Life in the fastfood lane - charlie gillespie

Chapter 2 - Growing Attention

Charlie's body continued to change, growing bulkier as he tried to build muscle in addition to the extra fat he was carrying. He found himself in a constant battle between his desires and the expectations of his acting career. His physique continued to evolve, with a combination of muscle and fat that made for an imposing and unique appearance.

His once-flat stomach now sported a prominent, jiggly belly, while his muscular arms and pecs had grown even more massive due to his new workout routine. Charlie had gained a significant amount of weight, and his once chiseled abs had been replaced by a rounder belly.

As he took off his shirt during a scene on set, his belly jiggled, catching everyone's attention, including his castmate Owen. It was a dramatic difference from when they originally had practiced the scene during the pilot a month ago.

Charlie's appearance overall had evolved dramatically. His once rock-hard abs faded, replaced by a round, jiggly belly. The ex-jock had transformed into a handsome, fuller version of himself, and both he and Owen found the change to be incredibly appealing.

Owen approached Charlie, curiosity and amusement dancing in his eyes. "What happened to you, man?" he asked, not unkindly.

Charlie laughed and replied, "I discovered In-N-Out, and it's been a game-changer."

Owen, feeling adventurous and attracted to Charlie's new look, suggests they have some fun with it. Owen couldn't help but flirt a little, "Well, I think this new look suits you."

Intrigued, Charlie asked if Owen would like to help him with his new "project." Owen agreed, and they made plans to meet at Charlie's trailer after the scene wrapped up.

When Owen arrives, he finds Charlie indulging in a box of a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts, chocolate smeared all over his face. Owen can't help but feel turned on at the sight of Charlie eating so enthusiastically, his face flushed with excitement. Charlie notices Owen's reaction and playfully offers him a donut, teasing him that if Owen won't feed him, he'll just have to do it himself.

Owen spots Charlie's workout bag and asks him what's inside, considering he doesn't seem to work out as much anymore. Charlie, pretending to be insulted, lifts his tank top to reveal his round belly and asks if Owen thinks he doesn't work out or have abs anymore. Charlie then jiggles his belly, revealing the truth about his current physical state.

Feigning offense, Charlie lifted his tank top, revealing his round belly. "What do you mean? Don't you think I still work out? Can't you see my abs?" he joked, jiggling his belly for emphasis.

Owen smirks and retrieves a pair of gym shorts and a tank top from Charlie's workout bag. These clothes would have fit Charlie 30 pounds ago, but now they are much too small. The clothing was clearly too small for Charlie now, but he held them up anyway, playfully daring him to try them on. He then took out a jar of weight gain powder and asked, "What's this for? Gaining muscle or fat?"

Charlie grinned, a twinkle in his eye, and replied flirtatiously, "Both."

Feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity, Owen challenges Charlie to try on his old workout clothes. Charlie obliges, squeezing himself into the skin-tight shorts and struggling to pull the tank top over his now-massive frame. When he emerges from the bathroom, his fat, muscular ass is accentuated by the tight shorts, and his tank top rides up his belly, unable to contain his newfound girth.

His muscular arms bulge out from the sides of the tank top, and his pecs jut out above his round belly. Charlie looks absolutely enormous in the overly tight clothes, and Owen can barely contain himself. He feels an intense desire to touch Charlie, to feel the contrast between his soft rolls, overgrown muscles, and ample ass.

Charlie grabbed Owen's hand and asked him to massage and rub his softening belly. Owen, always up for an adventure, agreed to help Charlie indulge in his desires.

Owen prepared a weight gain shake using the powder and two tubs of ice cream. The concoction was thick and rich, perfect for Charlie's quest to add more weight to his already changed body. Owen found a beer funnel and began pouring the shake into Charlie's eager mouth. They both felt a sense of excitement and anticipation as Charlie guzzled down the shake.

As Charlie consumed the shake, his belly grew more bloated, straining against the waistband of his too-tight shorts. Owen, intrigued by the contrast between Charlie's belly and his own toned abs, removed his shirt to compare their physiques. The sight of Owen's muscular body next to Charlie's softer, rounder figure heightened the intensity of the moment.

Unable to resist the attraction between them, Charlie and Owen shared a passionate kiss, their hands exploring each other's bodies. Owen found himself drawn to Charlie's belly, gently caressing and admiring the soft roundness he had helped create.

A month later, Owen and Charlie could be seen at the beach making their debut as a couple, as well as Charlie's debut showing off his new beach bod. Headlines were sure to make a fuss over the heart throb's sudden and rapid weight gain.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 11 months
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