloe to finish up. Chloe decided after a shower she would call Maria and get to the bottom of last night before their challenge tonight.

As Chloe got up to get into the shower, she checked her phone and saw she received a text from an unknown number.

-Hey beautiful, I had a lot of fun last night. Come by my room Saturday if you want some more of me xoxo-

Chloe ended up arriving at Maria’s room just before dinner to get the rundown of their wild night at the tournament.

“Yeah we had to drag you out of there, you didn’t want to leave!”

“Emma was saying that I made a lady friend? And then I got text from someone calling me beautiful.”

“O.M.G! Amanda! Yeah Chloe you made yourself very comfortable with her. Here”
Maria handed Chloe her phone to look at some very racy photos of herself and what appeared to be a really cute girl with platinum blonde hair in her bra and thong. Chloe couldn’t really see her face from the picture, but her hands were definitely exploring Amanda’s ample rear and her bloated round stomach.

Chloe was experiencing a mix of emotions. She was having a sexual identity crisis. Chloe didn’t think she was a lesbian, and although she never had a boyfriend before, she still fantasized about guys and had kissed a couple of potential suitors. She never once thought about being with a girl. It gave her a tingle down her spine and nerves in her own slender stomach. Speaking of stomachs, why was she so thoroughly groping that girl’s while they were making out? Did Chloe think that was sexy? Did Amanda? She had so many questions, but those answered would have to wait as her and Maria were now heading to the Sorority house for their final challenge.

Chloe, Maria, and the four other finalists were led into the living room, which had been cleared out except for some towels laid on the ground. Each girl looked around at each other confused before Paige and her cronies came in carrying crates full of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and spoons.

“Okay ladies, on your knees! This is the final challenge of Rush Week. This last challenge is short, definitely sweet, and to the point: whatever two teams eat the most ice cream containers in 15 minutes get to join us. And since Kristie and Maggie won last night’s adventurous beer pong tournament, they automatically get one carton a piece.”

“Crap! How are we going to catch up?”

“Well, I guess we’re going to have to let our inner fat girl loose” Chloe reasoned.

“I hope your inner fat girl is hungry, because this actual fat girl is not going to lose.”

After the back and forth, Paige started the countdown and the six girls ripped into their ice cream. Each girl was focused on the next bite, ignoring the brain freeze and trying to savor each bite to want more. Chloe and Maria had ignited their competitive spirits and were not going to lose, no matter the cost. Maria was steadily inhaling ice cream, but after she finished her second carton, she was a little surprised at Chloe reaching for her fourth.

Five minutes had passed and Chloe was in her own world. She couldn’t feel her mouth from the cold of the ice cream, but she was not going to be beaten. Bite after bite, spoonful after spoonful went into the blonde’s belly. She barely noticed how many empty containers were thrown down in her wake, nor was she aware of how tight her jean shorts felt against her growing gut.

Down to the final two minutes of the contest, every girl, including Chloe, had slowed considerably. Maggie and Kristie were in the lead due to their head start, having eaten 11 cartons between the two, bringing their total to thirteen. Gloria and Jasmine, the other team, were finishing up their tenth container, while Chloe and Maria had shoved 12 containers into their faces. Chloe alone had demolished 8 and was working on her ninth.

“One minute left girls, keep eating! It’s going to come down to the wire!”

That was all the motivation Chloe needed to push into overdrive and swallow her current container and blindly eat away.

“Three. Two. One. Stop! Spoons down ladies, let’s see the results."

“Gloria and Jasmine, eleven containers, not bad. Let’s see how you hold up.”

“Maggie and Kristie, 14 containers, plus the two-container lead, bringing you to 16 total, well done.”

“Now, Chloe and Maria, let’s see how…you..did..holy crap!”

The rest of the girls turned and stared at the scene next to them. There lie two girls that looked like they rolled around in ice cream, it was everywhere! Around their lips, on their shirts, in their hair even. There was a sea of empty containers to show the depths that the duo went to ensure a victory.

“Holy Sh*t, this is absurd. There’s…21 containers of ice cream here! What…how?” Everyone was at a loss for words.

“Chloe, Maria, how many did you guys each eat?”

Both girls were stuffed and physically in pain. Maria looked like she was about to pop with twins as she uttered out her response.
“I…hic…ate…ugh…nine….hmph ..uhhh”

“So, Chloe, you ate twelve whole containers, by yourself?”

Chloe couldn’t see straight or think straight. Her eyes were glazed over, she took shallow panted breaths as she had eaten herself out of breath. She could barely see over her packed stomach that looked comically overloaded with ice cream.

“Ye…yeah…hic…I…guess I…buuuurp…did..hic…oooof…uhhhh…mphh”
“Chloe you ate more than Gloria and Jasmine combined, that’s impressive! And also a little scary, well you and Maria clearly won, so you guys are accepted in. Kristie and Maggie, you guys are also in. But everyone can take a lesson from Maria and especially Chloe when it comes to dedication and commitment to Alpha Chi!”

After another ten minutes of lying on the ground digesting, Maria’s stomachache had started to subside. The rest of the girls were starting to make their way home, gingerly walking with their ice cream babies. Most were still shocked by the gluttony shown by the winning team, and a few made their opinions known.

“I can’t believe Chloe ate more than both of us combined!”

“I know, God, what a pig. She can’t even get up.”

“They’re so messy and gassy, ugh it’s gross.”

Maria overheard these comments and felt a little embarrassed. She just wanted to win so badly! Chloe, too, overheard the other girls but had a different response. She felt a familiar tingle down her spine and into her stomach, or was that just the ice cream digesting? What wasn’t mistakable for pain was the warmth Chloe felt between her legs as those comments landed in her ears. Why was Chloe so horny recently? And why was she getting turned on at the strangest things? First Amanda, then Amanda’s tummy, now being called a pig for stuffing herself silly? Chloe had a lot of reflection to do, but right now she was in a state of bliss.
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Shivian84 1 week
Wonderful story. I hope you continue this one.
Bobbyboy513 2 weeks
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 2 weeks
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 3 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 3 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 5 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 7 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 7 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 10 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 10 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!