The blossoming bunnies

Chapter 9

“This can’t be fair!” shouted a very disgruntled Chloe.




Chloe dreaded the fateful word. Her G-cup breasts bulged against the table, enveloping the wooden rim. She sighed, leaning onto a hand for support. Pouting, she looked at her diminished stack of chips. Even with a minimum bet, there was only enough for 3 or 4 more hands.

“Don’t fret,” a large bunny girl comforted, wrapping two meaty arms around Chloe’s neck. “I believe in you Chloe!” The dopey girl gave her a tight squeeze, suffocating Chloe’s head between two gargantuan breasts.

Butterflies flew within Chloe at the soft embrace. “Yeah…I guess I could play one more.”

“That’s the spirit!” The chubby bunny jiggled with excitement. “Here, have a treat for good luck!”

The girl raised a brownie bigger than her hand to Chloe’s lips. With a glint in her eye, Chloe moved to scarf the mound of chocolate batter down. A thrum of sweetness spread throughout her, washing away any worries.

“Good girl,” the plump girl whispered, rubbing a hand along the inside of a thickened thigh. Pounds descended upon Chloe’s lower body, inconspicuous to the inattentive eye.

Chloe was absolutely packed into the tight, white dress she had worn to the casino. Whoever had designed the dress deserved a gold star for craftsmanship. The dress clung skin tight to her blubberous hips and belly, cutting against her curves and adding dimensions to her already bountiful assets. Her fattened tits bulged from the low cut of the dress, threatening to burst at a careful touch.

It made one wonder, what would go first? Chloe’s chips? Or Dress?

From across the table, Marie gleefully bounced in her seat, breast freely flying about beneath her once shirt, turned crop top. Playfully she giggled as a swarm of girls surrounded her to stuff her full of freshly gathered sweets. Each of them kissing, prodding, and teasing Marie’s fattened form. Violent jiggles danced across her frame as she felt their hands play with her bountiful form. Muffled giggles hid behind endless feedings as Marie simplemindedly accepted whatever was put before her lips.


Chloe’s face redded with a glint of anger, hardly noticing the groaning fabric around her chest. A chocolate morsel made its way past her lips, adding a new curve to her ass. Chloe stared enviously at Marie’s exposed gut. The pillowy mound spread earnestly upon her lap, hands kneading its imposing weight with a gentle touch.

“How can you be so… mmmphh!” Chloe’s voice was muffled by another cupcake forced past her maw.

By now Marie’s ass had caked over both ends of the padded chair she sat on. Along the seams her jeans had torn loose, eager to make room for the ever-expanding mass of cellulite. In some cases, she even eclipsed the size of the bunny girls feeding her.

Two gloved hands lifted her massive gut, while a small, soft hand found its way between the folds of Marie’s FUPA to her crotch. Marie groaned in passive jealousy, grabbing a frosted cupcake to stuff her sorrows away.

“Screw it,” she said, shoving the rest of her small stack of chips to the center.

The bunny girl dealer made the first pass around, and Chloe sighed as a two was placed before her. She hardly had a moment to breathe before a custard eclair was shoved between two plump lips. The bunny girls clearly hadn’t slowed down, even with so much on the line.

The second pass was made. A two and a nine lay before Chloe, with a three showing for the dealer.

Chloe anxiously banged the table as a custard tart drew past her lips. “Hhph mm!”

Another card fell to the table, an eight.

“Yeth!” Chloe squealed between mouthfuls of creamy goodness. In her excitement, she hardly noticed the groans of the dress.

Allowing another cupcake to be shoved down her gullet, Chloe eagerly watched the dealer's cards.

The face-down card was turned, a queen.

Chloe greedily took another treat, accepting a wet kiss to be placed on her puffy cheeks in tandem.

An ace turned…

The seams of the dress creaked

A two…

Chloe clutched her gut from below, helplessly trying to offer some support. Her stomach gurgled as she thickened once more.

The dealer held up the final card, pausing… with a teasing smile she turned over a five.

Chloe’s heart sank. She had lost. She had lost everything. Her dress ached and moaned in mutual pain. With tears beginning to form in her eyes, she looked at the bunny girl dealer seeking some condolence.

The girl let out a giggle from behind a gloved hand. Slowly, she lifted what must have been 280 lbs upon the table. Her hips shifted with every movement as she crawled seductively towards Chloe. Her pink eyes set on her lips.

Inches away from one another, Chloe lay immobile to the bunny girl’s seductive acts. The pain of the aching fabric held her in place, any movement threatened to split a seam. Helpless she could only watch as two wet lips approached her own, and in a mere touch, everything left her mind but a simple bliss.

A finger pressed into her sternum, adding new pounds to her cleavage in an instant.

And the dress fell loose…
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 9 months
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CarpyFA 8 months
Please continue this smiley
Ssaylleb 9 months
Enjoying this, very sexy!
Jazzman 9 months
We can only " like" one time. I would suggest leave a comment for additional chapters. Just a thought. Nice story btw.
CarpyFA 9 months
Keep up the great work!!
Big Chief 10 months
Fantastic story! Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Mattnagle 11 months
Loving this story.😁
Cheaper300 11 months
Enjoying the setup to the story here!
Nickp72 11 months
Bring on the weight gain stuff already
Davis343 11 months
As always, thank you for your support! Feedback and suggestions are welcome!