The blossoming bunnies

Chapter 8

Was it hours? Days? Months? Time was meaningless now.

A manifestation of Sara’s consciousness awoke in an orange desert. Sand danced through the air, brushing against her skin, and yet she felt nothing. The smell of incense permeated through the air, filling her mind with sweet thoughts of pleasure. At this her body quivered; a moist coating began to drip from between her thighs.

‘What was happening to her?’ she thought. How had she lost control so quickly, and so completely?

Her hand moved to her sex, seeking to feel the moisture wick against her fingertips, but it was stopped.

Sara lay in the orange sand, puzzled. Her eyes moved from the tinged sky to her naked body, sparkling at the realization of what she had become. Her pale skin glistened against soft, white adipose, which pooled and bulged across her body. A thick second chin compressed against her cute, chubby face as her neck veered down. Her hands kneaded the doughy orb that had blocked her from touching herself, it’s mass quivered as two of her hands sunk into the flesh.

Sara moaned, biting her lip. Everything had become more sensitive, a passing touch became hours of pleasure. She felt her breasts quake. Grazing her nipple between two fingers caused her to cry out to the passing sands. With a gentle hand, Sara lifted a breast to her plump lips, encasing it in wet saliva. A muffled moan escaped from her as her tongue danced along her areola.

Her other hand forced itself down to her clit, struggling to reach past the weight of her distended midsection. She felt all 300 lbs of her body ripple in the sands, shaking in rhythm to graceful thrusts as her hand plunged within her.

Mindlessly she lay there, intent only on producing another shock of excitement, until a rolling thunder surged from her hips. Roars escaped her lips, disappearing into the whispers of the shifting desert. Finally, Sara lay still, immobile to any passing thought or desire.

She watched as the sky parted, raging sands gave way to a dark sky. Stars peered down, and Sara bathed in the light. Rolls of fat shone with a faint blue glow.

The smell of incense still lingered, but it wasn’t suffocating to her mind, dim facets of personality and thought began to forge themselves once more into shape, giving her more primal thoughts time to subside.

Slowly she gathered herself, running a hand along her side, keeping a tentative knowledge of every curve she grazed. Her mouth lay agape; ‘What had she become? And why did she desire to be so much more?’ The thought of another pound, another curve, another roll of fat to grasp was a sensation that flooded her mind. She held her weight tenderly, closing her eyes for a moment of peace, bathing in self-love as a smile drew to her lips.

A whisper called out in the dark…

Sara’s eyes shot open. Their sparkling blue nature had grown ever more dominated by the passive encroachment of pastel-pink glow.

The whisper called out once more…

Sara struggled to roll herself over, her weight crashed against the sand as she lay helplessly on her side. Slowly a tree-trunk thigh moved forward to bear her weight. Her hips shook as she forced herself to her feet between laboured breaths.

Sara stood in the starlight as a beautiful goddess. Almost magically the sand drained away from her skin, leaving her bare and clean. Two white orbs became exposed behind her as the sand slid from her. Long hair danced with the passing breeze as two hands came to her chest to cover and support her breast’s imposing weight.

A voice called to her from beyond a dune, angelic and innocent with praise…

Sara took a step forward, sending shockwaves across her buttery figure. Gracefully she waddled forward, every step an increasingly herculean labour. Sweat wicked from every crevice, only to disappear in an instant in the dry air.

With a final pace forward, Sara reached the summit. What had been a 20ft tall dune took her the better part of 3 minutes to climb. She gasped, her cheeks flustered in a red glow. Below her lay a stone pedestal upon which countless velvet pillows lay, not unlike those of the lounge. In the center a pale white orb lay, gold tinges ebbed between the white clouds, giving it the semblance of a divine artifact.

In a huff, Sara collapsed into the sand. Her naked body slid down the hill, taking a good portion of the dune with it. Unable, or simply unwilling to make the attempt to stand, Sara began to crawl forward on all fours. Still she was unused to the quivering mass she brought with her each movement.

Slowly, she mounted the circular stone base, her hands now sinking into the plush pillows. Her body collapsed once more into the plush cushions. From here, her eyes drew once more to the orb.

The orb's surface is pristine, a flawless, smooth texture. Its pure white hue is serene and inviting, emanating an ethereal, almost otherworldly aura. Gilded accents shimmer and gleam as if touched by celestial light. Sara reached out a chubby hand, desperately she shifted her doughy body through the mass of pillows. Sara couldn’t explain why, but she needed to touch the orb, it wasn’t an urge, but an obsession.

As her hand grew close, lightning crackled from the surface, singeing the tips of her fingers. Her hand fell against the orb, and sensations of pain and pleasure shot up her arm. White and gold veins crept up her arm, expanding across her chest, then body. As the veins began to climb up her neck her eyes glassed over, and a white hue turned her eyes a pale grey. She could feel her body inexplicably…changing.

As soon as it began, it subsided. Everything subsided.

Sara’s mind raced through a void of space, the desert long gone from sight. The white void saw glints of golden hue shoot across its eternal area, as though her body had sunk into the orb itself. Her fat body tumbled aimlessly as she fell through a white light…before everything turned black.

Sara awoke in the lounge, only to find herself in darkness. Alice and Clover lay at her sides, heads nestled into her soft frame. Countless chubby bunny girls lay throughout the darkness, many snuggling against each other for warmth.

Sara sighed. ‘It was a dream after all,’ she thought.

Gently she placed a kiss on the forehead of Alice and Clover, and closed her eyes of pure pink, before nodding off once more.

Unbeknownst to her, two white ears slowly sprouted from between her dark, curly hair…
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 9 months
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CarpyFA 8 months
Please continue this smiley
Ssaylleb 9 months
Enjoying this, very sexy!
Jazzman 9 months
We can only " like" one time. I would suggest leave a comment for additional chapters. Just a thought. Nice story btw.
CarpyFA 9 months
Keep up the great work!!
Big Chief 10 months
Fantastic story! Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Mattnagle 11 months
Loving this story.😁
Cheaper300 11 months
Enjoying the setup to the story here!
Nickp72 11 months
Bring on the weight gain stuff already
Davis343 11 months
As always, thank you for your support! Feedback and suggestions are welcome!