Hot student being hot teacher

  By Ao01

Chapter 3 - End of the Term

She was beginning to feel the lack of exercise almost every day. Her ass tightening on each of her pants restricted her movement. The food she ate made her lazy, and her lack of exercise made her weak. Kate thought that after finishing the term, she would throw the weight off her body in the summer and start the new era with her old form. However, this was a delay.

After a week with salad, Kate ate her salad at lunchtime again, but she was very tired and couldn't find anything to eat because she got up late in the morning, and she tried to make up for it with cookies. While the cookies were a calorie-packed quick fix, the salad didn't help either. Kate stood up lazily and made her way to the cafeteria as the slight sway of her hips from her pants caught the eye of the other teachers.

Claudia: She's really starting to fall out of shape now. Did you see how her hip swayed?

Other teachers also agreed. Kate went to the canteen and the following words came out of her mouth:

"Can I have 2 hotdogs and a Sprite"

The former athletic teacher Kate now impatiently awaits her hotdog, deeming standing still a waste of time. She cleaned her order as soon as it came. Anyone who saw Kate eating her food quickly would have noticed that a double chin was beginning to form on her.

While Kate was eating, the end of lunch rang and she finished the soda by popping a large bite into her mouth. Kate, who started to climb the stairs quickly, was tired immediately.

It had been nearly 2 weeks since she realized that her clothes didn't fit, but Kate was too lazy to go to the mall. She would eat the food she ordered from outside in her house and lie on her sofa.

But after a while, she was unaware that the clothes she's wearing now wouldn't happen to her.

Two more weeks passed and it was March. Kate still continued to prefer a more comfortable outfit than her clothing preference by wearing pants and tops. Was the outfit perfectly comfortable? No, it wasn't, as Kate continued to gain weight, her hips had gotten a little bigger, and this size was now enough to restrict her walking.

Claudia: Spring has come and the weather is very nice now. Only one model is missing from our room. Don't you think so, Kate?
Kate: Yes, you're right. I thought about wearing it today too, but I was late and had to leave the house in a hurry.
Claudia: So tomorrow is the day you show off your gorgeous curves, right?
Kate: You can be sure of that.

But Kate wasn't sure, she had overeat snacked long after thinking about it throughout the day and her focus wasn't there.

She went straight to the shopping center on the way out. Exhausted, Kate became even more exhausted by trying on clothes. She took some sexy dresses and went home. She used to buy 1 size lower than her normal size, but the one they bought now was 1 size larger than her normal size. In other words, there was a 2-body development.

Kate went to school the next day in her hot pink dress. Although she was 2 sizes larger, the areas where she gained weight could be understood. However, the weight she gained only made Kate's physique incredible. The developed love handles made the hourglass figure perfect, also her breasts and buttocks gave a very beautiful impression.

Kate thought she should lose weight, or at least stay at that weight, but she couldn't escape, even though she tried to avoid harmful things. Snacks, meals and laziness increased towards the end of the term because classes had decreased. Since there were no students, there were no classes, and teachers often waited for the time to run out.

The absence of grades, exams, and lectures had completely immobilized Kate. She didn't seem to move, except when she was going to the canteen. She used to do her shopping in bulk when she went to the canteen.

While the snacks continued, she increased the snacking with the absence of classes. The snacks eaten while typing notes at the computer were trying to shake her physique. Along with this, cold caloric drinks were added with the warming air. She drank almost every day.

When so many calories were added to such a sedentary period, this period was a period in which she gained weight rapidly.

The dresses she bought were starting to feel tight for her, they didn't fit like they used to, she. While sitting in front of the computer, the bowl development of her lower abdomen did not go unnoticed by the teachers. It continued to thicken and soften. Of course, her waist had also expanded, but her stomach still looked flat. But there was one bad thing, her face was really plump and when she laughed you could easily see a double chin.

The teachers were very happy with Kate's gluttony during this period. The teacher who had been fit when she first arrived had now turned into the sexy fishy teacher who was snacking lazily in the teachers' lounge. In fact, she was about to lose this role as well. If she gained a little more weight, she would only be chubby.

Throughout this period, the Teachers' room was never empty. The teachers took her outside to get some air. Kate was there even when no one else was there. In fact, it was just too hot for her to loosen herself up and lie on the couch and continue snacking while she was alone. Kate would take off her heels and the belt of her dress and lie on the sofa with her snacks. The bowl she had developed on her stomach would be more clearly visible as Kate took off her dress belt and lay down on the sofa. Teachers would sometimes watch her lie down on the sofa through the doorway and comment on the thickness of her body.

Emma: She's a lazy pig now. How did it become more snack places than us?
Claudia: She brought out the beast within. I love looking at your developing belly.
Emma: Well, the chubbiness on her face and the developing double chin, have you noticed them?
Claudia: Absolutely. She must have gained more than 20 lbs.
Emma: Can she lose weight during summer vacation?
Claudia: The transition from sportiness to laziness is easy, but on the contrary, it is very difficult. Even if she tries, I'm sure she'll give up after a while.

School was over and the summer term was starting. For Kate, it was the era of bikinis and sports. Maybe it was just the sports era? Or just stuck in the house out of shame and keep snacking?

Kate ordered new gym equipment, knowing that gym clothes wouldn't match anymore. They seemed a little tight because she said it according to her old body.

Kate stepped onto the scales to monitor her condition.

146.3 lbs

Kate was shocked that she had gained so much weight in just 1 school year. She had many ways to go.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 11 months , updated 10 months
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FrejaDawn 10 months
Really great concept! Might I recommend using grammerly on chat gpt to touch up on the grammar/typos, it was quite hard to read
Patotonto 10 months
great work, hope to see you continue
Nickp72 11 months
Love the first 3 chapters, great work!
Ao01 11 months
Thanks. I'm always open to suggestions.