Chloe's college years

Chapter 3: Spooky Stuffings

“Emma, come on! I know you don’t like big parties, but this is Halloween we’re talking about! We can’t miss our first Halloween party as college students.” Chloe pleaded with her roommate who was apprehensive about going to a massive party.

To be fair to Emma, this wasn’t just one party; it was a whole weekend marathon of parties. This year, Halloween fell on a Friday night, which meant that the festivities would carry on into Saturday and Saturday night. Also, this year’s Homecoming game for the Sterling University Archers was on Saturday, which meant that Friday would be devoted to Homecoming activities. Class was cancelled on Friday, which meant the parties started Thursday night. The Sororities, Frats, and sports teams all got together in the weeks prior to plan the ultimate three-day party to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime alignment of the calendar. Thursday night would be devoted to the Sororities to host. Chloe’s Sorority, Alpha Alpha Chi, was throwing a themed party, that was supposed to open its doors at midnight to ring in Halloween with the rest of campus.

“Ughh, I know I know it’s a big deal, like the planets lining up, but I don’t know, I’m just nervous.”

“Nervous about what? It’s going to be a fun weekend! And besides, I’ll be alongside you for it” Chloe reassured her worrying roommate.

“What about tonight? You have to stay at the Sorority house, right?”

“Tonight’s the only night I have obligations, and I already talked to Paige about it, and she said you’re invited, so there’s no problem.”

“I guess, but you’re going to be distracted and have all the boys talking to you and stuff.”

“Is that what this is huh? There’ll be plenty of guys that will want to talk to you too. Remember that party a couple of weeks ago? You got that one reeeeeally good-looking guy checking you out all night long!”

“I suppose, although he wasn’t that interesting once I talked to him.” It wasn’t that Emma hated the attention, but she wanted it from someone else: Chloe. Chloe and Emma had grown close as roommates over the course of the semester, but Emma had developed quite a crush on Chloe. Chloe was oblivious to the matter but was really thankful that she had an amazing friend and roommate in Emma.

Emma was worried about Chloe talking to boys and getting hit on, and for good reason. Chloe was as sexy as ever! Although Chloe’s eating habits and new occasional drinking hadn’t slowed down, Chloe had resumed her exercise routine that maintained her fitness during high school. However, Chloe was not competing in soccer or track in college, so she gained an incidental five pounds, bringing her weight to 130lbs, which on her 5’5 frame, looked simply stunning. The five extra pounds only enhanced her B cup boobs, which were starting to strain her current selection of bras. Her legs were still toned and fit, as was her bodacious booty. Chloe’s stomach had still looked lean, but there wasn’t a definition like her legs. It was just smooth and skinny.

At ten pm the girls of Alpha Alpha Chi had ordered pizza to eat before they opened the doors to their party for the rest of the rowdy student body. Alpha Alpha Chi was one of the more lavish Sororities on campus, so they spared no expense in the decorations, the alcohol, and the food. Soon the literal mountain of pizzas arrived at the house. Ten pizzas were ordered, which was a ridiculous amount considering that there were only twenty girls maximum at the Sorority. Chloe and Emma had arrived just before the pizzas did and met up with Maria, who was getting ready upstairs. They opened her door to see Maria had grabbed one of the boxes to munch on before getting ready. She also had made some mixed vodka and Sprites for the three friends before Emma and Chloe had arrived.

“Drink up girls! Our first college Halloweekend!” Maria proposed.

“I’ll drink to that, cheers!” Chloe excitedly answered.

“Girl, you’ll drink to just about anything haha.” Maria had called her out for her behavior over the past couple of months.
“Yeah and you’ve been right there with me egging me on!” Chloe retorted.

“Relax guys, you both have just been having fun is all! No harm in that” Emma assured her friends.

“You’re right Emma, we’re just being silly. Here here!” All three beauties took a healthy chug from their mixed drinks and started to get ready. Alpha Chi was hosting a Mount Olympus party, with the girls dressing as goddesses and other elegant figures from Greek mythology. The freshmen would dress as luxurious servants, tending to the older girls’ needs. Flowing white robes and headpieces were the costumes for the trio of friends tonight. As they adjusted their costumes to look the part, they had eaten the entire pizza without realizing it, until Chloe reached into the box and discovered it was empty.

“Jeez girls, we just ate that whole large box!”

“Oh yeah? I don’t know about you guys, but I’m still pretty hungry. Do you think there’s any more left downstairs?” Maria pleaded.

“I can go check! Can you make me another drink while I go?” Chloe cutely asked.

“Sure, I gotcha!” Emma happily obliged as Chloe bounced her way downstairs. After Chloe left, a slightly buzzed Emma couldn’t help but linger on Chloe’s impressive rear as it walked out the door.

“Emma can you help me with my necklace?”

“Um sure”

“Chloe’s awesome, isn’t she” Maria asked.

“Yeah she really is”

“Is that why you were just checking her out?"

“WHAT!?! No I wasn’t! I was just, um, looking to uh see if-“

“It’s okay girl! I’m not judging! Haha I think it’s cute”

“Really? Ugh I’m embarrassed! I don’t know, she’s just an amazing person and not to mention her figure is just out of this world! But I don’t think she likes me that way. She could have anyone she wanted and here I am thinking I have a shot.” Emma got really down on herself and Maria could see she hit a nerve.

“Awww it’s okay! Come here, even if she doesn’t like you like that, she’s still one of your best friends. And who knows, if you told her the truth, maybe she’ll respond.”
Before the conversation could progress any further, the girls heard Chloe’s footsteps come back up the stairs. Emma hurriedly made Chloe a really strong drink with hardly any Sprite in it. Chloe walked in the door with a piece of pizza already in her hand and the rest of the box in the other.

“Everything OK?”

“Yeah! Why wouldn’t it be? Here ya go!”

Chloe took a sip and immediately noticed the strong vodka taste, but instead of commenting on it, decided to sip on it anyway while munching on her pizza. The girls continued to eat and get ready and just before the doors opened, the three walked downstairs. Chloe looked like an absolute goddess, with the robe highlighting her figure in all the right places, hugging her perfect hips and booty while showing the still flat tummy underneath her perky B cups. Her wreath headpiece fit perfectly and held her golden blonde hair back so her big baby blue eyes would be on full display. Emma’s robe was baggy on her since she was still really skinny, but being around Chloe and Maria had started to rub off on her. She was still skin and bones, but less bones were showing now. While Chloe and Emma had slight weight gains that only enhanced their physiques, Maria’s time in college thus far had continued her trend of expansion. Her skin-tight robe only made her bloated belly that much more apparent. Maria had managed to gain another ten pounds from her eating and drinking, pushing her weight to 170 pounds. Those pounds were piling on to her short frame, with her belly almost always pushing past her now C cup breasts.

“Alright girls, welcome to Halloweekend! Remember, have fun tonight, but don’t forgot you’re still Alpha Chi’s! Don’t embarrass the house!” Paige gave a friendly but serious warning. Soon after, the doors opened and the floodgates of drunk and horny coeds rushed into the house and down Sterling’s lengthy Greek Row. Music was blaring down the streets, voices could be heard yelling from multiple houses down, and everyone seemed to be having a blast.

As the girls tended to their house, Maria noticed that Chloe was the center of attention with the guys, even stealing some attention away from the upperclassmen. Maria was sipping on a beer, feeling good and drunk, but she couldn’t help but overhear some conversation regarding her best friend.

“Ohmygawd, I cannot believe Zach is talking to her over me! I’m the vice-president for God’s sakes!”

“Girl I know! She has been flirting with every guy here! I mean she’s nice and all but she gets a little loose when she drinks if you ask me.”

“Yeah, I mean, I get it, you’re pretty but leave some for the rest of us!”

“For real, learn your place.”

Maria was getting pretty angry with her Sorority sisters at this point, but just as she turned to say something to them, she caught the eye of someone she hadn’t seen in a while, and someone who could solve her and Chloe’s building problem. Maria couldn’t remember that girl’s name, but she couldn’t forget that platinum blonde hair and pale white skin. Maria couldn’t remember exactly her physique, but she could have sworn the girl looked thinner than when she last saw her back in August. Maria had to rush to find either Chloe or Emma to potentially save them from being kicked out of the Sorority for stealing guys, and Maria thought she had the answer.

“Emma! Thank God I found you! We have a problem! We need Chloe to get away from the boys.”

“Yeah good luck with that, they haven’t left her side all night! It’s like she has a spell on them hic!” Emma appeared to be drunk, moreso than Maria, which was impressive but also a little concerning for the busty brunette. Emma was upset that she couldn’t tell Chloe about her feelings towards her, so she tried to suppress that pain with alcohol. Unfortunately, she was a lightweight and got buzzed after only a couple of drinks.

“Listen, Emma, I know you feel terrible, but I think I have someone who can cheer you up.” With that, Maria grabbed Emma’s arm and dragged her across the floor to the snack table where she saw that platinum blonde with the big booty. She had a red cup in one hand, and a slice of pizza in the other and was alternating back and forth between the two. Emma didn’t know who this girl was, but she instantly got the red-head’s attention.

“Maria, I know what you’re trying to do, but I don’t know. You hic don’t even know her name! How am I supposed to talk to her? Do you even know if hic she’s, ya know hic, likes girls?” Emma brought up a valid point that Maria hadn’t thought of.

“Emma, that’s the girl from Rush Week that made out with Chloe! At the very least she’s bi. Maybe you two can see where it goes!” Maria’s persistence was starting to wear on Emma, but she obliged her friend and walked over to the unsuspecting Amanda. Emma took in the scene of Amanda with her hands full of fattening calories, her legs contained in black spandex pants that looked a little tight on her. Amanda’s lower half of her belly was visible due to the black crop top she was wearing. Emma’s heartbeat increased as she felt herself attracted to Amanda.

“Hi, are you hic enjoying the party?” Was all Emma could think to say. Really? That’s all you can think of, how dumb are you? Emma thought to herself immediately after.

“Well, to be honest, I was kind of sad, but um, now I’m doing a little better.” Amanda, always the flirt, answered Emma’s feeble attempt at starting a conversation with her. Amanda gave Emma a quick once-over, and truth be told, liked what she saw. She was a little skinnier than she liked, but Amanda could work with that. “I’m Amanda.”

“Emma, nice to meet you!” she shouted at her new friend over the music. “Why were you feeling sad earlier?”

“Well, because at first they weren’t letting people eat because they just had to have everyone drink first, which I was fine with, but I like my food! Then I was just trying to mind my business when idiot boys kept trying to talk to me and get in my pants, like no thanks! Then, I saw a girl that I had thought was into me earlier, but she completely ghosted me and ignored me and now she’s talking up the same idiot boys.” With that, Amanda nodded over towards Chloe and Zach, the boy from earlier. To be fair to Chloe, he was tall, handsome, and muscular. Standing at 6’1 his t-shirt easily showed his chiseled chest and arms. He had five o’clock shadow and his dark hair was slicked to the side, but a few strands fell before his blue eyes that Chloe was drowning in. After flirting and dancing for what seemed like forever, Chloe and Zach shared a passionate kiss that led to another, and another. Seeing this sent the heartbroken Emma and the jealous Amanda over the edge. While Maria thought of a way to do damage control for the Sorority, Amanda and Emma were each thinking of ways to get back at Chloe, even though she was Emma’s best friend.

Emma was so conflicted. She wanted Chloe to be happy and loved her as a friend. But she also wanted Chloe to dance with her and kiss her like that. Emma wanted to tell Chloe so badly about her feelings but was too afraid of getting rejected and losing a friend in the process. Tears started to form in her emerald green eyes, something which Amanda noticed and found a way in.

“Awww poor baby, don’t cry, it’ll be okay! Here, let’s get something to drink and we can talk about it.” Emma definitely did not need something else to drink, but in her depressed and vulnerable state, a drink sounded perfect to her. They made their way to the bar table, where Emma fixed herself a strong Malibu and sprite, while Amanda happily chugged her current beer and poured another from the keg. She gave her growing gut a good pat. “Buuuuurp, ahhh much better” and started taking big gulps from her new beer.

“So, Emma, I know you like fine ladies like Chloe. As it turns out, I also like fine ladies, like Chloe. But I’m not limiting myself to one person, ya know? I’m gonna lay it out there, I think you’re really cute. A little innocent maybe, but cute. Still, I don’t like being ghosted like Chloe did. So, I’ll tell you what, why don’t we dance to show her what she’s missing out on! You in?” Amanda flashed cute come get me eyes to Emma, who even though she was heartbroken, couldn’t resist.

“Okayyyy I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
“Perfect, just follow my lead and do what feels natural.” Amanda downed her beer, losing count after 5 for how many she had over the night, and Emma hastily followed suit, unwisely chugging her drink too. Amanda grabbed Emma’s hand and pull her out on the dancefloor to get within a good view of Chloe and Zach. As the music was blaring and the lights were low, Amanda took control of Emma’s hands and started the show. Amanda pulled the naïve redhead’s hands all over her curvy body, letting them linger on her wide hips and exposed shoulders. After getting Emma riled up, Amanda turned around to start twerking her thick booty on Emma. Emma was getting aroused and quickly. She started letting her hands wander, holding Amanda’s hips as they gyrated around. Amanda leaned back onto Emma, and Emma couldn’t resist. Emboldened by her inebriation, Emma let her right hand linger towards Amanda’s bloated middle, full from beer and a greasy dinner from earlier.

Over the loud music, Emma could have sworn she heard Amanda say something, probably protesting the stray grab from Emma on her little beer belly. Emma immediately pulled it away, but Amanda turned around and looked a little disappointed. “Why’d ya stop??” she asked while taking Emma’s hand and leading it towards her slight love handles. Emma picked up the hint, and Amanda let out another sound similar to the one a few moments ago. Emma recognized it as a moan! This naughty girl likes me feeling her up, Emma thought to herself. Emma’s drunk mind went from zero to hundred in the horny department really quick. Her hands explored every curve of Amanda’s chubby body, letting her fingers get lost in between the smallest fold of fat that started to form beneath her rib cage before making their way around to her plump rear. Amanda let her arms fall behind Emma’s neck, and before either of them realized what was happening, they shared a kiss. Both could taste the booze that had coated their breathes and since both were inebriated it was a pretty sloppy kiss, but they both enjoyed it.

After a few minutes, the girls looked up to see if Chloe had seen them, in a weird method of making the blonde jealous. However, as they looked in where she and Zach had been, they only saw their backs walking away, as Chloe was leading Zach out of the room and to consummate their night.

“Well, I guess she didn’t notice” Emma said, returning to her dejected state.

“Maybe not, but I sure did. Why don’t you come back with me tonight? We’ll do our best to forget about her.” Amanda pleaded with her potential hook-up.

“Y’know? I’d loooove to!” Emma belched her response, which only fueled Amanda’s fire to hook up with the fiery red head…
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Bobbyboy513 3 days
Can’t wait to see where this goes and how big she’ll end up getting
Sidewinder9191 2 days
Thank you! This'll be a longer story but there's some big changes in store
Angelhoney 2 months
love this story so much. i love a good gay college girl read ^_^
Sidewinder9191 2 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
Kdeg11 4 months
Still really enjoying this story!
Kdeg11 7 months
The new chapters have been really good! I wish this hedonistic university really existed!
Sidewinder9191 7 months
Thank you so much! Me too, I would have signed up so fast
Kdeg11 9 months
This has been awesome, Sidewinder! Thanks!
Sidewinder9191 9 months
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!